Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #2

Writer: Zack Whedon Artist: Karl Story, Georges Jeanty Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: February 26, 2014 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 5
8.2Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

Forced out of hiding, Serenity's crew gets separated, and it becomes clear that everyone looking for the outlaws is on the verge of finding them. River offers to uncover the secrets that are hidden within her in the hope that the crew might have something to bargain with.

  • 9.0
    The Rhodes Review - Stephen W Rhodes Mar 5, 2014

    Serenity: Leaves on the Wind #2is just what I was hoping for after that first issue. As I mentioned, the first issue was a little slow, but it had to be. But with only six issues in this mini-series, this issue really had to put the plot into motion fast, and it did. It's filled with tons of action and great dialogue. Just like in the first issue, this issue's writing is true to the series. I love that. These are definitely the same characters that I loved in Firefly and Serenity. Like I said last time, all “Browncoats” should be reading this mini-series! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Feb 26, 2014

    In only the second issue, Serenity has really laid the foundation of where things can and will go from here. Fans should be very pleased that this story is going in a way that you would have expected if it were any continuation from the series. The potential is there and things have been set in place having the knowledge to handle these characters. The end of this issue will have you looking for more if not because you know exactly how things went the last time they found themselves in this situation. One which they had the one person at their disposal to save them unsuspectingly. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Nick Nafpliotis Feb 26, 2014

    While the last issue may have arguably benefited from the "HOLY CRAP NEW FIREFLY UNIVERSE STUFF!" factor, this one provided plenty of reassurance that we're in for a fantastic new story, as well. On equal footing with the excellent plot are the characters themselves. Zack Whedon's dialogue for Captain Mal Reynolds is so spot on that I can actually hear it being said in Nathan Fillion's voice (which despite being a heterosexual male, causes me to feel strangely giddy). Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Michael Moccio Feb 27, 2014

    Georges Jeanty continues to be a major player for big titles at Dark Horse, and his art remains sharp in this Whedon adaptation. Working with characters that look like real life counterparts can be difficult, but Jeanty takes the challenge in stride and succeeds"it helps that he's had experience before with Buffy. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Ben Silverio Mar 2, 2014

    Finally, it's really cool to see how far River has come along in the mythology of 'Firefly'. After the events of Miranda, she has really come to embrace her past, even the less than favorable bits, and now uses her past troubles to her advantage. But with the arrival of Jubal Early on the ship, this new character development may be short lived, but that's one of the most exciting parts of this series. I can't wait for the next issue to see the bounty hunter get back to his old tricks and to see how Bea assimilates into the crew. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Hyper Geeky - mcknight57 Mar 4, 2014

    I wish every adaptation or spinoff could be as seamless as this series has been. At every turn, I fall deeper into it, as I did with Firefly and then Serenity. If I manage to go down further into the black, I won't be coming back. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Meylikhov and Colin Bell Mar 3, 2014

    Jeanty is given the 'Verse to play in and redefine, and even though there's still a lot of areas in the book that are dominated by negative space, the parts where he really stretches his wings and tries something new have major pay-offs visually. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Joey Caswell Feb 26, 2014

    This creative team have definitely done right by the source material so far. Leaves on the Wind #2 was exciting, emotional, and moved the story forward in a number of interesting ways. Whether or not youre a fan of Firefly, this is a really fun book with a great story. Get on board the good ship Serenity! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Ashley Victoria Robinson Mar 3, 2014

    If you like Whedon tales and are a fan of the Firefly universe Serenity: Leaves on the Wind #2 is a great comic book issue. It picks up with the logical chain of events following the film Serenity and executes the story with a familiar narrative structure. If you are unfamiliar with this particular fandom, however, I would not recommend this issue as a hopping on point, but something to come back and revisit at a later date. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Mar 6, 2014

    Jayne swapping places with Zoe means we're still without a full crew, and River‘s choice to put herself in a medically-induced coma to find more information like Miranda which can be uses as leverage against the Alliance proves the young woman‘s timing hasn't improved as it leaves her defenseless, and the ship down another crew member, when Jubal Early catches up with Serenity once more. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Culture Mass - K.M. Cone Dec 31, 1969

    I really wish I could have seen this issue on television. I don't know how I feel about Jayne's storyline, but the rest of it is the perfect mix of gritty, intense, and thrilling heroics. Eagerly awaiting issue #3! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Feb 28, 2014

    "Serenity: Leaves on the Wind" #2 feels like a comic that is delivering to its fans exactly what they need. If you'd tried the "Serenity" comics before and found them not to your liking, come back for one more try. I think you'll find this is probably more up your alley. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Front Towards Gamer - Lido Feb 24, 2014

    So I wasn't a huge fan of Serenity: Leaves on the Wind issue 2, but as I said, it was in no way terrible, and there's a decent chance that (if you're already a big fan of the show or movie and just want more of it), this will probably suffice. But coming at this from the perspective of an outsider to the series as a whole, this definitely felt like a step backwards for Serenity: Leaves on the Wind in focus and characterization. Though there was still enough to be found to keep me curious and engaged for next week, it was not as much as I would've liked. Still giving it a recommendation" just not a very passionate recommendation. Read Full Review

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