Sex Criminals #2

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Chip Zdarsky Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: October 23, 2013 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 22
8.8Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

So who's the boy with the same sexy-time time-stopping gifts as Suzie? Meet John, who until last night thought he could freeze time with his junk. At long last not alone, what kind of horny hijinx will he and Suzie get up to together? What ANY of us would do if having sex stopped the whole world: We'd do crimes.

  • 10
    CHUD - D.S. Randlett Oct 25, 2013

    Sex Criminals is hilarious, but more than that it is intelligent and honest. Much has been made of the fourth wall breaking in this title, but it serves the goals of the story much like the narration in Wong Kar Wai's Chungking Express. Instead of feeling like a gimmick or an easy way to spin jokes, it serves as a means to let the book commiserate with the reader's own experience. While the adults only tag certainly applies to the content on a surface level, it's also an expression of intent on the part of Sex Criminals. This is a book for adults and what they feel, a book about memory and the parts of us that, once awakened, can never rest. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Oct 28, 2013

    The introduction of the external threat in this issue reminds me that there's a mystery at the heart of this book, something that has put Jon and Suzie on the path to criminality, and a game-changing realization that our power couple aren't the only ones who can bend time. Still, all of that takes a backseat to the wonderful interplay of character between Jon and Suzie, as well as the embarrasing, yet hilarious tale of Jon's earliest adventures. (There's a Family Circus joke in here that left me laughing out loud...) Sex Criminals #2 is phenomenal work, easily as good as the excellent #1 issue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Unleash The Fanboy - Max Delgado Oct 22, 2013

    Sex Criminals #2 is a home run. And only promises to get better. Go grab this thing today. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Oct 22, 2013

    Is Sex Criminals the perfect comic book? We may never know, but it is the finest duo of opening issues I have read in my seven years of comic book reading. Here’s to Fraction and Zdarsky for their career defining work. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Jeff Butler Oct 25, 2013

    It's a book I'd love to hear a female perspective on, the male story of the second issue probably more than a little biographical in some parts for its writer. While the world of comic culture finds itself embroiled in debate over gender in comics and on the convention floor, here is a comic that is concerned with gender, is sexually aware, and above all, is deeply human. It's unlikely to start any dialogues in the Batman and Deadpool crowd, but it should. I may not know how Fraction plans to make a whole series out of this, but I can't wait to find out and hopefully soon you will too. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    IGN - Melissa Grey Oct 23, 2013

    Zdarsky's art is every bit as playful and charming as the script, though he does manage to imbue our mysterious, monochromatic villains with a uniquely menacing tone. The soft swirls surrounding the pair of temporally gifted lovers add a hint of fantasy to an otherwise emotionally realistic drama. While there is a superpowered heist in the works, Sex Criminals doesn't read like speculative fiction. At its heart -- at least in the past two issues -- it's a coming of age story (no pun intended, but we're going to roll with it), and one that's so addictive, you'll find yourself staring at the last page in horror when you realize you'll have to wait another month to find out what happens next. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Multiversity Comics - David Henderson Oct 25, 2013

    What we have here is the perfect combination of two creators at the top of their game who are in complete synergy with one another creating a comic book that totally bucks the trend. “Sex Criminals” is so sexually frank without a hint of immaturity, bringing laughs by exposing the real truth: sex is actually rather ridiculous. At that heart of it all, though, is an examination into love and human connection and what could be real faade in how we perceive sex. With two issues this strong, this series is destined for great things that are already being teased in the pages of this comic, creating mysteries that promise to expand and already wonderful mythology. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Oct 23, 2013

    Once again the art here by Chip Zdarsky is wonderful. I love what he does in the scenes where time is stopped. You really see that time is stopped but there is still action going on and it looks good. The use of colors is brilliant in my opinion. I also love that in all this color the antagonists are wearing all white. It feels right against all those colors. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Following The Nerd - Spin Dash Oct 24, 2013

    Matt Fraction has not dipped in quality from issue #1 to issue #2. He has kept the humor and fantasy of this book and the breaking of the 4th wall that I found one of the best parts of the first outing. He has something up his sleeve for this series and I can't wait to see what it is. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Jimbus_Christ Oct 23, 2013

    Sex Criminals continues to be a modern classic. The candid look at sexuality combined with razor sharp dialogue and impeccable art make every single page an absolute joy to read. Youll never feel dirty as you pound through the book, but you may find yourself adjusting your pants a few times. This is tantalizing stuff. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    The MacGuffin - Matt LeMaire Oct 22, 2013

    Overall, SEX CRIMINALS #2 picks up right where issue #1 left off, giving us Jon's backstory and filling in just a little bit of the main storyline. But what really makes this book work is that Fraction and Zdarksy wisely focus on the relatable, real, and often-hilarious relationship between two people with some wacky powers–Jon and Suzie–and that same incredible sense of discovery, confusion and pleasure that follows along with them, just like we experienced so long ago. That's why Sex Criminals works, and why you should be reading it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Ben Silverio Oct 26, 2013

    'Sex Criminals' is definitely a departure from the usual comics that inhabit my pull list, but I'm glad that I took the chance and checked it out. I mean, it couldn't have been a huge risk considering how good Fraction is, but still. I'm glad that this issue turned out as good as it is. This book just further proves that the writer is one of the best in the business right now. I might even go so far as to say that Matt Fraction is one of the best writers working in entertainment today. With that said, it's a no brainer that I'll be picking up issue three. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Flip Geeks - Nicolo Parungo Oct 28, 2013

    The second issue of Sex Criminals is a bit lacking, but still continues to be a fun comic book with plenty of humour and great art. The lack of drama that was presented in Suzie's story disappointed me although I can see why one would find it an improvement over the previous issue; it just didn't impress me I suppose. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GoCollect - @Tom_Kray Dec 13, 2013

    This is solid follow-up to issue one, though not as funny overall as the first, there is still plenty of humor in the book. This issue moves past the novelty of the books concept and establishes that Sex Criminals is going to be about character above all else. If you liked issue one, issue two isnt going to disappoint. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Oct 23, 2013

    I think there are enough interesting elements within this series to continue seeing how the different narrative threads will play out. Certainly, it's not a comic for everyone; yet, readers who are looking for an adult-themed comic that is still respectful of readers' intelligence compared to some of the other comics published in the past (and even in the present) which use sex merely to titillate the reader and drive sales will find Sex Criminals shaping up to be a welcome change of pace. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Oct 23, 2013

    Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky continue they naughty but funny series. Far from being crude, this issue of SEX CRIMINALS tells the coming of age story of our male lead (the first issue dealt with Suzie's story). There are plenty of humorous moments but also a bigger story lurking behind the shadows. This is not a comic for everyone. It is an entertaining one that is showing some promise for more than just being two people 'doing it.' You'll definitely want to come on board to see where this is going to go. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Oct 25, 2013

    The laughs and character study of "Sex Criminals" #2 are good world-building, but they don't quite justify the dragging out of suspense at this early point. The withholding of information feels like manipulation rather than suspense-building. Overall, though, "Sex Criminals" continues to be a great read for its unique concept and its breezy handling of its themes and characters. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Oct 25, 2013

    Sex Criminals #2 is a much improved product, but not one without flaws. The series seems to still be finding its footing and setting up track for later. Interesting ideas and a tone that's rare in mainstream comics will keep me comic back for a while longer, but I wouldn't blame anyone who can't keep their enthusiasm for the title or decides to trade-wait it. Read Full Review

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