Daredevil #7

Event\Storyline: Original Sin Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Javier Rodriguez Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 20, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 31
8.4Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

•  The man without fear braves the wilds of Wakanda!
•  And the truth behind Matt's mother's greatest sin is finally revealed.

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Aug 20, 2014

    This issue has its flaws, but it doesnt let those override what is an amazing second half. And while the first half may falter, it falters beautifully with some great visuals and choreography and impressive action. Ultimately, though, the issue comes together when Waid gives us a twist on Matt thought he saw and takes the characters in a completely new, mostly unexplored, direction. Its a difficult thing to answer questions THIS long-standing, but this issue manages to not only accomplish it, but make it well worth reading as an addition to Daredevils canon. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Aug 24, 2014

    With a great grasp of character, perfectly steeped in Marvel's rich history, and loaded with clever plot twists and turns, this continues to be an exceptional series. You really should be buying it. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl Aug 22, 2014

    Fans of the series may also have noticed that Chris Samnee isn't on art duties for this issue. Of course, this is a bummer, but guest artist Alvaro Lopez does a great job nonetheless. He has a style that has a lot of similarities to that of Chris Samnee, though it isn't exactly the same. Thanks to the rest of the art team staying the same, Lopez' work doesn't feel out of place at all. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Jim Bush Sep 6, 2014

    Still, thats a pretty small complaint on an otherwise excellent, short story arc. Its really interesting when creators are able to add to a long-standing characters backstory in a way that is respectful to previous creators and their stories while still adding something significant and true to the character. Its not easy, and Waid and Rodriguez manage it with Sister Maggies story in Daredevil #7. Id guess that Murdock will soon become involved in long stories again, but the short ones have been very enjoyable. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Infinite Comix - Dan Gehen Aug 22, 2014

    Though many of the tie-ins to Original Sin have been somewhat of a mixed bag, Waid is manages to wrap his up with a strong, emotional punch. In becoming the longest-running creator on a Daredevil series (dating back to the previous volume), Waid has demonstrated many times his intricate knowledge of Matt Murdock's psyche. Given the personal tragedies he has suffered and quippy dialogue, it is easy for casual readers or those unfamiliar to think of Daredevil as a second-rate Spider-man. However, Waid's pen delivers moments, such as in the issue's closing pages, filled with intense, emotional weight that allow Murdock's character to fully shine through. The setup of the previous issue pays huge dividends in a manner that will force many readers to hold back tears.Daredevil may be one of the most fun superhero titles on shelves today, but strong finishes such as this arewhat raisesit into a class unto itself. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Aug 21, 2014

    Lastly, but seen first, is Chris Samnee and Rodriguez' dense and colorful cover that shows a decidedly unintimidated Daredevil with his back to a spear-ridden bullseye; no, not that Bullseye. The comical touch of a skull atop the target, in turn topped off by a large red apple, is a kind of avatar that forecasts the serious yet happy-go-lucky feel of the story. "Daredevil" #7 may have the distinction of being an "Original Sin" tie-in, but it would still otherwise be another incredible issue of the series. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    IGN - Mike Logsdon Aug 21, 2014

    Storytellers Mark Waid and Javier Rodriguez bring on the second and concluding chapter of this Original Sin tie-in with an issue that is surprisingly emotional, beautiful, and satisfying. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Aug 26, 2014

    Waid and Rodriguez more than make the most of a tie-in; they use it to their advantage. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Latest Pull - Gunner Lahaise Aug 24, 2014

    This is such a fun book, with some shocking revelations that will change things for the man without fear. If you have been collecting this series from the beginning you won't be disappointed. If you are reading the Original Sin event and want to check out some of the tie in issues, then this is one you should definitely pick up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho Aug 20, 2014

    These two tie-in issue have actually been very good, which shouldnt be too surprising with Waid and Lopez behind it. Daredevil is a legitimately fantastic series that has flown under the radar for too long. Take note of this series now before you get too far behind. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Jason Inman Aug 25, 2014

    Daredevil #7 is the perfect mix of a Daredevil book. We have the out of the world superheroics which seem to be the course of the Marvel Now Daredevil book. We also have the small dramatic real world scenes that were the hallmark of Daredevil books of the past. Combine the two and you get a solid issue. If you are any kind of a fan of ol' hornhead, you owe it to yourself to pick up this book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Aug 25, 2014

    Waid’s double-bluff in this issue gives resolution to the deceptive retcon of the previous issue, a trick he has pulled on more than one occasion in the past. Here it is even more effective, as Waid plays with our expectations to create something that adds something to the Daredevil canon, without sidelining the important message about postpartum depression. If it sometimes comes off as heavy-handed or wraps up to conveniently, it never feels like it diminishes the ultimate message of the arc. In the words of Matt Murdoch himself, “We should all fail so tragically.” Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Aug 21, 2014

    A great fight scene just can't overcome some wrongheaded plotting for Daredevil #7, which undoes this series' Original Sin tie-in almost as quickly as it began. Read Full Review

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