Gunner Lahaise's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Latest Pull Reviews: 21
6.8Avg. Review Rating

All-New X-Men #30

Aug 14, 2014

Even with some of the dialogue concerns, this is an all around solid issue. I couldn't really put this in the cons, as most x-readers know the x-books crossover a lot, but this issue does crossover with Uncanny X-Men #24 and #25. With so many books heading the direction of dark and edgy, this series continues to bring the laughs. The art is bright and detailed, and really draws you into the story.

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All-New X-Men #32

Sep 20, 2014

This issue is a big, giant YAWN! What an original idea to make our team who was time-displaced,and make themdimension-displaced. Let's just retitle this series All-New Exiles and be done with it.For 30 issues this wasone of the strongest X-titles Marvel has been releasing. I hope this story arch is just a hiccup for Bendis, because I know he is capable of so much more. If this is the new direction for the team I'm not certain this book will survive. If you are a hardcore X-fan then you might find this book a bit of a let down.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #1

Oct 9, 2014

I do believe the Marvel Universe needed some shaking up. Things were getting so stale, and just not very interesting. I haven't been engaged by the X-books in a while. That being said, I don't think this was the event we needed. There isn't very much originality to the story. Also, with how much this feels more like a mid-event chapter than a first chapter, how is the rest of the story going to pull us in and keep our interest? I really hope this isn't like Brian Michael Bendis's “Battle of the Atom” where very little happened in the first three quarters of the crossover event. I guess we will have to keep reading to find out " I just wish the issue left me craving for more. Ultimately the art isn't amazing, and Remender's writing has some faults, but the issue is fast paced and entertaining. I just hope that, by the end, more questions are answered, and I'm not left asking myself "Why did I wait in line for this roller coaster?"

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #2

Oct 16, 2014

This roller-coaster is not fun and I would really like off this ride. As much as they say this event was setup back in 2012, it feels more like it was just slapped together last minute. So much of it feels unfinished and rushed that I just can't really get into it. There are characters in the story that I can't understand the reason for including. What do they have to do to offer other than die or just add comic relief? If this is the quality of major events Marvel is going to deliver several times a year then I'd rather go without. If you're invested in this story or just plain curious then check it out, but don't have too high of expectations. This ride is only 20% done, there is lots of time for things to get more exciting, but based off of the first two chapters, I'm expecting a kiddie ride more than an actual roller-coaster.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #3

Oct 24, 2014

I don't really know what to think of this event " I want to like it, I really do but it just seems like it was rushed and delivered to us unpolished. This chapter again has nothing but action and awful jokes that seems to take us nowhere. The Avengers and X-Men are at odds with each other yet again, big surprise. With so much of this story being filler, and lots of rehashed events, my interest just isn't there anymore. It should not take three chapters for a Major event to finally get rolling, and I'm not even sure it is, yet. At least we have some new art to enjoy, even if it is only for two chapters.

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Avengers & X-Men: Axis #5

Nov 14, 2014

I really am not looking forward to four more chapters of this event. I keep hoping it will get better and I get let down each time, with this chapter being the worst of them all. The writing is so clich and the constant changing of artists seems sloppy and rushed. As much as I would like to know the point of this event, Remender isn't keeping my interest. I would definitely say pass on this event, even if you've gotten this far. This chapter is a clear representation of what's to come and we deserve better than this!

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Axis: Carnage #1

Oct 30, 2014

From an event that has been such a disappointment, it is refreshing to see part of the story be so engaging and fun. Carnage has always been a very popular character, being ranked in 2009 IGN's 90th greatest comic book villain of all time. It's great to see Rick Spears give him a miniseries definitely worth reading. There are some great one liners in this series, and I looking forward to seeing more of Carnage's path to become a great hero. Hopefully the success of this miniseries will rub off on the main event it ties into.

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Black Widow (2014) #10

Sep 5, 2014

This issue is so full of action and adventure. Natasha's past is coming back to haunt her, and Isaiah is caught in the middle. I'm so excited to see what else Edmondsom and Noto have in store for The Black Widow. I'm hoping we will see more of Hawkeye, and maybe some of his crazy antics. This is the best series that Marvel is releasing and if you haven't picked it up yet, go now, run and get it!

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Black Widow (2014) #11

Oct 3, 2014

Overall this issue hits it out of the park like the previous 10 issues. Black Widow is one of the most intriguing characters from Marvel, and Edmondson knows exactly how to write her. This issue may have been almost all action, but you also got to see some new sides to Natasha's personality. This is not your run of the mill hero book, go pick it up you won't be disappointed.

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Black Widow (2014) #14

Jan 26, 2015

If you're not reading this series then we can't be friends. This is honestly one of the best series out, which is refreshing as so many have been huge let downs. With Secret Wars coming out, I really hope Natasha makes it through. They're talking that with some characters not going to make it through the event, their respective creative teams know they could be moved to new books. Edmondson and Noto are the Black Widow dream team and I'd hate to lose either of them. Guess we will just have to wait and see, but pick up all the Black Widow you can until then!

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Daredevil (2014) #7

Aug 24, 2014

This is such a fun book, with some shocking revelations that will change things for the man without fear. If you have been collecting this series from the beginning you won't be disappointed. If you are reading the Original Sin event and want to check out some of the tie in issues, then this is one you should definitely pick up.

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Daredevil (2014) #11

Dec 29, 2014

Overall this issue is outstanding and shouldn't be missed. There is comedy, drama, loss, and action jammed into this issue. Daredevil is easily one of the best series on the market. This series is so well written you can pick any spot as a jumping on point and you wouldn't be lost. I can't recommend Daredevil enough, go buy it!

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Deathlok (2014) #1

Oct 30, 2014

This is what you hope for from a first issue. Nathan Edmondson is such an incredible writer, and continues to be paired with artists that completely understand their characters and the tone Edmondson is trying to deliver and the result is a series that is bound to be one that you shouldn't miss. If you pick up anything this week, go pick up Deathlok! I hope to see a Black Widow, Punisher and Deathlok crossover in the future, and I bet it will be wicked!

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Elektra (2014) #5

Aug 24, 2014

The first arc in the series has come to a close, and it's been an incredible ride. Everything may not have been explained, but this is an issue as well as series that should not be missed. The art alone is worth picking this one up. It is so beautifully detailed, and the colors compliment it really well. Blackman manages to deliver an incredible climax, leaving you excited to know what comes next. Things are just going to get harder for Elektra, and I can't wait to see where the story goes from here.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #24

Feb 14, 2015

Not a fan of crossovers? Not sure if you should invest in any series with the looming "Secret Wars" approaching? Well this is a crossover you should not be missing. It has been years since we have had an event or crossover this good. This chapter especially reveals more of what the Black Vortex is and what it can do. I seriously urge you to add this to your pull list, you won't be disappointed. This crossover also highlights the creative teams and is a great introduction to then continue following their incredible series.

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Legendary Star-Lord #9

Feb 20, 2015

I was really excited for this crossover. It was shaping up to finally be one of quality that we deserved. This chapter is showing some classic Marvel mistakes, and makes me worry that, like many crossovers before, it starts strong but is too long and drawn out, and will lose steam before any payoff can be delivered. I am hopeful as there are some great reasons to keep reading. As much as this chapter was not as great as the previous two, I recommend giving this crossover a chance for a bit longer.

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Star Wars (2014) #1

Jan 17, 2015

I found myself with a lot of questions about what actually is going on in this story. Also wanting to watch the movies again so I can figure out where exactly this story fits into the big scheme of things. I guess that's a good thing on Aaron's part making you want to refresh your memory and enjoy the films again. If you are a Star Wars fan you will probably enjoy this series, and even if you are not a big fan there is something here to enjoy for you too. The Star Wars universe is about to expand with more movies, and more comics including Darth Vader #01, and Princess Leia #01. This is a first issue and it wasn't all bad. There is time for it to pick up and really deliver what fans really want to see from a Star Wars Title.

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Storm #3

Sep 26, 2014

I wanna like this series, I really do. But Pak is not making this easy. Storm over the past few years just doesn't seem to be herself. This solo series and Storm really need a clear direction or they're just not gonna survive. I can get past horrible art if the writings top notch, but that's just not the case here. Make me care about her! Seriously Pak, Storm is an incredible character who deserves a great series. Also, let's have a story arc of 4 to 6 issues rather than one offs. That way we can really get invested in her and get to know her a bit better. Storm has a lot of potential to have compelling stories, but who's gonna wait around for this series to finally find a direction.

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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1

Jan 8, 2015

So there you have it, the first ever first issue of the very first Unbeatable Squirrel Girl ongoing series. I enjoyed this book so much I can't wait for the next installment. There's so much fun and camp packed in this series they even have more Squirrel Girl commentary at the bottom of each page. I can definitely see an Unbeatable Squirrel Girl animated series that could be developed from this book. With a lot of meh books on the market by Marvel, it's nice to see a new series that is this fun and entertaining.

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Uncanny Avengers Vol. 2 #1

Feb 1, 2015

Remender has in the past proven to deliver great stories, but “Axis” and “Uncanny Avengers Vol. 1 & 2″ suggest he is very much passed his prime. Yes, this feels like it is a set up for “Secret Wars,” the next major event, but I would suggest just reading the highlights in the first issue of “Secret Wars” and passing on this series.

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X-Men (2013) #18

Aug 14, 2014

Pick this one up but it's not going to be your best read of the week. It's fun and entertaining, with some great one liners between the x-ladies. Ultimately, the story is a bit clich, but I have high hopes that Guggenheim will find his niche and deliver a solid story.

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