With the Sorcerer Supreme gone, so too are Earth's magical defenses! Now the rest of Earth's heroes have their hands full with multiple invasions from other dimensions. Some are familiar...but some are new... and frightening! Meet the Three Mothers!
Despite the heaviness that stems from the miniseries central content, The Death of Doctor Strange remains a heartfelt and emotional, and even fun story that takes a turn into magical horror that adds much-needed weight to the story. All aspects of the issue from the story to the artwork are 100% an unabashed loving celebration of Doctor Strange, his world, and the Marvel Universe as a whole both past and present. Read Full Review
The Death of Doctor Strange #2 explores the Sorcerer Supreme's demise and introduces a new trio of magical threats in the process. While the mystery behind Strange's death has yet to be solved, the threat of the Three Mothers has escalated the stakes, and I look forward to seeing their continuing role in the series. Read Full Review
Lee Garbett does great work with the art in the issue. The action is thrilling and visually entertaining, but I love the contrast between the contemporary characters and Stranges classic look. Read Full Review
The Death of Dr. Strange #2 is every bit as good as the first issue. By this point you have to be invested. Jed Mackay has crafted a well written story with characters we know and love. The pencils and colors add to the depth of the tale and help readers enjoy the story. Read Full Review
The Death of Doctor Strange#2 leans into the very clever twist on this new version of Doctor Strange very well. You'll want to see how an old-school character riffs off modern Marvel heroes while soaking up the awe-inducing Three Mothers. It's a superhero story that already feels bold, exciting, and even a little bit haunting. Read Full Review
All things considered, this sophomore outing is paced incredibly fast and makes for a rather light read, though that's not indicative of its quality script and lineart. Read Full Review
Magic? Check. A whos who of Marvels mystical characters? Check. Quips that mostly land? Check. So with a second issue in, MacKay and Garbett have made the deal of Doctor Stranges death a fun ride to go along to. Read Full Review
Death of Doctor Strange #2 is more action-packed than the first issue. That being said considering how much story we got in issue one this issue felt slower in pacing. This "new" Doctor is not quite as experienced and therefore it will be interesting to see where this series goes with that. His interactions with the other characters are great and I hope that gets explored more. Read Full Review
YAY!! As a longtime Doctor Strange fan, I LOVED seeing some of the returning characters here! Tiboro, Aggamion, and DEFINITELY Clea and Umar!! Always love strong female sorceresses. With the 1962 Doctor Strange, I thoroughly enjoy his "lickspittle" and "Zounds" comments thought it is hard to see him not recognize everyone present.
Artwork is Always incredible. McKay is AWESOME with Black Cat and Moonknight. Am eager to see more. The three mothers are gross, vicious and disgusting as they should be. With Umar and Clea around we do not need any more, dare I say it?, "sexy" sorceresses. Definitely a ten here.
Picking up right where the last issue left off and never letting up, The Death of Strange #2 continues with great storytelling, superb pacing, and amazing artwork (I will never run out of praise for Lee Garbett). Whenever I’m thoroughly enjoying a comic, I feel like I reach the end and don’t even realize it - while also feeling like I didn’t get enough because of how much I’m loving the story. This is exactly what happened this issue, but at the same time I think we do get a lot of information. We were introduced to the Three Mothers who have been teased since the beginning of the event, we were given background on why the younger Doctor Strange appeared (genius by the way and a super fun idea), and we learned what has been happeninmore
The cover isn't really accurate to the comic but it sets the tone and it looks absolutely magical. 1.5/2 The art was great with the three mothers and the magical effects. 2/2 The quippy one-liners and Doctor Strange's speaking like in the 60s comics is funnily refreshing. 2/2 The story is continuing to get more unpredictable and bizarre in the best way possible. 2/2 The characters continue to be great with in character uniqueness that makes most characters stand out, yet it is still a little less than last issue. 1.5/2
Much better
Really dug the weirdness to this. When I started this, I didn’t know what to expect, and I still don’t. A fun ride I’m very much willing to continue on with.
It's a nicely-crafted issue, but the storytelling skill doesn't quite hide the fact that this is also very exposition-y. The Avengers jobbing irks me, but I am interested in how the plot develops.
It wants to be great, but it's only good. Which doesn't make it bad.
Good issue, but very quick and pretty obvious.
Not bad. Not great. Interesting enough to keep me hooked up for book.
Like others said, it's solid. Not anything bad here, but not anything super good either.
Just a solid second part to this series.
Solid issue, neither great, nor bad
So far, just a fight with random magic villains that I don't recognize. It actually feels like a page is missing in the middle with the way Cap and the Avengers are introduced, like something was left on the cutting room floor or not transitioned to effectively.