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Joined: Sep 02, 2020

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange #4 Jul 30, 2022

Fantastic series! Strange #4 is another triumph for Jed MacKay! Love Black Cat and love Moonknight but Strange, Doctor Strange and Strange Academy always come first. As I was reviewing the latest Marvel comics catalog, I saw a cover for Strange #7 which means the run is NOT finishing with the next issue #5. I hope Clea crushes and destroys the blasphemy cartel and using the Eye of Aggamoto on Wong more

Strange #4

By: Jed MacKay, Marcelo Ferreira
Released: Jul 27, 2022

•  Clea's mother Umar has come to visit, just as the Blasphemy Cartel launch their latest attack on the Sanctum Sanctorum!
•  And this time, they brought an unlikely foe to take down the Sorcerer Supreme!
•  Reintroducing the dark Moon Knight...Shadow Knight!

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange Academy #18 Jul 1, 2022

YAY!! I just bought and read Strange Academy Issue #18. It really was.... Spoiler alert!! Continue reading at your own peril.

A bit of a let down. Of course it had to be that the ring Doyle gave Emily is messing with her mind and gravitating her to guide everyone to a whole new dimension - THE DARK dimension. With all of the rebellious students hiding in Doctor Strange's Sanctu more

Strange Academy #18

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Jul 6, 2022

• Platitudes get thrown around a lot in these pages, but if you've been reading STRANGE ACADEMY, you know we don't mess around. So listen up.
•  Seriously, you do not want to miss this issue that is going to destroy you emotionally and destroy the school beyon...

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange #3 Jun 4, 2022

Strange series is just getting better and better. Clea's final line "My Mother is coming to dinner," has me breathless for the next issue. I have been waiting for Umar to show yp in Strange Academy to maybe check on Doyle's progress. Come to think of it, I am eager to see Clea arrive at Strange Academy to take command and have her chat with Doyle. Of course, McKay and staff always do a splendid jo more

Strange #3

By: Jed MacKay, Marcelo Ferreira
Released: Jun 1, 2022

• Someone is preying on the misery and suffering of New York's citizens.
•  Clea Strange is all too familiar with the demons and monsters that stalk humans.
•  But what happens when it's the humans who are hunting the monsters?

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SinceAge7 reviewed Strange Academy #16 Feb 24, 2022

Typical Marvel/Disney to end a successful run and either replace the current writers/artist or start all over again with a #1 issue and 100 variant covers. Enjoy this while it lasts!!

Strange Academy #16

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Feb 23, 2022

It's school dance time!
•  These events can go great or horribly, but even more so when magic is added to the occasion.
•  Who will ask who? Who will find love? And whose heart will be broken?! Another unforgettable issue is here, and you aren't going to want to miss it!
Rated T

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange Academy #16 Feb 24, 2022

I always enjoy Strange Academy and can only hope they wrap all of the plotlines in the next two issues. Is it really ending after issue #18? The artistry, writing and plot is amazing and fun as always.

It is hard for me to feel sympathy for Calvin. I grew up in Special Ed classes, especially in high school in the early 1980s. Naturally I was surrounded by atypical students and knew all more

Strange Academy #16

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Feb 23, 2022

It's school dance time!
•  These events can go great or horribly, but even more so when magic is added to the occasion.
•  Who will ask who? Who will find love? And whose heart will be broken?! Another unforgettable issue is here, and you aren't going to want to miss it!
Rated T

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I have always loved (lusted) the Enchantress! Artwork was AWESOME. We get a peek at every student, and as always a fulfilling Marvel Plot. I have just one question.

WHO are Howie and Heide? I have never seen them before in previous Strange Academy issues. Are they new students or previously unfeatured students?

The Death of Doctor Strange: Strange Academy Presents #1

By: Skottie Young, Michael Del Mundo
Released: Nov 3, 2021

• Strange Academy is closed until the events surrounding Dr. Strange's death are resolved, so the students go back to their parents!
•  Iric and Alvi's mom happens to be the Enchantress, so you know this isn't going to go smoothly. We're going to learn that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and more than just one realm is in troub...

+ LikeComments (1)
Psycamorean - Nov 8, 2021

They're just newer characters. They were both interviewed by Howard the Duck in issue 11, and I think that was their first appearance.



YAY!! As a longtime Doctor Strange fan, I LOVED seeing some of the returning characters here! Tiboro, Aggamion, and DEFINITELY Clea and Umar!! Always love strong female sorceresses. With the 1962 Doctor Strange, I thoroughly enjoy his "lickspittle" and "Zounds" comments thought it is hard to see him not recognize everyone present.

Artwork is Always incredible. more

The Death of Doctor Strange #2

By: Jed MacKay, Lee Garbett
Released: Oct 20, 2021

With the Sorcerer Supreme gone, so too are Earth's magical defenses! Now the rest of Earth's heroes have their hands full with multiple invasions from other dimensions. Some are familiar...but some are new... and frightening! Meet the Three Mothers!


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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange Academy #12 Oct 4, 2021

I always enjoy Strange Academy. I hope it continues even with the titanic changes in the Doctor Strange saga. Will the 1970 Doc continue with the school? I hope so.

Meanwhile Issue #12 was fun and filled with relatable teenage angst. Calvin was extracated extracated and Dessy showed her true powers! The artwork is always amazing and this mag always has me eager for more. With the first more

Strange Academy #12

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Aug 25, 2021

• The person who shattered Toth is revealed, and it brings the second story arc of STRANGE ACADEMY to a rip-roaring climax!!!
•  Pieces of the Marvel Universe and Doctor Strange's past come back to haunt not Stephen Strange, but the students of The Strange Academy.
•  But that doesn't wash the hands o...

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange Academy #11 Jun 9, 2021

Seeing some of the other reviewers here I do not understand their negativity about Issue #11. It seems an interesting whodunit with Calvin's cloak revealing itself as a symbiote aka like venom etc. The artists, writers, and letterers for the issue was terrific as usual and the next issues are all set up.

Some unenlightened people seem to get their dander up whenever Howard the Duck appe more

Strange Academy #11

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Jun 9, 2021

• It's a murder mystery at Strange Academy, and not the fun kind with the pretend roles.
•  Toth has been shattered and everyone is a suspect.
•  Can the teachers discover Whodunit? Could it be ONE OF THEM?!?!
32 PGS./Rated T+

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dmpalamar1 - Aug 1, 2021

opps! "solving" cases. :)

dmpalamar1 reviewed Black Cat #6 May 12, 2021

GREAT Mag! Great story. I have been a fan of Felicia Hardy for yewars since Spiderman 258 when Petey's symbiote suit webs Felicia to stop her from leaving. I just wish the artists could be brave enough to present distinctive boobs and anatomically correct features. No I am not asking for naked. But the art of Felicia sometimes looks unfinished. Political correctness always wins I know. 9 out of 10 more

Black Cat #6

By: Jed MacKay, Michael Dowling
Released: May 12, 2021

•  Now that the Black Cat and the Black Fox have completed their heist, what does it mean for their standing in NYC?
•  For one thing, Felicia comes face to face with Spider-Man, and if you think he's going to be okay with what she's done, you've got another think coming.
Rated T+

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange Academy #10 May 5, 2021

YAY! Just finished reading Issue #10. Talk about cosmic soap opera.

Spoiler Alert!

The Enchantress really gets around. She is the mother of both Irik and Alvi with a palace guard AND also Ove with Namor the SubMariner. And here I thought Captain Marvel with Doctor Strange was the surprise bomb of the last 30 days.

Interesting pair up with Toth and Shaley. Of course more

Strange Academy #10

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: May 5, 2021

• FIELD TRIP! The students of Strange Academy are off on their first field trip. Hope everyone got their permission slips in!
•  They're off to Alvi & Iric's home-- ASGARD-- where you'll something truly shocking about these twins!
•  Emily hasn't fully recovered from the events of #6... will she find ...

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Psycamorean reviewed Captain Marvel #27 Mar 23, 2021

This was a fun issue, although the ending is really out of left field.

Captain Marvel #27

By: Kelly Thompson, David Lopez
Released: Mar 17, 2021

Carol Danvers is back! Or is she? Devastated by her breakup with Rhodey, Carol can't seem to get back into her groove. Sure, monsters are still getting punched, but things are also getting missed...and boy, oh boy, is she grouchy. Before she can drive them fully insane, Carol's friends stage an intervention that loo...

+ LikeComments (3)
Psycamorean - Mar 30, 2021

Hey, that's good! I like this run overall, so if the ending hooks more readers, that's great.

dmpalamar1 - Mar 30, 2021

Hope you saw my detailed comment. :)

dmpalamar1 liked this:

Captain Marvel
Volume: 11, Issue: 27
“Mistakes Were Made”

Publisher: Marvel @marvel
Writer: Kelly Thompson @1979semifinalist
Artist: David Lopez @davizzzz
Colors: Tríona Farrell
Letters: Clayton Cowles
Cover: Marco Checchetto @mchecc18

After traveling to the future, Carol was saddened to learn that she was not the future mother of Rhod more

Captain Marvel #27

By: Kelly Thompson, David Lopez
Released: Mar 17, 2021

Carol Danvers is back! Or is she? Devastated by her breakup with Rhodey, Carol can't seem to get back into her groove. Sure, monsters are still getting punched, but things are also getting missed...and boy, oh boy, is she grouchy. Before she can drive them fully insane, Carol's friends stage an intervention that loo...

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Captain Marvel #27 Mar 30, 2021

This may sound Strange - pun intended. I am a HUGE Doctor Strange fan and am always looking for good plotlines with him as a guest star in other Marvel titles. It has been a long time since I have followed Captain Marvel and I did enjoy the new movie recently. Captain Marvel #27 got me hooked on the run and I have added this to my "pull list." The artwork, coloring, lettering and all the images ar more

Captain Marvel #27

By: Kelly Thompson, David Lopez
Released: Mar 17, 2021

Carol Danvers is back! Or is she? Devastated by her breakup with Rhodey, Carol can't seem to get back into her groove. Sure, monsters are still getting punched, but things are also getting missed...and boy, oh boy, is she grouchy. Before she can drive them fully insane, Carol's friends stage an intervention that loo...

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Stormwrath rated Strange Academy #9 Mar 10, 2021

Strange Academy #9

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Mar 10, 2021

• It's PARENTS' DAY at Strange Academy!
•  For most students, it's a joyous day, but for Calvin Morse, an orphan...not so much.
•  So while the rest of the parents go on a scavenger hunt around campus, Calvin and an unlikely friend face something truly scary.
Rated T+

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange Academy #9 Mar 10, 2021

This series is always amazing fun and I really enjoyed this story. It is nice to see Calvin and Doyle hitting it off. Was Calvin dreaming or did his jacket slay one or two of his foster parents? Doyle and Calvin handled the Mindless Ones easily though I was wondering if these were "new" Mindless Ones or the ones working at Strange Academy? Scores for plot and story all around. Artwork, coloring, a more

Strange Academy #9

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Mar 10, 2021

• It's PARENTS' DAY at Strange Academy!
•  For most students, it's a joyous day, but for Calvin Morse, an orphan...not so much.
•  So while the rest of the parents go on a scavenger hunt around campus, Calvin and an unlikely friend face something truly scary.
Rated T+

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange Academy First Class Feb 21, 2021

Yes - I am a Doctor Strange Fanatic. Yes - I have been following every issue of Strange Academy since the beginning and been having a BLAST! Yes - I have left detailed reviews for every issue so far. So why should I care about the first collection graphic novel?

While hardly anyone here has noticed, I started the Strange Academy Fan Group on Facebook. When I first heard of this first Gr more

Strange Academy First Class

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos

The Marvel Universe's first school for sorcerers throws open its doors! The world has mysteriously changed in such an alarming way that Doctor Strange has finally done what he has avoided for decades and established an academy for the mystic arts! Young people from around the world with an aptitude for magic are brought together in New Orleans to s...

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange Academy #8 Feb 3, 2021

Maybe I am too easily pleased. But each issue of Strange Academy just has me waiting for more.


This Issue #8 was absolutely terrific! Loved seeing Doyle Dormmamu in therapy for his death and return to life experience. The promise ring Doyle gave Emily was sweet and effective. Always been a fan of Agatha Harkness from the Fantastic Four days and her recent adven more

Strange Academy #8

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Feb 3, 2021

• Students of Strange Academy go on a perfectly normal field trip... to space... uncovering a magical artifact... with Rocket and Groot. •  Yep, perfectly normal.

Rated T+

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange Academy #7 Jan 27, 2021

YAY!! Just finished reading Issue #7. Glad that Doyle Dormammu was brought back from death and I have to admit I saw this coming a mile away. My theory is that Doctor Voodoo went back to the Fortune Teller that absorbed some of Doyles essance way back in Issue #3 and revealed in issue #4.

At the risk of becoming religious, did Skottie Young and company just become Christian apologist more

Strange Academy #7

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Jan 27, 2021

• The first arc ended in loss, but teeters on the edge of tragedy.
•  There are some that Strange cannot save, but can he minimize the graves they'll have to dig on campus?
•  All this and a huge secret of the Strange Academy is revealed!

Rated T+

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dmpalamar1 reviewed King In Black: Namor #2 Jan 12, 2021

OK - As a lifelong Namor Submariner fan, I have always been starving for more. The tie in for the King In Black saga is finally starting to clear and the artwork is phenomenal. This "travelling" issue is important but I hope the payoff really connects and helps defeat the Oil Slick enemies. The only big miss is the name "Unforgettable Stone?" How about Memory Storm or Remembrance Stone? Fun to see more

King In Black: Namor #2

By: Kurt Busiek, Ben Dewey
Released: Dec 30, 2020

The Young Namor, Attuma and Dorma get to accompany the Swift Riders on a mission, see them in action and learn from them. But the mission involves Russian alchemists in 1930s Murmansk, a dangerous mystic relic, and a catastrophe that brings to life the most menacing threat that Atlantis has ever faced! Now all of undersea civilization is imperiled,...

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dmpalamar1 reviewed King In Black: Namor #1 Jan 12, 2021

As a lifelong Namor the SunMariner fan (Pronounced Sub Mariner and not SubMareener) I have been thrilled with this King In Black tie in. The past connections with Krang, Attuma, Lady Dorma are all very well thought out and I LOVE the underwater artwork. Yes - the tie in to King In Black with the Oil Slick Villains is only hinted at in the beginning but I expect this to develop more as we go. I am more

King In Black: Namor #1

By: Kurt Busiek, Ben Dewey
Released: Dec 9, 2020

Spinning out of the KING IN BLACK epic comes a dark, chilling story of the birth of Atlantis's greatest villains. The players: Namor, Lady Dorma of Atlantis, the outsider Attuma - all still in their teen years - and The Swift Riders, the Atlantean Empire's greatest heroes. It begins with alliances and possibility, as Attuma's people may join the Em...

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tonpas1989 rated Strange Academy #6 Dec 9, 2020

Strange Academy #6

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Dec 9, 2020

•  What happens when the students of Strange Academy face the ancient evil order called THE HOLLOW in the swamps of New Orleans?
•  Nothing good, that's for sure!
•  The students have stepped too far out of their element - now what price must they pay?
Rated T+

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange Academy #6 Dec 9, 2020

As usual, I was swept away by Issue #6 and am already eagerly awaiting Issue #7. The artwork, coloring and presentation by Humberto Ramos and their whole team was splendid. Each panel presented an almost 3D image of what was happening to students, teachers and and transitions. I also enjoyed the fonts depicting different characters so I had no trouble following the group discussions.

No more

Strange Academy #6

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Dec 9, 2020

•  What happens when the students of Strange Academy face the ancient evil order called THE HOLLOW in the swamps of New Orleans?
•  Nothing good, that's for sure!
•  The students have stepped too far out of their element - now what price must they pay?
Rated T+

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange Academy #5 Nov 11, 2020

YAY!! I finally digested Issue #5 and I am always amazed what FUN this saga is! Best issue yet. For action it is very exciting how they have been building to the big battle sequence expected in Issue #6 next month (12/9/20).

SPOILER ALERT!! Read more at your own peril!

After the way Miss Hazel treated Emily Bright and Doyle Dormammu back in Issue #3, I almost believe she is g more

Strange Academy #5

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Nov 11, 2020

o The founding of the Strange Academy came with some gigantic risks. So far the students and teachers haven't felt the sting of those risks. That changes this issue.
o Something horrible is bubbling up in the bayous outside New Orleans and the students of Strange Academy are going to have to wade in and uncover an evil that they are not ready t...

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange Academy #4 Oct 28, 2020

Issue #4 was GREAT fun! As usual the artwork was AWESOME and Skottie Young delivers a nice build uo to the big story with cover descriptions of Issues #5 and #6. I understand completely why Zoe wants to keep her secret and Dessy was a bit heavy handed with her actions. Hoping to see more of the Hollow bad guys and I always LOVE Bats appearing. Who is the captive behind the door in the basement? Is more

Strange Academy #4

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Oct 28, 2020

TAG, YOU'RE IT! The students at the Strange Academy blow off their homework for the craziest game of tag ever.
•  Every door of Strange Academy holds a surprise - one takes you to Dr. Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum, another to Weirdworld, another to Asgard; and some doors' destinations are unknown even to Strange himself.

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Spacey Medicine reviewed Strange Academy #3 Oct 3, 2020

Eh I just don’t feel strongly about any of them or any ships.

Strange Academy #3

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Sep 30, 2020

•  Anyone who has been to New Orleans knows that it's a magical place, but the students of STRANGE ACADEMY are about to see it firsthand.
•  Their first field trip as a class shows them a city (and the stakes of what they're living) in ways that light a fuse that is going to b...

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dmpalamar1 - Oct 3, 2020

Ships? Please explain.

dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange Academy #3 Oct 1, 2020

I am very pleased with Issue #3! Scottie Young, Humberto Ramos and the entire staff/editors did a fantastic job with it. Here is what I loved about the issue.

1. The Ancient One wearing a "Strange Academy" T Shirt? I WANT ONE! XXL! Maybe with a cover image from any of the three issues out.

2. Plot was Fantastic! Emily getting doused with rainbow fluid had me laughing for minu more

Strange Academy #3

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Sep 30, 2020

•  Anyone who has been to New Orleans knows that it's a magical place, but the students of STRANGE ACADEMY are about to see it firsthand.
•  Their first field trip as a class shows them a city (and the stakes of what they're living) in ways that light a fuse that is going to b...

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange Academy #2 Sep 6, 2020

This saga just keeps getting better and better for me. Issue #2 was pure FUN! The artwork, lettering, coloring and especially the plot are splendid and our editors certainly cover an amazing amount of ground in one issue. As a former teacher, I LOVED how Irik and Doyle got banished to Hell for an afternoon and watching them work together to survive. Hope Gus finds a way to shrink himself down so h more

Strange Academy #2

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Jul 8, 2020

Go to class with the students at STRANGE ACADEMY! Your class schedule:
•  10:35-11:35 GYM with COACH TAYLOR
•  11:40-12:10 LUNCH (cooked by MINDFULL ONE)

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dmpalamar1 reviewed Strange Academy #1 Sep 6, 2020

When I first heard of this series I thought to myself, "Oh No! Not another Harry Potter Magic School," but I could not have been more mistaken. Issue 1 was splendid with the artwork, coloring, lettering and engaging plot that makes me eager for more. Each one of the students has vast potential to eventually become supreme sorcerers within their homes and the teachers are pulled judiciously from AL more

Strange Academy #1

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Mar 4, 2020

The Marvel Universe has mysteriously changed in such an alarming way that Doctor Strange has done what he's avoided for decades; he's opened a school for young sorcerers. Young people from around the world with aptitude in magic have been brought together in New Orleans to study the Mystic Arts under S...

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dmpalamar1 added Black Widow (2020) to their pull list Sep 5, 2020

Black Widow (2020)

Best-selling, Eisner-nominated writer Kelly Thompson (CAPTAIN MARVEL, STAR) and rising star artist Elena Casagrande (Catwoman) launch a new BLACK WIDOW series that changes everything! Natasha Romanoff has been a spy almost as long as she's been alive. And she's never stopped running, whether she was working for the good guys...or the bad. But Natas...

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