Strange Academy: First Class
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Strange Academy: First Class

Writer: Skottie Young Artist: Humberto Ramos Publisher: Marvel Comics Hardcover: October 26, 2022, $75.00 Trade Paperback: February 17, 2021, $13.99 Issues: 6, Issue Reviews: 199
8.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

The Marvel Universe's first school for sorcerers throws open its doors! The world has mysteriously changed in such an alarming way that Doctor Strange has finally done what he has avoided for decades and established an academy for the mystic arts! Young people from around the world with an aptitude for magic are brought together in New Orleans to study under Stephen Strange, Brother Voodoo, the Ancient One, the Scarlet Witch, Magik, Daimon Hellstrom and all your favorite Marvel mages. From mindful Mindless Ones to pan-dimensional games of tag, the Strange Academy is definitely living up to its name. But the students' first field trip lights a more

  • 10
    dmpalamar1 Feb 21, 2021

    Yes - I am a Doctor Strange Fanatic. Yes - I have been following every issue of Strange Academy since the beginning and been having a BLAST! Yes - I have left detailed reviews for every issue so far. So why should I care about the first collection graphic novel?

    While hardly anyone here has noticed, I started the Strange Academy Fan Group on Facebook. When I first heard of this first Graphic Novel, I found a really good and fun You Tube video review done by a father and two young daughters. This graphic novel is the perfect way for anyone who has been lagging behind (or even not yet read any of the Strange Academy saga) to easily catch up with what is going on. A quick trip to your local comic books store, $14.00 plus tax, and getting issues #7 and #8 will get you completely caught up.

    Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos, Edger Delgado and their entire team are presenting a splendid, engrossing and downright FUN story with dramatic, unexpected twists. If you enjoy Doctor Strange, magic, transdimensional stories and interesting characters, your time and money will be well invested. Take my word for it. Or do not take my word for it. Check all this out for yourself!

    Yes - Issues #7 and #8 are already out and Issue #9 will be out March 10th. Issue #10 will be out May 5th but who is actually keeping track? Me! As one of the oldest Gen Xers (yes I just dated myself as being born in 1965) I have been following Doctor Strange and have been enjoying Strange Academy again as if I was a much younger man.

  • 8.0
    byrononeal Apr 16, 2021

    I think we can all agree that lately the school of magic thing has been a bit overdone. That said, I can't say it has stopped me from jumping in with both feet here.

    As a big fan of Doctor Strange, I was intrigued immediately as he is introduced to new ground as the headmaster of a lively new cast of Marvel teenagers including the son of an archenemy. I think this book is destined to have cameos aplenty. The ragtag inevitable group of misfits that comprise the school are far more diverse than other similar efforts (see DC's Mystik U) and Marvel should be applauded for their recent efforts towards diversity and capturing a younger readership by reimagining older characters (Miles Morales) and in this case creating new ones. My personal favorite is the young frost giant, Guslaug. Having been more creative with the creation of the characters will most assuredly give Young more fertile ground to develop this little corner of the Marvel universe as we won't be limited to a singular plane of existence. In fact, we cover several in this first collected six issues which is what you'd expect from something associated with the Sorcerer Supreme.

    It is easy to dismiss this book as being written for a younger audience. I would submit it is more accurate to say it was written for everyone. I happily passed it along to my own teenager who enjoyed it immensely.

    The combination of coloring and artwork pair very well. Ramos's line work comes off a little bit manga, a little more cartoon, a little less realism. It fits with the story and characters. Color artists rarely get the props they deserve and Edgar Delgado smashes it. The palette has a tendency towards the pastel end of the spectrum. Reviewing his other work, the man does not shy away from bold colors. If I were rating the artwork team alone as it serves the story, this easily gets a nine.

    Should you pick it up? Yes. The combination of new characters along with what promises to be an expansive storyline should be entertaining for a long time to come. It's fun, fresh, and just what the doctor ordered (see what I did there?)

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