Generations: Banner Hulk & The Totally Awesome Hulk #1
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Generations: Banner Hulk & The Totally Awesome Hulk #1

Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Matteo Buffagni Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 2, 2017 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 20 User Reviews: 29
6.9Critic Rating
6.6User Rating

• BRUCE BANNER. AMADEUS CHO. Both have carried the curse of the Hulk. Now they come face-to-face at last - but will they meet as friends or foes?
•  Fan-favorite Hulk scribe GREG PAK is joined by red-hot artist MATTEO BUFFAGNI (X-MEN BLUE) for a time-bending tale that will finally answer the question on everyone's minds: WHO IS THE STRONGEST ONE THERE IS?
Rated T+

  • 10
    Comic Spectrum - Adam Brunell Aug 13, 2017

    The story gave me a different perspective to an ongoing issue for Amadeus Cho. Pak and Buffagni capture the essence of Hulk perfectly on every page, whether you are a new age Hulk fan or old school, this title should satisfy both sides. The environment and characters aren't new; it's just any old day in the life of a big green rage monster. The dialogue and story are excellent; the dialogue is dramatic and emotional, while Buffagni's panel after panel of great artwork intensifies the comic. I enjoyed this comic so much that I wish it was more than just a one-shot! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Critical Blast - Mike Maillaro Aug 6, 2017

    But aside from that, I did enjoy what this comic had to offer. Lots of action and some strong characterization for both Hulks. The art and writing were top notch, and I am real curious where Amadeus goes from here when Marvel Legacy starts up. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Aug 2, 2017

    A great one-shot story that captures everything good about Hulk. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Comicsverse - Eric Nierstedt Aug 2, 2017

    GENERATIONS: BANNER HULK & TOTALLY AWESOME HULK #1 has Bruce Banner and Amadeus Cho meeting during the early days of The Incredible Hulk's run. Greg Pak weaves a story of two very different Hulks learning just what they hold inside. Matteo Buffagni and Dono Sanchez-Almara's art adds some powerful fight scenes to a solid issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 2, 2017

    Generation s isn't shaping up to be a particularly groundbreaking series for Marvel. With little background for the premise of this crossover or its ties to Secret Empire and Marvel Legacy, Generations: Hulk simply plays out as a fun, character-driven team-up between two heroes. But for fans of these two characters, that should be enough. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Andy Hall Aug 3, 2017

    I was not a great believer in the Generations idea when I first heard it. But this book has really turned me around on it. I almost wish that there could be a Hulks mini-series that could take place during one of the many times that General Ross had to be pulled back to the Pentagon to explain how he could lose 100 helicopters and 300 tanks in a "training" exercise or what ever excuse he kept giving. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Rick Austin Aug 7, 2017

    So, which Hulk is the strongest? Which is the best? That's up for readers to decide for themselves. Will Generations: Banner Hulk & The Totally Awesome Hulk #1 help them make up their minds? Possibly. It's a good read, even if it isn't a great one, and if you've got the cash to spare it's worth adding to your collection. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bleeding Cool - Joshua Davison Aug 2, 2017

    I do recommend this comic, because it has good action and character moments. However, it's not the epic meeting that I and others were probably hoping for, but it is nice to see Bruce Banner on the page as the Hulk once again and remind everyone why he is the strongest there is. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Leroy Douresseaux Aug 4, 2017

    So Generations: Banner Hulk & Totally Awesome Hulk #1 is not a pointless event comic book, cynically meant to separate gullible fans from their money. The fan can be a reader this time. This is not a great comic book by any means, but it bridges the past and the future in a way that genuinely speaks to what is unique about our favorite incredible, rampaging, rage monster, the Hulk. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Matthew Mueller Aug 2, 2017

    There's plenty to like here, especially for fans of the original Hulk. That said, it doesn't feel connected to an overarching story, and it still feels as if the reader is missing some crucial information, whether they truly are or not. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Doom Rocket - Don Alsafi Aug 4, 2017

    If this really is a precursor to Marvel Legacy, it's not the most inspiring indicator of what's to come. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Alex Henning Aug 10, 2017

    It brings classic Hulk and new Hulk together, and hints at where we're going in the future. Amadeus may become more like Banner than he ever thought he would which leaves another big question-What will happen to Bruce Banner? Many were hoping this book would pave the way for his return, but it seems more like it made him redundant. With Amadeus seeming poised to take on Banner's usual type of thinking, Will Marvel be able to win back lost fans? It's a bit of a mixed bag, but it intrigues me enough that I want to see where it goes. It's a decent book and a really good character study by one of the best Hulk writers out there. If you're a Hulk fan, like me, don't pass this up. If you're not, it's a definite maybe, since it's not terrible really. It's a decent middle road that i'm interested in following. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    Multiversity Comics - Matt Lune Aug 7, 2017

    A fun issue that feels like a classic Hulk issue, but lacks the intended substance. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Aug 2, 2017

    This is a weird one that probably will make more sense in a month or two but as is it feels like a one-shot that you're left wondering why it was released other than for a few dollars. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Weird Science - Branden Murray Aug 7, 2017

    After apromising start to the issue, the story spends too much time repeating the sameevents over and over, making this a pointless one shot with too high a pricepoint to recommend. I still have no idea what Generations is other than randommeetings between heroes I wanted to care more. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Aug 4, 2017

    Overall: Generations " Banner Hulk Totally Awesome Hulk #1 was an enjoyable read that did not accomplish anything at all that Marvel was attempting to accomplish with this issue. Despite the various positive aspects of this issue, this is still a hard comic to recommend to readers. The main reason is the whopping $4.99 cover price. That is way too much to pay for any comic that does not deliver a superlative story. This issue was fun but it most definitely does not read like a $4.99 comic. I would only recommend Generations " Banner Hulk Totally Awesome Hulk #1 to die-hard Bruce Banner fans who miss his character and want to see the real Hulk in action once again. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Aug 3, 2017

    Mixing elements from the past and present creates opportunities to explore classic themes while expanding on the dramatic weight that has built up to such a massive extent over the years. Marvel Generations: Banner Hulk and Totally Awesome Hulk #1 feels like one of those opportunities only partially realized. It does enough to smash all the right things. It just doesn't add enough merit behind the smashing. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho Aug 4, 2017

    The art being spectacular is a huge boost to the issue, but overall, the disappointment from nothing changing in the status quo may affect how you feel about this event moving forward. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    411Mania - RobF Aug 10, 2017

    Hopefully the other Generation titles will be better. Pak tries to pull on the nostalgia heartstrings but ends up with a boring, strangely designed story. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Aug 2, 2017

    Ultimately, at the core of Generations: Hulk isn't so much a storytelling problem as it is a production problem - there are certain pairings of writers and artists that work out great, and other pairings that just don't play to each others' strengths. This book is, unfortunately, one of the latter examples, which isn't a great first impression for Marvel's latest event. There's something to be said for nostalgia, and giving readers a glimpse at beloved characters who might have been temporarily pushed off the stage, and to that end, Pak makes a solid attempt - but unless you're a diehard Hulk fan, this one-shot will likely prove a disappointment. Read Full Review

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