Alex Henning's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Fandom Post Reviews: 84
8.0Avg. Review Rating

All-New Wolverine #8

May 21, 2016

Overall, a pretty good issue that shows how its characters work and brings us closer to our divisive event.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #797

Mar 13, 2018

It's all a set up for the general story and next issue, meaning that character interaction is all we really have to look at here.

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Avengers (2016) #682

Mar 7, 2018

The writing and art in this show why Marvel still has it as a comic producer, and I recommend you check this out if you can! It's a blast and you won't regret it!

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Avengers (2016) #683

Mar 13, 2018

I wouldn't say it's a bad issue, as the art is decent and the dialogue is still so on point, but it does have a crisis of focus/voice.

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Avengers (2016) #684

Mar 17, 2018

The writing this issue is pretty straightforward and normal, but again, It's great if you like Hulk. The Hulk's return really is the impetus of this issue, and they did a great job with it if you ask me.

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Batman (2016) #21

Apr 25, 2017

The button is a mystery that needs to be solved before someone else gets hurt it would seem. Batman surprisingly flounders under Reverse Flash's assault for most of the issue, and Flash was dealing with another problem at the time. There's a good amount of action here, and the art is spectacular, conveying emotions and actions well. The tone is both one of mystery and grimness. Batman was trounced by Eobard Thawne, but the big problem still lies with the button. Where did it send Thawne, where it come from, and what sent it here? This issue served as a great set up to this mystery story, and it certainly started with a bang. We'll have to see how this works out in Flash # 21!

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Batman (2016) #25

Jun 24, 2017

This is a bigger issue than no Batman fan should miss out on.

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Batman (2016) #26

Jul 11, 2017

There is action here, but less of it than you'd expect. The book seems content to mostly stick to a sense of gathering tension, showing us that things are reaching a boiling point and that we are indeed headed towards a war. The issue pulls this off rather well, with the tone, dialogue, and art all lending themselves to this cause. The art is dark and gothic, with an added sense of hopelessness as the bodies of the dead pile up. Everyone is in character, with the exception of the Joker, who is uncharacteristically grim and unamused throughout so far. This works for the story though, and King pulls this Joker off with style. This is a great arc to start picking Batman up on if you haven't been. Reading the issue, you just know things are going to explode.

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Blackbird #1

Oct 25, 2018

I really do recommend this book. It's down to earth, but with magical themes. The characters are just so believable, and it really makes you feel for Nina. Buy this book if you see it, you won't be sorry.

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Borderlands #8

Sep 20, 2017

The team writing this book did well by the series, and it shows. However, questions do still remain- Where is the Vault? What will be done to honor/fill the void of Claptrap? What's next? The dialogue is well done and in character, especially in the case of Claptrap's out of place upbeat tone, Tannis' Sarcasm and cynicism, and Brick's relative lack of speaking except for short sentences. The team behind this book certainly knew what they were doing, though it is slightly disappointing that the entire issue is mostly a big fight scene. The “Not The End” at the end of the issue tells me our story isn't over yet, so our Pandoran questions can still be answered. This was a great issue for the series that makes us look forward to what comes next, and hopefully more characterization happens amidst all the action. There' a balance to achieve between the two, and this comic just misses that. Despite the flaws, a good issue with positive vibes for future issues.

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Captain America (2017) #698

Mar 7, 2018

This issue was actually really good. It's a return to form, of sorts, for the good Captain. Back in the day, he fought Nazis and Communists, and now here he is in the future, fighting what appears to be the same threat!

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Captain America (2017) #699

Mar 13, 2018

As Cap takes the country back from those who harmed it, we've been given a great character study on him this issue, and I highly recommend it. If you're a fan of Captain America or the old school comics, you need to pick this up!

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Captain America: Steve Rogers #1

May 26, 2016

Obviously, the best part of this issue is Zemo and Skull and their differing ideologies. So if you're looking for excellent villains, here's a good comic for you. If not, then you may want to look elsewhere. The art is pretty good, especially during the scenes where Zemo and Skull give their speeches. The story by Spencer flows well, and his political acumen is very evident in this.

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Captain America: Steve Rogers #15

Apr 8, 2017

Well...I don't have much good to say about this. Nick Spencer and Marvel continue their politically driven destruction of Captain America. What started as in interesting idea or joke has evaporated to a sad, unfunny joke.

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Civil War II #0

May 21, 2016

Some may criticize the fact that the issue is mostly just dialogue, but it honestly works to the comic's advantage, utilizing the fact that it's a #0 issue to set up the conflicting ideas for Issue 1. A great read overall, even if a bit slow.

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Civil War II #4

Aug 18, 2016

This issue, for me, continues the odd decline Marvel has been on for a while now. They use anger inducing deaths, make characters do out of character actions, and replace characters with no cause. Hulk is the latest casualty in this, and I'd love to know why he needed to die. This was a so-so issue really. not good really, but not bad either. The story is going, but slower than it might be. It sounds odd that I'd want to hurry heroes fighting each other, but if you are going to advertise that, then actually give us that. In the end, this will not draw you in if you aren't invested already, and it might still annoy you for simply being more exposition really. It falls in the middle between good and bad, so there are some things that do work well here.

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Civil War II #8

Jan 10, 2017

This book has ruined Captain Marvel's good name, and it has turned her image into that of a bully who wins out in the end. The art in the book is passable but not anything special, and the writing is as if someone resurrected the corpse of a book for one more meeting. This was an event that went on far longer than it should have, preemptively dropped plot points (whatever happened to that Spider-Man kills Captain America vision?), murdered great heroes, and made a big character look like a bully. There was literally nothing good here, and I only hope to high heaven that the aftermath issue does anything to show that what we just forced ourselves through was worth something.

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Civil War II: The Oath #1

Jan 28, 2017

Pick it up if you feel you have to, but otherwise avoid this.

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Civil War II: The Fallen #1

Aug 20, 2016

It's well written all around as well. The emotion really manages to come out with this one, especially in the dialogue of Rick and Betty. It does as well as it can given the muck of a story that surrounds it, so it still manages to feel important given the big things going on around it. Both Carol Danvers and Tony Stark seemed to be at the event, which suggests that their opposing ideals at least didn't gt in the way of Banner's funeral. Skaar and Cho will be interesting to observe as the event goes forward, since neither will be too happy about this turn of events. I wouldn't say it's a great story and everyone should read it, but it's definitely a powerful story and is more deserving of a look than some of the more recent books in the event. The emotion, the characters, and the premise all lend to that.

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1

Jul 24, 2016

It's a mediocre story at best, and it's confusing and atrocious at worst. I recommend only giving this a try if you're really a big fan of Frank Miller or just want to marvel at something bad.

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Dark Souls: The Breath of Andolus #2

Jul 27, 2016

This comic was great. The art maintains it's dark, moody atmosphere from the first issue and it represents the game series well.

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Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again #1

Jul 11, 2017

Things will get more fun as things go even more horribly wrong, and this team seems set to deliver that here.

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Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again #2

Jul 26, 2017

It's zany and full of Wade Wilson's signature killing, and the art style fully supports it. The art is mixed between the silly and realistic, and they're both handled well and never feel out of place. The story flows well and keeps readers interested in what our merc might do next. If there's any problem here, it's that things really don't move forward too much. We moved through one plot point in the whole book, and it feels like maybe they could have done a bit more here. Overall though, the action is great, the story is a blast, and interested readers will get what they wanted out of this.

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Doctor Strange (2015) #8

May 27, 2016

The art in this can be hit or miss, sometimes it's pretty good, and other times it comes out looking worse. The storytelling turns out pretty good, and Aaron makes a pretty easy to get updated on and follow issue. The "Last Days of Magic" look like their about to be shaken up next issue, and I am excited to see where the new revelations lead us.

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Domino (2018) #1

May 15, 2018

Gail and her team have crafted an amazing first issue, and it really is one that should not be missed. I fully recommend this book, because it's absolutely great!

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Edge of Venomverse (2017) #1

Jul 1, 2017

It's a rather dull comic, and it's one-dimensional in the sense that it does what the cover promises and delivers X-23 as Venom, but as far as events go, it really doesn't provide much else for a reader. It's a decent book and gives what you'd expect from it, so pick it up if you're really interested, otherwise, this may not be for you.

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Edge of Venomverse (2017) #2

Jul 19, 2017

The description of the book says she discovers something that leads into the bigVenomverse event, but the one big discovery in here makes little real sense. Something about the Matt Murdoch she was courting not being the “real” one, but it's not explained well at all. This is a book that works well for Gwenpool fans, but may not be for you if you're not. It does well with the humor and Gwen in awkward situations, but falls flat when it comes to the look and the feel. Pick it up if you're a Gwenpool fan or if you just need to have all theEdge Of Venomverse issues.

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Elektra (2017) #2

Apr 25, 2017

The tone is rather up in the air really. One could say grim because Elektra was captured and sent to Murderworld, but she knows how to handle herself really. The real question is, when and how will she get out of Muderworld, and will Arcade still be there to greet her? This is a great second issue with a villain I never even saw coming until it was spelled out, so I can't wait to see where it goes next! I recommend it as one of the few Marvel books with a strong female lead and as one of Marvel's few good books!

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Fantastic Four (2018) #1

Aug 15, 2018

If you're a Marvel fan or you're tired of comics that serve to darken the world presented, do yourself a favor and pick this one up!

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Flash (2016) #14

Jan 20, 2017

The writing and art is solid here, and the creative team has definitely set up something big with this. What do the Rogues have in store for Barry? Do they plan to return to Central City? We'll have to wait to find out more, but this was certainly a great opening salvo. We've gotten some great development as a character for Barry and more info on the Snarts' relationship, and that's always a great thing to see. I'd recommend picking it up.

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G.I. Joe (2016) #1

Jan 6, 2017

GI Joe is definitely back, and this issue gives a pretty good reason to stick around-Things are going to get very interesting here!

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Generation X (2017) #1

Jul 1, 2017

No one in the book except for Jubilee get near enough development or characterization, and most of Jubilee's characterization comes from the reader knowing what's gone on with her. Not having time to showcase new characters and get the reader interested in them is not good for books like these, and this issue is a giant showcase for that problem. The most noticeable thing to happen in this book was Bling's fight with Kid Omega, and even that didn't pay off. It really didn't. The book doesn't pay off really, though the writer, Christina Strain, makes sure she damn well tried to make it coherent. The art is rather bad, and several panels come off just looking goofy or bad. This is a book I'd recommend skipping, even for an X-Men fan. There's nothing of interest here except the two long standing characters. The tone is one of hurry, and boy does that hurt it. This is a book that makes a mighty effort, but just can't cash in on the effort.

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Generations (2017): Banner Hulk & The Totally Awesome Hulk #1

Aug 10, 2017

It brings classic Hulk and new Hulk together, and hints at where we're going in the future. Amadeus may become more like Banner than he ever thought he would which leaves another big question-What will happen to Bruce Banner? Many were hoping this book would pave the way for his return, but it seems more like it made him redundant. With Amadeus seeming poised to take on Banner's usual type of thinking, Will Marvel be able to win back lost fans? It's a bit of a mixed bag, but it intrigues me enough that I want to see where it goes. It's a decent book and a really good character study by one of the best Hulk writers out there. If you're a Hulk fan, like me, don't pass this up. If you're not, it's a definite maybe, since it's not terrible really. It's a decent middle road that i'm interested in following.

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God Country #1

Jan 18, 2017

It is a slow start and there's a lot more exposition than some people may find enjoyable, but I think this is a story that warrants it. I'd say this should be given a real chance. The Image team may be on to something with this, and I wouldn't recommend missing it!

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Godzilla in Hell #2

May 21, 2016

Literally everything about this book amazed me. The art, the writing, and the blend of styles they had made for an exciting read that kept me reading it over and over. Even for those who may not be fans of Godzilla, this book still gives plenty to adore about it. Sure, it's probably better if you are a fan, but there are other things to admire here for sure. It's weird to have a comic with no actual dialogue whatsoever, but the narrator is enjoyable enough. The presentation breathes life into the comic in a way I don't think I have ever seen before. Godzilla is whisked away quickly by the ongoing events, and this did admittedly leave a sort of longing in me. I wanted the scenes with the demon monsters to last longer, but the creators had their own ideas in mind. Either way, this is an incredible issue in a series that I'm finding to be way more heavily impressive than I thought it would be.

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Godzilla: Rage Across Time #1

Sep 1, 2016

This is a great read. Everything blends together better than some might think. The art is done in an ancient Japanese folktale style, evident in the wat Godzilla's breath is drawn, as well as the Orochi and the people in the story. The dialogue is well written and definitely fits both the characters and the era. It's Feudal Japan, and it's definitely shown as such. Godzilla and the other monsters fit right in this setting, where mythical monsters already play.

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Green Lanterns #1

Jun 19, 2016

This was a great first issue.

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Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

Jun 6, 2016

This #1 is a great introduction to the characters of Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz (who I really like). In fact, Jess had to be the highlight for me.

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Harley Quinn (2016) #2

Aug 20, 2016

This series is great and already has so much to work with. Taking a character like Harley Quinn and making a book about just her would sound like a hard task normally. Does one make her a villain? a good guy in her own mind? The way the writers have approached this character is simply amazing, and it's pretty much the reason I subscribed to it. Harley's not out for blood in the issue, but she certainly does a bang up (get it) job dealing with the zombies. It fits the action and wackiness we've come to expect with Harley these days and it makes its' case well for the potential one can see in it. It's one of the more unique Rebirth titles since it doesn't have a triumphant return or dark return. It's just a zany little title, which suits me just fine. Harley is back with a bang, and it's safe to say that'll continue right into issue 3!

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Harley Quinn (2016) #42

Apr 25, 2018

I honestly had no idea what to expect when I read the gist of this issue, but man was I not disappointed! The blend of "Old Man Logan" and "Mad Max" really works, and i's made better by Harley and her usual brand of humor.

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Highlander: American Dream #1

Mar 7, 2017

As a first issue for the series, it does its job well and is actually a pretty good read. I'd recommend this book and say give it a chance, it may just surprise you.

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Hulk (2016) #1

Jan 5, 2017

This is a whole new direction for Hulk, and i'm certainly going to stay on this ride!

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Hulk (2016) #4

Mar 28, 2017

Taking things slow is a good thing, but there is such a thing as too slow, and this story needs to pick up before we hit that point. That isn't to say this issue is all bad though, behind the rather poor pacing, the comic boasts the absolutely amazing art of Nico Leon, and it really is great here. The scene with Maise and Jen is great, and the dialogue is ok in most places while being shaky in others. The tone remains one of forward motion, trying to show Jen trying to move forward after trauma, but the creative team needs to pick up the pace a bit. Jen and Maise are the best parts of the book so far, and it's time to step it up a bit. It's not a bad issue, but it definitely could be better.

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Hulk (2016) #5

May 6, 2017

I can see the angle they want, but dang, hurry it up a bit please. The tone is degenerating into a grim one, with Jen now finding herself in a rather bad position for someone like herself. She's still really the only standout too. Pick it up if you've got patience.

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Hulk (2016) #6

Jun 10, 2017

If there's any real takeaway here, it's that the book may not yet know how to juggle both things it wants to do, but it has the makings of a great book when it does figure things out. The art is decent and standard for Marvel at this point, if a bit too cartoony in some places, but otherwise, it's a decent issue.

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Hunt For Wolverine #1

May 8, 2018

This issue isn't actually bad, just kind of unnecessary.

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Immortal Hulk #3

Jul 25, 2018

This is one of the more interesting Hulk books I've read recently purely due to art!

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Immortal Hulk #5

Sep 13, 2018

The art is, as usual, really well done, and I honestly can't imagine it looking any other way now. Al Ewing's writing just screams “Hulk Comic” and works for literally every character presented. If I were to ever recommend you read a Hulk comic, It would be this one! Al Ewing and the team have crafted a masterful horror story that not only call back to the origins of the character but takes us in a new direction that's turning out to be super fun. If you are reading Marvel stuff currently, do yourself a favor and pick this series (and this issue) up! Everything is just so well done that it just works.

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Incredible Hulk (2017) #714

Mar 28, 2018

This is a pretty good start to the story, and things will have to ramp up to keep the momentum going. Everything combines to make a decent start, but we'll see if it can keep it going.

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Incredible Hulk (2017) #715

Apr 25, 2018

Those expecting a big action piece may be disappointed, but those who are likely to get invested in character interactions will get something here. Every movie or book needs an emotional underscore or theme somewhere, and the back and forth between the Hulk and Amadeus or the other heroes and Hulk fits the bill. Pick this up when you can, I highly recommend it.

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Incredible Hulk (2017) #716

May 26, 2018

If you're a Hulk fan, this is at least worth the price of admission, but it isn't the most spectacular thing ever. Greg Pak knows The Hul

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Infinity Wars (2018) #1

Aug 8, 2018

We've set up a villain scenario and some fights but no real theme that connects the varying parts of the story yet. This ultimately is the big flaw of the book, but leaves it as a decent starting point at least if the ensuing books build up our theme and characters. If you aren't tired of Marvel events yet, give it a look and see what you think.

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Injustice Vs. Masters of the Universe #1

Jul 20, 2018

The first issue of this crossover certainly isn't holding back! Off the bat we've got great action, intrigue, and mystery!

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Justice League / Power Rangers #1

Jan 17, 2017

It's a great start to this event, and i'm sure things will only get more interesting as tie goes on! There weren't really any flaws besides the whole cliche teleporter ordeal, so if you see this, I'd say pick it up! It won't disappoint!

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Marvel Legacy #1

Oct 4, 2017

This is a book that tries to accomplish a lot and falls sadly short of most of it. It wants to be a big story that ties all of the Marvel Universe together and looks at both past and future, but it ultimately comes off as advertising and a plea to buy the new books.

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Monsters Unleashed #1

Jan 28, 2017

The monster designs are cool and some of the characters are written well, but maybe the problem lies in the fact that this legitimately is just a set up issue AND is yet another event in what has been an unending slew of them. The book isn't terrible if one has a mind to pick it up, but it isn't great and doesn't wow you either. It's a bookthat feels like a middle of the road book when what Marvel needs now is a big “WOW” book. The pacing in this issue is sorta off in places, but overall it is cohesive and readers will understand it. If you're interested, maybe look for it, but otherwise, this book is safe to ignore really.

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My Little Pony: Deviations #1

Mar 28, 2017

The idea may be that Blueblood replaced her as Celestia's star pupil, but Princess Nightmare Moon takes her place in the sense that she is the one who turns herself around and seems like she'll be making friends with the Ponyville residents. Taking a key moment and attempting to deviate it like this is no easy feat, but the creative team pulls it off well. The art keeps the cartoon style of the tv show intact and Cook and Garbowska do it masterfully here. Cook's writing is great and the story flows well enough for most people to follow. The dialogue fits the characters and they all feel like the characters from the show. The one shot was great, and is quite an enjoyable read. The art, writing, and characters make the book.

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My Little Pony: Movie Prequel #1

Jul 11, 2017

The dialogue is great, from the King's self-centered, anti-friendship monologues to the invaded kingdom's cries for mercy, to even the dialogue between Strife and the Storm King. The story and concept just play out well. The art is great and looks just like one would expect. It does the style of the usual series well, though a few zoomed out shots look a little wonky. If you're a fan of the series or are excited about the movie (I will unashamedly admit that i am both), this book is a definite pick up for you. If not, there's nothing here to really persuade you to get it. It does what it sets out to do well, and makes one wonder what's coming.

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Oh S#!t It's Kim & Kim #1

Jul 24, 2018

This book was great. There's no other word for it. Visaggio's writing and Cabrera and Aguirre's art/colors give us vibrant worlds and characters that seriously make one smile.

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Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens #1

Aug 18, 2016

This book, both action-wise and story-wise, can only go up from here. This first issue serves as a springboard to get us started, and it does that really well. The scene where the Mutant animals take out the predator is great. The colors and the surroundings just lend themselves really well. It's a bit of a shaky start, but it has the potential to turn itself into a great story if done right. We've not seen a bit of the xenomorphs yet, but the issue here has given us palpable excitement for their arrival and what will happen when they show up. All in all, it's not the best, but it certainly is a great start to read.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #1

Aug 18, 2016

Red Hood is a blast to read through, and will leave you wanting more, though that may be due to the length partially.

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Secret Empire #0

Apr 25, 2017

The tone is definitely a dark one, and not in a particularly great way for this book. If you like what Marvel has done to Captain America, you'll like this, but if not, you should probably stay away from it.

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Secret Empire #4

Jul 1, 2017

The art is passable and works with what we're given, and the tone is one of desperation as the ticking clock starts. The concept hasn't really gotten any better after 4 issues, and if you weren't interested initially, you most likely won't be now. The book is decent but not much happens, and one is still left with the feeling that this is just all so wrong. Wrong from both a character perspective and a story one. This story should not need to be told, and it's rather sad that it is being told. We'll have to see how it picks up from here and what questions the next issue can answer.

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Secret Empire #6

Jul 25, 2017

This is a solid issue in a very lackluster and character-destroying event, and the writers need to think fast to pull the book out of this nosedive. Pick this up only if you're already invested in it or you feel it is needed to prepare for legacy and Generations.

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Sentry (2018) #1

Jul 14, 2018

This issue does a fantastic job of setting up Bob Reynolds' character and the life that he lives. The writing and art really show that the team understands what makes this character and his world what they are, and I think Marvel fans need to read this.

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Starcraft: Scavengers #1

Aug 2, 2018

It's a decent first issue with some problems setting it back from being the best it could be. It's a book that nails tone and atmosphere but needs character development badly. If you're a fan of StarCraft, you'll enjoy what's given here, but if not you may want to wait to see what issue 2 brings first.

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Street Fighter Reloaded #2

Dec 14, 2017

This issue is actually pretty good, and if you're a fan of the series, I would really recommend it. The art, storytelling, and dialogue really fit the universe, and it's a great revisiting of an old series!

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Street Fighter Unlimited #7

Jul 9, 2016

All in all, the storytelling in the series so far has been amazing, and one wonders why the writers of this series aren't hired to make stories for the actual games (The latest game certainly could have used it!). Where this goes from here, who can say, but one thing's for sure. Things are heating up, and we're in for a wild ride as the tournament proper begins!

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Street Fighter Unlimited #11

Dec 24, 2016

The art in this issue was great, and the writing has kept that greatness it has had throughout all the issues really. The tone here was both one of hope and of uncertainty. Gill is gone, which means the Secret Society's scheme is over, but Ryu, at least, is not finished his path yet. It remains to be seen whether or not he can defeat Akuma/Oni, but I don't think it will disappoint. This issue, like much of the rest of the series, was done so well, and the first tease here for the upcomingDarkstalkers crossover sends what I think is an ominous message for what is coming. The series has brought all the characters together beautifully, and their in game personalities are shown clearly here. I think this is one of the greatest video game based comics being written now, and this issue certainly didn't tell me that notion was wrong. If it continues being this strong, Udon has got a real good thing going here. This is a book i would so recommend picking up if you are not already.

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Street Fighter Unlimited Annual #1

Jan 12, 2017

This was a pretty good annual issue. The stories are all really short and mostly meant just to be humorous or show more of the character personalities. The succeed in this regard,but there is not much here beyond just that. all the stories are around 4-7 pages long,just telling small scale tales that flesh out characters. Chun-Li's story is probably the worst in that regard, since we don't really get any more sense of her character than we had going in. This makes it incredibly hard to see what the point of that story was, but overall, the annual did give a small glimpse into Street Fighter's world, so I'd say mission accomplished. The art was pretty decent for most of it, and the writing was fine as well. This is really only an issue to pick up if you're really into the franchise, otherwise this won't hold much for you. Give it a look if you're interested, since it certainly does well by the characters. The humor comes across well.

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Street Fighter X G.I. JOE #5

Jul 9, 2016

It's more influenced by the Street Fighter series than the other way around, bu i still manages to bring it all together so well. It's got enough action to satisfy any fan, and it pulls it off quite well in my opinion. The art, the story, and even the characters all lend themselves so well to this, and it eb=ven makes one think of questions that may not have been there before. This is simply a great read, and fans owe it to themselves to pick it up!

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Suicide Squad (2016) #1

Aug 20, 2016

It's a good start, and I think the potential can really come out in this one. Partnered with the backstory stuff at the end, It's definitely worth a look, and the future looks bright for Suicide Squad.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #14

Apr 8, 2017

All she wants is to understand why Deadshot betrayed them and try and bring some sense of normalcy back to the Suicide Squad. Her reaction when attempting to reason with Deadshot, and especially when she discovers what happened to Hack bring the chracer major depth, and the comic benefits from it. The dialoge is great and totally fitting for the characters, and the art is still really great. The tone is both grim nd determined. If you care about ny member of the Squad or are in the middle of reading this book series, get this issue as soon as you can, you will not be disappointed!

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Superman (2011) #52

May 26, 2016

Pick this issue up! If you've cared about Superman before, you owe it to yourself to pick this one up. It's both inspiring ad heartbreaking, and the way things turn out, I wouldn't have wished it any other way. The dialogue, the characters, and the emotion were just so powerful. Superman shows here just why we love him, and he's the best part of the issue hands down. Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and Lois were amazing, but nothing really compared to the Man of Steel. This was a powerful and sad issue, but one that is well worth your time and your money. Superman's legacy lives on, and this issue shows that it's not been forgotten. There's just not enough good I can say about this issue, but i can urge you again: pick this issue up!

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Tank Girl: Two Girls, One Tank #1

May 20, 2016

Tank Girl: Two Girls, One Tank has given us a good glimpse at the world that Tank Girl lives in. Its also given us a dilemma for her and shown us her attitude. Martin builds a strong lead character in Tank Girl herself, but for anyone not familiar with the property previously, Booga and Barney may come off a bit weaker as leads.

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The Life Of Captain Marvel #1

Aug 2, 2018

The dialogue feels real and the art is pretty to look at, so it's got that going for it too. This is a book I honestly think people should seek out and give a chance to, it may just surprise you.

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The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #0

Jan 17, 2017

Reading this feels like someone half heartedly trying to meet you halfway. Marvel throws the internal conflict in the book, but She showed no signs of having these issues at the end of the event, and she certainly didn't seem as broken as Marvel seems to want us to think. It feels like Marvel is trying to garner sympathy fot a character that honestly does not deserve it at the moment, and that becomes very clear. The art is not bad, but there isn't really special about it. The writing is standard for Marvel these days, and it kind of just ends up falling flat amidst the things it wants you to feel, and what you actually feel reading it. This is a book only to pick up if you really really like Captain Marvel and you can't think of not getting it.It doesn't help her case much and it doesn't make those who dislike her after the war like her any better. This is a book I'd recommend a pass on. It is not worth the price.

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Venom (2016) #2

Dec 24, 2016

The art is pretty good, especially when it comes to Venom's new design, and the writing by Mike Costa is definitely head and shoulders above most other things that Marvel is doing now. The tone of the book is one of despair, as Venom is forced to tag long with someone who is no doubt going to push past most of Venom's more heroic tendencies to make sure he does more villainous things. The is probably the most human that the symbiote has been, and the struggle between good and bad brings this out beautifully. It will be interesting to see how Venom and his new host adapt to each other and if Venom can overcome Lee's selfish tendencies. This is one of the few Marvel books that I have found it worthwhile to read, so I would definitely recommend giving it a read. This is a great read and I can't wait for the next issue!

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War for the Planet of the Apes #1

Jul 17, 2017

It's interesting to see things begin to move towards war so quickly, but Caesar may see a threat others don't. The big question this leaves us with is: Who will strike first? Will humans be the aggressors or will apes initiate the conflict? The writing and art are great, both lending themselves to the story well. The acts of attrition and the emotions displayed here are shown off well, and it feels like there really are stakes here. The characters feel like real people, and that can be a hard thing to portray. I'd recommend picking this up if you see it, it's worth the money, especially if you're a fan of the property. It's just an opening shot, but it makes promises for what's to come very well.

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Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III #2

Aug 23, 2017

It's light on talking but the action makes up for it. It's a well-done book that's worth giving a shot.

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Warhammer 40,000: Revelations #1

Apr 8, 2017

The characters have transitioned to the new story arc well, and the dialogue and writing are still very well done. The characters of Altheous and Baltus still stand out over others like Seraphus and Sabbathiel though, likely because of how much more import they are given. The art is dark and fits the property it is based on well, so fans won't be disappointed there. The tone is grim, as all forces involved here seem to be headed for a massive battle that they cannot or will not avoid.

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Weapon H #1

Mar 29, 2018

This was a pretty decent first issue for such a silly concept. Weapon H basically function as a mix of Banner and Wolverine, hiding and trying to avoid society like Banner, but relentlessly attacking as Weapon H like Wolverine. The book actually manages to make this concept into something interesting that may just work. The writing is done well, the dialogue feels real, and the art is actually pretty good.

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X-Men: Blue (2017) #1

Apr 25, 2017

The tone is one of hope for once. The mutants are starting to rebound from all their setbacks and this issue helps prove that they don't plan on leaving just yet. There's plenty of action in the issue as well as an exploration of the team as a whole. It makes for a very enjoyable read, and Marvel fans and Mutant fans should really pick this one up! The characters and dialogue work well and the story is fast-paced but flows very well.

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Xena: Warrior Princess #2

May 18, 2016

We've set up a lot by now and we're moving forward to a new objective, so I can't wait to see what future twists and surprises come up for Xena and the others. This was, like the first issue, a very good read once more.

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