Hulk #1
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Hulk #1

Writer: Mariko Tamaki Artist: Nico Leon Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 28, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 20 User Reviews: 26
8.1Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

JENNIFER WALTERS has survived the Civil War...barely...and having risen from the rubble, she re-enters the world a different kind of hero. Fueled by a quiet rage, she is determined to move forward, to go on with her life, but the pain of the past and all she's lost is always there - an undercurrent, a pulse, waiting to quicken and trigger Jen's transformation into the one thing she doesn't have control over...
Rated T

  • 10
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Marc Buxton Jan 3, 2017

    Hulk #1 is shockingly good, a meditation on sacrifice and recovery that a seasoned Marvel reader would never dream of finding in a She-Hulk series. Seriously, its still too early to judge, but if the first issue of Marvels new Hulk is any indication, Tamaki and Leons take on Jen Walters could be Eisner-worthy. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Fandom Post - Alex Henning Jan 5, 2017

    This is a whole new direction for Hulk, and i'm certainly going to stay on this ride! Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    Comicsverse - markbouchard Dec 29, 2016

    Colorist Matt Milla expertly conveys the tone of the narrative, building off of Leon's artwork. While Milla does employ the same palette over the majority of the issue, he periodically strays from it in order to skew the palette towards Walters' state of mind. For example, Milla uses sharp, bright colors to highlight the frustrated peak of Walters' panic attack, and swathes entire panels in a muted blue during its aftermath, in order to communicate her utter despair to the reader. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ryan.L Dec 28, 2016

    Another amazing book from Marvel Now! Civil War II may not have been what we wanted but we are getting some incredible new series and thats whats most important. I highly recommend you pick this one up. It's a great series for longtime fans of She-Hulk and also new readers to the character. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Dec 31, 2016

    Hulk could be the next big surprise hit at Marvel! With a solid focus on character, a clear vision and theme to explore, and perfectly emotive art, I expect great things from this horrible new chapter of Jennifer Walters' life. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Black Nerd Problems - Omar Holmon Dec 29, 2016

    I focused heavy on Jen Walters here, but we are also seeing a vibrant story coming up that Tamaki has kickstarted with J-Walt's job. Again, this isn't an action-packed read, but it's important to see a hero come back into who they once were, or in this case becoming comfortable with who they are now. We can't have that process only taking one issue, and luckily we have a creative team that's up to the task. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comic Crusaders - Inhuman Mongo Jan 3, 2017

    I say go out and pick this title up. I will grant you, it is paced rather slow but I feel this is intentional and necessary given the topic. I am eagerly looking forward to continuing this opening arc. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jan 2, 2017

    So, it's something of a slow start - and a fresh start - for this long-running hero. So far, I like it - I'll be hanging around. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Heroes Direct - Adam Fitch Dec 29, 2016

    If you're expecting more of the material seen in previous She-Hulk titles or classic Hulk titles featuring Bruce, then you're out of look. It's hard to say where this series will go, but there's no hulking out and Jen's certainly only a fraction of the person she used to be. Perhaps she'll grow into herself once more and branch out into heroics, either way, we're pleasantly surprised with this first issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Jessica Petrecz Dec 31, 2016

    This series has all the promise in the world to deliver and this first issue is proof. You could not ask for a better writer or creative team to give Jennifer Walters the credibility to wear the Hulk title. This is a story that is crafted with beautiful pages and emotional dense story that is sure to keep us invested for many issues ot come. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Jessica Boyd Dec 28, 2016

    It's a subdued start, to what is typically one of the more bombastic characters in the Marvel universe. With any status quo change, it will take multiple issues to reveal the depth and heart of this story. It will be a story only for those willing to hang on and deal with the emotional turmoil along the way. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Dec 28, 2016

    As this is the first issue, there is some set up. The comic is called Hulk, but we don't actually see Jen hulk-out. For those expecting some rip-roaring Hulk action, there isn't any here. Instead, we see Jen's struggle to keep herself in check as she deals with the recent traumatic events. A first issue needs to set the tone for a series. It's hard to determine what we can expect in later issues here. Seeing Jen like this is an intriguing change and much preferred to the comic relief she somehow became over the years. I'm all for a look at the emotional side of surviving huge galactic threats over a simple punch-fest, month after month. With what Tamaki, Leon and Milla have shown us so far, my attention has been piqued. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jan 3, 2017

    I've always liked She-Hulk. It's an interesting twists on events turning She-Hulk into Marvel's new Hulk. As someone who has always been able to control her transformation and powers this new journey is likely going to be a rocky road for her. Still, I hope the more lighthearted version of the character isn't lost for good. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Dec 29, 2016

    “Hulk” #1 is a fine beginning for what could prove to be a defining story for the character. Tamaki and Leon are great storytellers and prove that they have a true direction for their vision. It's not the same kind of story this character has been featured in over the years but it deserves a chance. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Beat - Alexander Jones Dec 28, 2016

    Hulk #1 gives Jennifer's life a new direction and personality and I can't wait to explore more of her post-Civil War II state of mind. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Weird Science - Dan Mayhoff Jan 2, 2017

    This issue shows that the creative team is going to be taking a more cerebral approach to this character and I find that to be incredibly clever. This issue is a lot of set up and it took me a couple days after reading the story to fully appreciate what the writer was planning on doing with this book. That said, I'm impressed and I can't wait to see more. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    CourtOfNerds - Grant Stoye Jan 2, 2017

    A solid opening to the newest Hulk opus, and heres hoping for some good SHULK SMASH in the coming issues. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    411Mania - RobF Jan 5, 2017

    For a Hulk issue there is no appearance of a Hulk. No Hulk smash. Anything. A bit disappointing. For many years we were subjected to the rampaging/savage She-Hulk. How we get to focus on Jen and her struggle overcome devastating losses and regain her sense of self and I think we have the right team for that. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Dec 28, 2016

    Hulk #1 is a comic that is trying really hard to sell its story about a PTSD-riddled She-Hulk and her trying to live with this new, uncontrollable rage. However, it doesn't really work given the character's long history and even then, the writing can be very forceful and awkward with hammering in its points. This is not really a bad comic by any means, but it's difficult to recommend. It's nothing like She-Hulk's past series and currently, it's telling more of a basic Hulk story, just substituting Jen in for her dead cousin. I say hold off getting this comic until more issues are out and we can see where the creative team is going with their story. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Adam Frey Dec 29, 2016

    In today's market, a first issue of a comic needs to be a successful sales pitch to the dwindling reader base. Between pissing of Jen Walters' longtime fans and being a slow burn of a story, the sale hasn't been made here, and that's a shame. Between Tamaki's take on Jen's monologue and the dark, creeping fear that Leon works into the art, this comic is at least trying to make a point about PTSD. That point may not stick if readers don't have a reason to stick around due to character rewrites and six-part stories which cost four bucks a pop. Read Full Review

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