• What is the thing LAURA KINNEY fears most?
• Is she truly the BEST AT WHAT SHE DOES?
• There is only one WOLVERINE. Or is there?!!
Somehow this series manages to be the silliest and most entertaining of the X-Men line while simultaneously offering some of the deepest characterization. Read Full Review
All-New Wolverine is a fascinating comic with a lot of potential. I hope Taylor and his team really explore the space they've got, and I don't mind the occasional deviation into Fin Fang Foom. Read Full Review
Overall, a pretty good issue that shows how its characters work and brings us closer to our divisive event. Read Full Review
Clever plot, excellent art, good dialogue and character work... An all-around entertaining read. Read Full Review
Taylor, Takara, and the rest of the crew behind the book seem to be having a lot of fun with it, and that definitely shows in this issue. While it's not totally perfect or game-changing, it's simply a pleasant read with some fun characters. With a new story and a killer cliffhanger, it'll be a lot of fun to see where this one goes. Read Full Review
I apologize for coming off a bit mean on the artists as I've diverted more attention to the what seems to be the series direction, simply put I'm not a fan of where All-New Wolverine appears to be going. The creative team has enough good work on their hands to make concerns minimal, but this new issue lacks the weight of earlier entries. The "Road to Civil War II" banner doesn't help things either. I hope this book is an engaging ride but if All-New Wolverine plans to become like many of Marvel's other books that are made carefree for what seems to be the only way to get new readers, I might have to drop it and I honestly don't want to do that. Read Full Review