Borderlands #8
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Borderlands #8

Writer: Mike Neumann Artist: Agustin Padilla Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: April 22, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
7.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Far outside of town, the Vault Hunter receive a last-minute warning from Tannis that a dangerous warlord is on their tail and he’s out for blood! In the exciting conclusion of Tannis and the Vault, Lilith, Mordecai, Roland, and Brick will face their toughest challenge yet.

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Alex Henning Sep 20, 2017

    The team writing this book did well by the series, and it shows. However, questions do still remain- Where is the Vault? What will be done to honor/fill the void of Claptrap? What's next? The dialogue is well done and in character, especially in the case of Claptrap's out of place upbeat tone, Tannis' Sarcasm and cynicism, and Brick's relative lack of speaking except for short sentences. The team behind this book certainly knew what they were doing, though it is slightly disappointing that the entire issue is mostly a big fight scene. The “Not The End” at the end of the issue tells me our story isn't over yet, so our Pandoran questions can still be answered. This was a great issue for the series that makes us look forward to what comes next, and hopefully more characterization happens amidst all the action. There' a balance to achieve between the two, and this comic just misses that. Despite the flaws, a good issue with positive vibes for future issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Chris Bennett Apr 14, 2015

    With a few derpyfaces, the art isn't quite perfect, and I'm still not a fan of the overly sexualised covers, but with that second page, a liberal use of the color purple, and “rum chop” now my new favorite way of bottle opening, it manages to capture the fun side of the book which I think could be easily overlooked Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Daniel Coleman Apr 15, 2015

    This book is a strange one, I don't like it, but I keep coming back for it. There's something magnetic about the Borderlands franchise. I hope that they can push through the game story and tell their own soon, until then I'm gonna try and stay away from it. Read Full Review

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