Hulk #5

Writer: Mariko Tamaki Artist: Nico Leon Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 26, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 21
7.4Critic Rating
5.7User Rating

•  Ever since the tragic events of CIVIL WAR II, JENNIFER WALTERS has done everything she can to avoid transforming into her heroic other form.
•  When a string of murders point to her newest client, Jen finds that she might be in over her head without her super-strong alter ego.
•  But who is this new HULK? And, more importantly, can Jen hope to control her once she's let loose?
Rated T+

  • 8.3
    Black Nerd Problems - Omar Holmon Apr 28, 2017

    The pacing is very Fargo with its slow build, so I feel as if I am watching a unique Netflix show unwind episode by episode that focuses more on Walters, but we haven't seen her in the same detailed coping of her trauma (via the cooking shows) as that we saw in the first issue. I'm hopeful that once we finally get the unveiling of this new Hulk we're going to see an entirely different mental state for Jennifer Walters that would shake up the pacing of this series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Kat Calamia Apr 28, 2017

    Mariko Tamaki has done a great job at exploring how Jen's psychological trauma is affecting her day-to-day life, even if the issue loses a little bit of momentum with Maze's return and the on the nose comparison of Jen and Maze's internal demons. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Comicsverse - Zach Quayle May 3, 2017

    The series' most exciting issue yet, HULK #5 provides excitement without losing sight of the characters. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Alex Henning May 6, 2017

    I can see the angle they want, but dang, hurry it up a bit please. The tone is degenerating into a grim one, with Jen now finding herself in a rather bad position for someone like herself. She's still really the only standout too. Pick it up if you've got patience. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Apr 26, 2017

    Hulk #5 is an improvement over the last issue with much better plot and character development, but it still suffers from pacing and tonal issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    JoseAmor Apr 26, 2017

    A fascinating character study on the road to recovering from trauma, Jen's story continues to burn slowly into what will (hopefully) be an intense and worthwhile conclusion to this first arc. The lack of Hulking in a Hulk book is disappointing, but the deep character work and unique tone is the meat to this comic.

    + LikeComments (4)
  • 8.0
    CrazyforRAMU Nov 4, 2017

    Jen finally queues up a Hulk-out when Maisie reveals she's turned to an uncontrollable inner demon to protect her from the world. (ALLEGORY!) Is it decompressed? Oooh yeah. Is it suffering from some of Marvel's most tone-deaf marketing (i.e. deceptive solicits and covers) ever? Yeah, and that's saying something. I do love the way fan reactions mimic the social challenges that real PTSD sufferers have to deal with: "You're not even the same person," "This is just generic trauma and your story isn't special," "I'm trying to be compassionate but get over it already, LOL." I've heard a third-hand rumor that this title's slow pace is editorially mandated; i.e., Jen has to remain traumatized up to Secret Empire. If that's the case, it still seems more

  • 7.0
    Spock's Brain May 8, 2017

    This series has been slow paced, to say the least, and I've been largely okay with that, but it is kind of grating here, where the first half of the book is a gratuitous flashback and the cover offers more than the interior delivers. It looks like we'll see Jen in Hulk form next issue, but on this one, I'm a bit annoyed by the delay.

  • 7.0
    AwesomeMelvin Apr 27, 2017

    It's a lot of teasing by the writer and it finally seems like we'll be getting Hulk next issue, so that's great. These past issues have been incredibly slow as a whole, but I'm still interested because individually they're fine. I feel sorry for the poor soul who purchases the tpb, though.

  • 6.5
    Kreniigh May 4, 2017

    There's nothing wrong with producing artistic and thought-provoking work that foils expectations. But deliberately raising false expectations is problematic. This is essentially a documentary about the plight of vanishing wildlife habitats in Africa that has a gorilla shooting laser beams out of its eyes on every cover.

  • 6.0
    FT Metler Apr 28, 2017

    Seems like everybody involved in creating this issue had other more important things to do. Mailed in. Story could have been told in half the pages.

  • 5.0
    Sav Apr 26, 2017

    Still waiting for the Hulk... Even though that's the title...

  • 2.0
    Superior fan Apr 26, 2017

    While it looks like the She-Hulk might finally appear next issue, the storyline is so decompressed its non existent. The page is littered with clumsy thought boxes. Even competent art can't save this series.

  • 1.0
    DigIt Apr 28, 2017

    Wanted to like this series, but... it's insufferably boring. Also, 'A HULK UNLEASED' ????? (all caps by Marvel). There's no Hulk that's actually seen in this issue! Regardless of story or character development - things critics like about this snooze-fest, they're overlooking the fact that... teasing a title character, yes, that's ok, it's fun, we get ... but it's NOT ok to be LIED TO by Marvel. Shame on them! And shame on the writer for not speaking about about Marvel's false marketing of her story!

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 1.0
    OHardy Apr 28, 2017

    Who thought it would be a good idea to launch a She Hulk comic with no She Hulk in the book until issue 6? Did Marvel want this book to fail? What a waste of time!

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 1.0
    Welles Apr 26, 2017

    It's called Unleashed, and look at the cover. And then read Marvel's tease. There's no new Hulk in this issue, or in the entire series! Marvel's marketing 100% lied. This is an irreparable breach of trust between Marvel and us readers. Hugely disappointing!

  • 9.0
    darkfire369 Apr 28, 2017

  • 8.5
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  • 8.5
    tonpas1989 May 23, 2020

  • 8.5
    EDiakota Apr 27, 2017

  • 8.0
    jmprados May 15, 2017

  • 8.0
    Destraction Apr 28, 2017

  • 7.5
    StanielK May 9, 2017

  • 6.0
    sebastianorellana95 Apr 27, 2017

  • 1.5
    KnM Aug 30, 2021

  • 1.0
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