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DigIt reviewed Hulk #6 May 31, 2017

That's the Hulk we've waited 9 months for? Nothing like the fantastic covers. Awful. Just awful.

Hulk #6

By: Mariko Tamaki, Nico Leon
Released: May 31, 2017

•  Ever since the events of the second super hero civil war, JEN WALTERS has been doing everything she can to prevent herself from transforming into her rage-filled alter ego...
•  ...but now she must confront a dark force called forward by MAISE BREWN's fear. To survive, and save the lives o...

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FT Metler - Jun 1, 2017

Nailed it. Nothing like the covers. Not even close.

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Spock's Brain reviewed Hulk #5 May 8, 2017

This series has been slow paced, to say the least, and I've been largely okay with that, but it is kind of grating here, where the first half of the book is a gratuitous flashback and the cover offers more than the interior delivers. It looks like we'll see Jen in Hulk form next issue, but on this one, I'm a bit annoyed by the delay.

Hulk #5

By: Mariko Tamaki, Nico Leon
Released: Apr 26, 2017

•  Ever since the tragic events of CIVIL WAR II, JENNIFER WALTERS has done everything she can to avoid transforming into her heroic other form.
•  When a string of murders point to her newest client, Jen finds that she might be in over her head without her super-strong alter ego.

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ThatGuy reviewed Secret Empire #1 May 6, 2017

When your greatest ally betrays you and turns the entire world upside down, you'd expect the situation to be most dire as innocent lives are put at stake, but that doesn't seem to be the case here since the so-called heroes didn't even take it seriously.

Secret Empire #1

By: Nick Spender, Steve McNiven
Released: May 3, 2017

It's been building for months, across a bevy of titles! But now, the moment has arrived for Steve Rogers to step into the light and declare his allegiance to Hydra! How can the heroes of the Marvel Universe cope with this shattering betrayal by the most trusted figure among them? And what will this mean for the world? The map of the Marvel Universe...

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Jon Comics rated Secret Empire #1 May 4, 2017

Secret Empire #1

By: Nick Spender, Steve McNiven
Released: May 3, 2017

It's been building for months, across a bevy of titles! But now, the moment has arrived for Steve Rogers to step into the light and declare his allegiance to Hydra! How can the heroes of the Marvel Universe cope with this shattering betrayal by the most trusted figure among them? And what will this mean for the world? The map of the Marvel Universe...

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Nightmare of Solomon reviewed Secret Empire #1 May 3, 2017

If this comic wasn't so expensive, I'd use it to wipe my ass next time I run out of toilet paper.

Secret Empire #1

By: Nick Spender, Steve McNiven
Released: May 3, 2017

It's been building for months, across a bevy of titles! But now, the moment has arrived for Steve Rogers to step into the light and declare his allegiance to Hydra! How can the heroes of the Marvel Universe cope with this shattering betrayal by the most trusted figure among them? And what will this mean for the world? The map of the Marvel Universe...

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Supererah reviewed Secret Empire #1 May 4, 2017

I wish there were a zero rating I could use for this atrocity of a hackneyed story. Not only are we tired of hero vs hero stories, the story of a controlled Captain America has been done before, not to mentioned the classic King Superman story among other stories revolving around the same concept of a hero gone totalitarian.

Secret Empire #1

By: Nick Spender, Steve McNiven
Released: May 3, 2017

It's been building for months, across a bevy of titles! But now, the moment has arrived for Steve Rogers to step into the light and declare his allegiance to Hydra! How can the heroes of the Marvel Universe cope with this shattering betrayal by the most trusted figure among them? And what will this mean for the world? The map of the Marvel Universe...

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Supererah - May 4, 2017

I only review things I feel strongly about. I care about the Marvel universe just as much as I care about the DC one and I want them both to give me stories that move me. Too bad that in the last couple of years Marvel has only been "moving me" negatively. When they return to form, as before Secret Wars, then you'll see me positively reviewing the things I care about. For me, this is not a DC vs Marvel thing at all.

johnavenger - May 15, 2017

except at least Marvel are taking some risks, Cap isn't totally totalitarian....what makes this more impactful is Cap is willing to work together as council with villains he's vowed to stop before. The matters that the story itself deals with cap at the center are not only political but also on a social level. At times you have to ask if what Cap is doing is actually better for humanity and how wrong is he?

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sebastianorellana95 rated Hulk #5 Apr 27, 2017

Hulk #5

By: Mariko Tamaki, Nico Leon
Released: Apr 26, 2017

•  Ever since the tragic events of CIVIL WAR II, JENNIFER WALTERS has done everything she can to avoid transforming into her heroic other form.
•  When a string of murders point to her newest client, Jen finds that she might be in over her head without her super-strong alter ego.

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Kreniigh reviewed Hulk #5 May 4, 2017

There's nothing wrong with producing artistic and thought-provoking work that foils expectations. But deliberately raising false expectations is problematic. This is essentially a documentary about the plight of vanishing wildlife habitats in Africa that has a gorilla shooting laser beams out of its eyes on every cover.

Hulk #5

By: Mariko Tamaki, Nico Leon
Released: Apr 26, 2017

•  Ever since the tragic events of CIVIL WAR II, JENNIFER WALTERS has done everything she can to avoid transforming into her heroic other form.
•  When a string of murders point to her newest client, Jen finds that she might be in over her head without her super-strong alter ego.

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DigIt reviewed Hulk #3 Apr 29, 2017

Unfortunately nothing really happens. The issue doesn't deliver upon the series' promises. A great cover though - but it completely misrepresents this issues content and tone. Awful.

Hulk #3

By: Mariko Tamaki, Nico Leon
Released: Feb 22, 2017

• Jen's life is finally settling into a rhythm: She wakes up, goes to work, helps her new clients, goes home, watches a cooking video, and goes to sleep.
•  But when a murder rocks the life of one of her newest clients, how will Jen react? Is there more to the situation than just Jen Walters, lawyer, can handle?

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DigIt reviewed Hulk #4 Apr 29, 2017

The Insufferable Sulk (or Jen; there is no Hulk).

Hulk #4

By: Mariko Tamaki, Nico Leon
Released: Mar 22, 2017

•  Trying to rebuild her own life and law career, JENNIFER WALTERS is determined to help her newest client, MAISE BREWN, a woman on the verge of eviction and a massive nervous meltdown.
•  Once an outgoing yoga instructor, a brutal attack changed Maise's life forever. Now a recl...

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DigIt reviewed Hulk #5 Apr 28, 2017

Wanted to like this series, but... it's insufferably boring. Also, 'A HULK UNLEASED' ????? (all caps by Marvel). There's no Hulk that's actually seen in this issue! Regardless of story or character development - things critics like about this snooze-fest, they're overlooking the fact that... teasing a title character, yes, that's ok, it's fun, we get ... but it's NOT ok to be LIED TO by Marvel. Sh more

Hulk #5

By: Mariko Tamaki, Nico Leon
Released: Apr 26, 2017

•  Ever since the tragic events of CIVIL WAR II, JENNIFER WALTERS has done everything she can to avoid transforming into her heroic other form.
•  When a string of murders point to her newest client, Jen finds that she might be in over her head without her super-strong alter ego.

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DigIt - Apr 28, 2017

Oops! Here's my corrected text: ... teasing a title character, yes, that's ok, it's fun, we get it ... but it's NOT ok to be LIED TO by Marvel. Shame on them! And shame on the writer for not speaking out about Marvel's false marketing of her story!

DigIt rated All-New Captain America #1 Apr 28, 2017

All-New Captain America #1

By: Rick Remender, Stuart Immonen
Released: Nov 12, 2014

• This is it! The all-new, Spy-Fi, highflying adventures of Sam Wilson Captain America and Nomad begin here!
•  Hydra is growing, the terrorist band have has infiltrated the Marvel Universe completely! But what is their ultimate goal?
•  United by Hydra, Cap's rogue's gallery gathers to take down the new untested Captain America ...

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JoseAmor reviewed Hulk #5 Apr 26, 2017

A fascinating character study on the road to recovering from trauma, Jen's story continues to burn slowly into what will (hopefully) be an intense and worthwhile conclusion to this first arc. The lack of Hulking in a Hulk book is disappointing, but the deep character work and unique tone is the meat to this comic.

Hulk #5

By: Mariko Tamaki, Nico Leon
Released: Apr 26, 2017

•  Ever since the tragic events of CIVIL WAR II, JENNIFER WALTERS has done everything she can to avoid transforming into her heroic other form.
•  When a string of murders point to her newest client, Jen finds that she might be in over her head without her super-strong alter ego.

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Welles - Apr 26, 2017


DigIt - Apr 28, 2017

Hope - that's what all the critics who like this series seem to have about the next issue. Ugh.

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OHardy reviewed Hulk #5 Apr 28, 2017

Who thought it would be a good idea to launch a She Hulk comic with no She Hulk in the book until issue 6? Did Marvel want this book to fail? What a waste of time!

Hulk #5

By: Mariko Tamaki, Nico Leon
Released: Apr 26, 2017

•  Ever since the tragic events of CIVIL WAR II, JENNIFER WALTERS has done everything she can to avoid transforming into her heroic other form.
•  When a string of murders point to her newest client, Jen finds that she might be in over her head without her super-strong alter ego.

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DigIt - Apr 28, 2017

An incredible disappointment. I'll read every issue, but, at this point, who gives a crap about #6. We'd be fools to get our hopes up about it.

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FT Metler reviewed Hulk #5 Apr 28, 2017

Seems like everybody involved in creating this issue had other more important things to do. Mailed in. Story could have been told in half the pages.

Hulk #5

By: Mariko Tamaki, Nico Leon
Released: Apr 26, 2017

•  Ever since the tragic events of CIVIL WAR II, JENNIFER WALTERS has done everything she can to avoid transforming into her heroic other form.
•  When a string of murders point to her newest client, Jen finds that she might be in over her head without her super-strong alter ego.

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Welles reviewed Hulk #5 Apr 26, 2017

It's called Unleashed, and look at the cover. And then read Marvel's tease. There's no new Hulk in this issue, or in the entire series! Marvel's marketing 100% lied. This is an irreparable breach of trust between Marvel and us readers. Hugely disappointing!

Hulk #5

By: Mariko Tamaki, Nico Leon
Released: Apr 26, 2017

•  Ever since the tragic events of CIVIL WAR II, JENNIFER WALTERS has done everything she can to avoid transforming into her heroic other form.
•  When a string of murders point to her newest client, Jen finds that she might be in over her head without her super-strong alter ego.

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Superior fan reviewed Hulk #5 Apr 26, 2017

While it looks like the She-Hulk might finally appear next issue, the storyline is so decompressed its non existent. The page is littered with clumsy thought boxes. Even competent art can't save this series.

Hulk #5

By: Mariko Tamaki, Nico Leon
Released: Apr 26, 2017

•  Ever since the tragic events of CIVIL WAR II, JENNIFER WALTERS has done everything she can to avoid transforming into her heroic other form.
•  When a string of murders point to her newest client, Jen finds that she might be in over her head without her super-strong alter ego.

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Sav reviewed Hulk #5 Apr 26, 2017

Still waiting for the Hulk... Even though that's the title...

Hulk #5

By: Mariko Tamaki, Nico Leon
Released: Apr 26, 2017

•  Ever since the tragic events of CIVIL WAR II, JENNIFER WALTERS has done everything she can to avoid transforming into her heroic other form.
•  When a string of murders point to her newest client, Jen finds that she might be in over her head without her super-strong alter ego.

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