• Everything over the last several months has been leading to this-a turning point for the X-Men. And it all revolves around their deceased former mentor and leader, Professor Charles Xavier!
Rated T+
One of Bendis' main themes since taking over the X-Men books has been time travel and we get more of that here. Time travel tends to complicate things, but Bendis has proven that he's more than capable of simplifying the complicated with the big ideas he introduces to the reader. From art to story to the large cast of characters involved, Uncanny X-Men continues to be one of my favorite Marvel books and this is another example of why. In addition, if you haven't read the Uncanny X-Men Annual starring Eva Bell (Tempest), I'd recommend you do so not only for the great story, but it looks as though she'll be playing an important part in what happens next. Things look as though they're about to get a lot more complicated next issue with a final splash page that will have you wondering what comes next, and I can't wait. Read Full Review
This issue has its heroes and villains and the ability to cast any of its characters in either part. While this story has objectively gone on too long, this is a solid chapter. Particularly for longtime readers of this series, there are just so many elements that pay off this month. Sure, it's still fairly decompressed, but we get some advancement on every plot thread. The writing is strong and the art is a fascinating experiment on Bachalo's part. In spite of everything it does to shake my confidence, Uncanny X-Men really does have the power to win me back every now and again. Read Full Review
After the UNCANNY X-MEN ANNUAL (the second half of which came out today as the ALL-NEW X-MEN ANNUAL), I think Eva Bell has the potential to be a serious contender for one of the best new characters of the year, regardless of where this issue or even storyline takes her. We get more great developments from the other characters, as well as some pretty shocking plot points to go with them that a weak last few pages dont even come close to eclipsing. Theres a reason this book consistently rates as my favorite X-title on the shelf, and this issue is a great example of that: even when its not perfect, its still a great read. Read Full Review
Along with continuing to play on Magik jumping back-forth through time for the assistance of Doctor Strange, who comes us with an unusual solution to the Malloy problem, the latest issue also gives Tempus her own subplot as she considers altering time in a very large way by warning Professor Xavier of the Malloy situation in the past and alloying him to try and prevent the current situation before it ever occurs. Of course you have to wonder what else a past version of Xavier might learn about both his future and that of his prized student opening up the door for a very big shakeup if Brian Michael Bendis wants to walk the reader through. Worth a look. Read Full Review
I love me some Bendis-penned Uncanny X-Men, but even I can admit that this story is getting pretty long in the tooth. We're still just trying to figure out what to do with Matthew Malloy. We're so far removed from Xavier's will that I think everybody has forgotten about it. This is still a fun story, and these are still great comics, but Bendis needs to reign it in soon. Read Full Review
We're still closing on the story that sprung forth from “The Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier” and while all good things must come to an end, Bendis has made this a little longer than it should have been. Even so, the end plan gives us a potentially perfect setup to bring us to the last chapter. I just hope they pull it off without using a deus ex machina solution. Read Full Review
This issue further drives away from the all Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier, but it does shows some potential towards the end of the issue. Eva Bell is becoming an important character, and things are starting to tie in together. Read Full Review
Overall, Uncanny X-Men #29 has its share of missteps in specific areas, but it's a solid issue that benefits strongly from a second wind just in time for Secret Wars. Like many of Bendis' stories thus far, the setups have been better than the endings, and if the coming issues provide a strong conclusion, his could be one of the memorable arcs. For what it's worth, the events happening in the pages of Uncanny X-Men #29 might not be important in and of themselves, but there's potential for some groundbreaking stuff as long as the way forward finally leads to that unreachable horizon. Read Full Review
As usual, it's the more dialogue-driven scenes that his stylized pencils are less equipped to handle. Read Full Review
In the end, "Uncanny X-Men" #29 is a fun comic, although I do wish that the middle didn't feel like it was dragging its metaphorical feet, and that the art held together a bit more. At its core, though, there's a good comic here. I'm already looking forward to the next installment in 2015. Read Full Review
With the end of the arc fast approaching, we wait patiently for the post-Axis stories to start. Brian Michael Bendis definitely has big plans in store for the Uncanny X-Men but we have to get through this first. Chris Bachalo has picked up his game this issue and turned in his best work of the arc. The anticipation is starting to mount for readers as we patiently wait for Bendis to take us into the next phase of the series. Read Full Review