Teen Titans #5

Writer: Will Pfeifer Artist: Scott Hepburn Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 17, 2014 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 6
6.6Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

As a deadly new drug hits the streets of New York City, the Titans take on a new team member!

  • 8.0
    The Daily Crate - Keri Honea Dec 18, 2014

    Whether or not Rocafort returns, this is still a rather entertaining super hero comic series. It has the ideal formula down pat: action when needed, humor, a bit of seriousness, and super powers. Really, what more could you want from a super hero comic (other than maybe some romance in the future)? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Dec 18, 2014

    Scott Hepburn takes the wheel with Teen Titans #5, and honestly, this book hasn't looked this good since the days of Mike McKone and Tony Daniel. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GAMbIT Magazine - J. Luis Dec 19, 2014

    Teen Titans #5 is a fun read and is friendly to new readers, so if you have been wanting to jump on now would be an excellent time. The New 52 has done a pretty good job at reintroducing old characters in new ways and this issue is no different. I won't spoil anything, but it sure was a treat seeing Manchester Black in his new role in the DCU. Good stuff all around and makes for an easy recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Population Go - Chris Lemmerman Jan 4, 2015

    Teen Titans' second arc begins quite well, furthering plotlines from the previous arc as well as setting up some new bits and pieces to follow through on. Pfiefer's balance between the team members is definitely improving, with everyone getting their turn this issue, and the dialogue remains great as ever. Scott Hepburn's artwork is a little different to Kenneth Rocafort's, but despite a few sharp faces, it serves the story well, and the antagonists for this arc look set to be well in line with the story Pfiefer is trying to tell. The series hasn't hit a bad foot yet, and it doesn't look like this arc will stop that winning streak either. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Batman-News - Jesse Kennedy Dec 28, 2014

    It's a fairly simple story that will actually have you scratching your head by the time you finish. The series takes another step forward in the Manchester Black story line as well as introducing some new characters. It's not an urgent read, but you won't want to miss this if you plan on following the series in the future. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jeff Lake Dec 17, 2014

    Rather than explore the team dynamic that has only just begun to feel fully formed, Will Pfeifer instead throws a wrench in the proceedings in the form of power pill poppin' prep-school punks. There's really no rhyme or reason to this decision other than to give the team another opportunity to spout battle talk and throw purple punches, and even that excuse feels like nothing more than a flimsy lead-in to introducing a new character and potential team member. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho Dec 18, 2014

    Teen Titans has definitely become a better book since Will Pfeifer took over. He brings realism and anidentifiablefeelto many of the characters he writes. The art by Scott Hepburn is fine, but he could use a bit more style in his work. Teen Titans has certainly done a 180 and its the best its been since Geoff Johns was on the book. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - TBU Contributor Dec 19, 2014

    We leave this issue with more questions than answers. The art in the book is consistent will all of the previous issues in this series. Although there are a few unnecessary clichs, Will Pfeifer continues to breathe life into each of the storys primary characters. I have thoroughly enjoyed Raven being used more frequently to drive the story forward and am hopeful that Pfeifer will continue to develop this character in the future. This series is full of potential but only time will tell if the creative team can make it a mainstay in the DC Universe. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Dec 18, 2014

    Teen Titans is content to be just a dumb superhero comic where the characters are only really concerned about being superheroes. Not even an art change or the promise of a new character can save Teen Titans #5 from just being generally dull. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Dec 23, 2014

    Even though we're continuing with the story line from last month, now that Algorithm is out of the picture and we actually know what's going on, it seems to be a lot less interesting.  Combine that with superpowered overprivileged asshole teenagers and the dumbing down of another female character and we have ourselves one great big mess of an issue.  Our heroes are still not feeling like a team and I doubt the inclusion of another member will change that.  The only positive thing I really see in this issue is Scott Hepburn's artwork.  I really hope he stays on the series because I enjoyed what he brought to the party. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    JBL Reviews Dec 20, 2014

    It was ok. I probably liked it more than I should've.

  • 7.5
    WhiteLantern Dec 18, 2014

    Teen Titans continues to be an interesting comic. Will Pfeifer has an interesting idea here, and it's executed fairly well. The idea of a S.T.A.R. labs developing a pill that gives people superpowers is an interesting one, but I'm not sure I completely buy a developer giving it to a high schooler as payment for financial assistance. It's just a bit too far. That being said, the four teenagers are interesting enough for the issue, but I'm hoping they're not the focus of the entire arc. I don't think they'll be able to hold interest for the entire thing. The introduction of a new (Earth O) Power Girl is interesting, and I'm curious to find out more about her. The main drawback on this issue is Scott Hepburn's art. It's not bad, but it lacks a more

  • 7.5
    eolnardo Jan 13, 2021

  • 7.0
    SwampyCA Jan 11, 2015

  • 6.5
    Redeadhood Dec 24, 2014

  • calebmxwell Feb 5, 2023

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