Jon Comics's Profile

Joined: Feb 03, 2017

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Absolute Carnage (2019) #4  
Absolute Carnage (2019): Avengers #1  
Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors #3

Nov 2, 2019

Great cast. Fun book. Not a must read, but if you like Iron Fist and Misty Knight, definitely recommended. Or Cloak and Dagger, Deathlok, Firestar and John Jameson and Morbius.

Action Comics (2016) #1001

Jul 28, 2018

The first half of this issue is practically unreadable, as bad as The Strazinsky Superman Walks story. Things pick up in the second half but interest has been lost by them. Why set up a “mystery” last issue to uncover it by the middle of the story here, and wasting precious pages. Too much talk with new and boring characters. And second half is not much better. Some boring new characters which seem like X Men villains. Bendis is all wrong for Superman. Who thought he was a big get? What was the last time he had a super popular series at Marvel? Was he brought in to counter Geoff Johns as the big talent in DC? I’m dropping all Superman books now.

Action Comics (2016): Special #1  
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #1

May 4, 2017

All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #9

Oct 1, 2017

All-New Wolverine #30

May 5, 2018

Great story. Fabulous art. However, uncomfortably similar subject and concept as Detective Comic’s The Victim Syndicate, so that takes away originality from this saga.

All-New Wolverine #31

May 5, 2018

All-New X-Men (2015) #19  
Alpha Flight: True North #1

Nov 2, 2019

Absolute must have for any Alpha Flight fan. We get several stories which acknowledge the characters’ past history and plant seeds for the future. The Snowbird and Talisman team up is eery and phantasmagoric. The Puck-Marrina team up is revealing about the characters’ past and explores some interesting possibilities. And most intriguing is the Vindicator Guardian story. Need the follow up.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #25

Apr 21, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #789

Apr 21, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #790

May 5, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #793

May 5, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #799

May 5, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #800

Jun 23, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #801

Jun 23, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #1

Oct 7, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #2

Oct 7, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #3

Oct 7, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #6

Oct 7, 2018

Nick Spencer is a very mediocre writer who sometimes has good ideas, but the guy can’t tell a good story even if his life depended on it. His pacing is awful, his storytelling is clumsy, his characterization is shallow, and when he is bad he is awful, as these first six issues of Spider Man show. Secret Empire was a major editorial mistake by Marvel, which was not helped by Spencer’s null sense of drama and suspense. The story just dragged and dragged without nothing much interesting happening. The split of Parker and Spider Man was a very ridiculous on your face concept and the execution was not any better. I was one of the people who was not convinced about the millionaire Peter Parker but then the back to basics approach was done with a sledgehammer. As another reader reviewer has said it’s all very cartoonish, as aimed at 6 years old. I didn’t love Slott’s run as it was too stunt driven but it had some great highs like Superior Spider Man and Spider Verse, but Spider Man hasn’t clicked for me since Brand New Day. Time to jump off.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #49

Oct 25, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #50

Oct 25, 2020

Annihilation - Scourge: Alpha #1

Jan 26, 2020

Annihilation - Scourge: Fantastic Four #1

Jan 26, 2020

Annihilation - Scourge: Beta Ray Bill #1

Jan 26, 2020

Annihilation - Scourge: Silver Surfer #1

Jan 26, 2020

Annihilation - Scourge: Omega #1

Feb 15, 2020

Ant-Man & The Wasp (2018) #5

Mar 17, 2019

The series as a whole is fun if slightly confusing with all the science thing. Hardly canon, but good exposure for Lang and especially Nadia, and a weird and endearing blue monster from a Microverse alien race. Great art from Javier Garron.

Aquaman (2016) #22

May 4, 2017

Aquaman (2016) #26

Oct 15, 2017

Aquaman (2016) #27

Oct 15, 2017

Aquaman (2016) #28

Oct 15, 2017

Aquaman (2016) #35

May 5, 2018

This arc has gone on for too long. The story has been dragged out and in wanting to be epic, it has become turgid. The Game of Throne influence in pop culture can wear you down and this is what Aquaman has been aiming for. It’s not bad by any means, but this story should have been taken care of in 4 issues and while Spijic and Federici art was beautiful ot was also static and dark. I wonder if Abnett (a very reluable writer) dragged this story because of the supposed takeover of the book on the next few months by another writer. But well, even if overstretched the writing is good and finally in this issue things como to a head in the battle against Rath. Miss the initial emphasis of the title in super heroics and the tension with the outside world. Great art by Robson Rocha.

Aquaman (2016) #38

Jul 28, 2018

A great finale to Dan Abnett’s Corum Rath saga. The story went on too long, but it was always interesting and featured great art. Surprisingly, the companion Mera mini series was exceptional too. My only complaint us that Aquaman’s role in the story came to feel secondary, something which was reinforced by the ending, which doesn’t show Arthur in the best light. Still, a great run and can’t wait to see how Abnett finishes hus run before Aquaman is “Momoized” as per the upcoming Aquaman film starring Momoa.

Asgardians of the Galaxy #1

Oct 7, 2018

Great old fashioned fun for comic fans who don’t take their comics too seriously. Cullen Bunn assembles a team of second tier characters who together make a very cool team via the clash of personalities. I find Angela very boring, but her dourness works well with the other character’s flamboyance. I have always loved the original Valkyrie, the frog Thor is priceless and The Destroyer os striking. The comeback in the final page is one of the best you can expect all year, and the actual story about a new Ragnarok is intriguing. This will win no awards but it’s a lot of fun.

Asgardians of the Galaxy #2

Oct 7, 2018

Asgardians of the Galaxy #3

Nov 17, 2018

Asgardians of the Galaxy #4

Dec 15, 2018

This book is unpretentious, has a great cast and is a lot of fun. Kid Loki, Valkyrie, Anabelle Riggs, Trog, Skurge. Cullen Bunn has to be one of the more underrated writers around. He has managed to make Thunderstrike and to some extent Angela interesting. As good as its title.

Asgardians of the Galaxy #6

Mar 9, 2019

The art is not great, but story continues to be super fun. Yondu’s Ravagers team is perfect with Pip the Troll and Torgo on board.

Asgardians of the Galaxy #9

Jun 8, 2019

Asgardians of the Galaxy #10

Jul 14, 2019

Cullen Bunn’s Asgardians of the Galaxy was one of Marvel’s best books throughout its run. Bunn is a great underrated writer, and anyone who can make Throgf, Skurge and Thunderstrike compelling deserves applause Unfortunately War of the Realms derailed the book, killed one of its main characters (Valkyrie) and led to a mediocre ending with one of Marvel’s worst characters, Angela. The art is very bad too. Still, the 10 issue run is totally worth reading.

Astonishing X-Men (2017) #8

Apr 21, 2018

Astonishing X-Men (2017) #9

Apr 21, 2018

Astonishing X-Men (2017) #10

Apr 21, 2018

Avengers (2016) #9

Sep 2, 2017

Avengers (2016) #10

Sep 2, 2017

Avengers (2016) #11

Sep 30, 2017

Another mediocre issue in one of the worst Avengers' runs ever. A stab at depth about some character conflicts of absolutely no relevance whatsoever. Nadya Pym is one of the worst characters ever.

Avengers (2016) #690

Apr 28, 2018

Great saga. The last two issues almost fell like an Avengers greatest classics story. The final match between Lightning and Grandmaster was brilliant. The art was top notch all along. After years of mediocrity, the Avengers finally got an epic story with some high stakes and the presence of some classic members like the Beast and Wonder Man. No fake deaths were needed to add drama either and Quicksilver got (another) good redemption arc. I will be glad to not see Sunspot, Cannonball and Squirrel Girl as Avengers. Like the characters, they just don’t feel like Avengers. Wanda got a great moment, but she and the Wasp should be getting more expo as the forst two female Avengers and as two of the longest running members of the team I think Synapse is a boring character but she has been used effectively so far and is likable, same with Nadia. Please forget about Wonder Man being a pacifist, it has become ridiculous. As much as some people thought there were too many Avengers in this story, I enjoyed it. They should plan for an Avengers weekly event every year, bringing in everybody. The story made great use of Lightning and of taking a good shot at making him relevant. Let’s see what’s next.

Avengers (2018) #4

Jul 8, 2018

Avengers (2018) #5

Jul 21, 2018

Epic and almost ridiculous. Aaron goes for big operatic spectacle and he scores big. Some people might find the ending too much bit it works for me. In a way, this Aaron run echoes what Snyder has been trying to do with Justice League, but improves on it. For the first time since Bendis left, there seem to be some real, cosmic stakes. The heroes are heroic, there are surprising revelations and the cast is put to great use, especially the new Ghost Rider. Captain Marvel is still the weakest link and I don’t love feral She Hulk, but those are minor complaints. Using Loki as the main antagonist works great as a homage to how the Avengers got together in the first place. Great, great book

Avengers (2018) #7

Sep 16, 2018

Good, entertainmg story, but I still think Avengers 1000000 Years BC is a ludicrous idea. Who cares??

Avengers (2018) #10

Nov 17, 2018

Avengers (2018) #11

Dec 15, 2018

The Avengers haven’t been this classic and this good probably since the Englehart and Roger Stern era. You have the Winter Guard, the Squadron Supreme, Atlantis Attacking, the Black Panther meeting with international heroes. The only weak point for me seems to be the Savage She Hulk angle to She Hulk. I hope Jennifer can go back to being She Hulk all the time, not boring Jennifer no mindless Hulk, bur what the character has always been. The Coulson subplot was chilling.

Avengers (2018) #12

Feb 9, 2019

I was super skeptical about the B listers cast, but well, Jason Aaron is one of the best writers working in coming today and he turns this team into a wonderfully eccentric and charismatic group. He also reminds us that most of these characters are pretty cool, but have not been well used lately. Kazar, Morbius, StarWolf, Gorilla Man, Fat Cobra. Groo. My only complaint is that the Wasp still gets no respect. She is a founding member, she should be on the core team. Great. Aaron has revitalized the Avengers after years of mediocrity post-Bendis

Avengers (2018) #13

Feb 9, 2019

Great art and very well written and full of mysteries. 1000000 year Iron Fist is a compelling character and Mephisto has never looked more sinister. My only reservation is Im still on the fence about this 1000000 BC Avengers. Knowing Aaron he should be able to stick the landing, but let’s see

Avengers (2018) #14

Mar 3, 2019

Avengers (2018) #15

Mar 3, 2019

Avengers (2018) #16

Mar 15, 2019

Avengers (2018) #17

Mar 23, 2019

Avengers (2018) #19

Jun 8, 2019

Avengers (2018) #20

Jul 14, 2019

Well written, as is the case with Aaron, but he gets annoyingly meta and doubles down on angry She Hulk telling us she’s here to stay. One of Marvel’s smartest funniest characters has become the old boring version of Hulk smash. So basically Aaron female Avengers are weak, angry She Hulk, a Captain Marvel he does not know how to use (does anybody?) and the founding member and former leader the Wasp relegated to the agents of Wakanda with a bunch of D listers.

Avengers (2018) #24

Oct 7, 2019

Well, Jason Aaron is a great writer and his Avengers’ run has been stellar. His run has been full of daring ideas, but he hits a bump here. Your enjoyment of this issue will be directly proportional to how big a fan you are of Cosmic Ghost Rider. I’m not. Not a bad story by any means, and the Johnny Blaze King of Hell storyline i interesting. Robbie Reyes and his car are not that interesting too and the character continues to be a B lister, with the potential to break out, which is what this story is probably going to do. Good, but not as good as Aaron’s run so far.

Avengers (2018) #28

Jan 12, 2020

Avengers (2018) #30

Oct 9, 2020

Aaron is trying to do too many things and he seems to be trying a Dark Metal Scott Snyder storyline. He is a great writer but he is going for effect over any coherent storytelling. Mostly he doesn’t know what to do with his cast, so there is a barrage o”Big Moments” which don’t work. Robbie Reyes is a terrible character and the novelty of Blade on the Avengers has work off. Black Widow gets an armor. But there is no character development, no conflict. Only She Hulk is somewhat interesting. Let’s hope Aaron can get back on track. Not next issue, which might be the worst of his run.

Avengers (2018) #31

Oct 9, 2020

Jason Aaron loses his way badly. The Devil and Howard Stark. Really? The ludicrous BC Whatever Avengers don’t help. Also, Aaron seems to be ripping off the Immortal Hulk Devil Dad storyline. Awful.

Avengers (2018) #32

Oct 9, 2020

Avengers (2018) #33

Oct 26, 2020

An actually great issue, even greater because I never expect too much from Moon Knight. However, things are predictably ruined by the next issues featuring the chicken god, Khonshu. Chicken God, Mephisto’s words not mine. Is there any way to make a Chicken God a real threat? Very difficult. And it’s even worse when in two issues he has defeated the Avengers and conquered the world. This gets and 8, next ones a 1.

Avengers (2018) #34

Oct 26, 2020

Avengers (2018) #35

Oct 26, 2020

Well, this would be a great story for the Defenders, but the Avengers are not the Defenders. Thor is in the cover but does not show up. The interaction sometimes reminds me of the Giffen De Matteis Justice League which is not a good thing, and the humor backfires. Three issues in this is like a Moon Knight mini series inserted in the Avengers book.

Avengers (2018) #36

Oct 26, 2020

Avengers (2018) #37

Oct 26, 2020

The Khonshu saga has to be some of the worst comics of the year. For a guy who did a classic Thor run, Aaron certainly seems to hate Thor, as he has been a non entity in the last 2 storylines. Aaron seems to be going for a Dark Metal vibe. Is he trying to do that? What Moon Knight did have to do with all this? With the Phoenix? No Avenger in Aaron’s run is written in a compelling way. Is this Editorial’s fault? Blade and Reyes continue to add nothing but neither does anyone else. There is a lot of plot but no drama. Jaw droppingly bad.

Avengers (2018) #44

May 1, 2021

I seem to be in the minority here but I really enjoyed the Phoenix issues. I think Aaron’s Avengers lost their way around 20 issues ago, I mean who cares about Moon Knight? But he delivers here on some of the storylines he teased when he began the book and it’s epic and entertaining, there are dramatic revelations and some underused characters are utilized like Shanna, Black Knight and American Eagle, There are still issues: Blade and Ghost Rider still don’t fit in and add nothing, and the Phoenix choice of host feels underwhelming, but all in all the book recovers the fun and the epic scope it started with.

Avengers (2018) #47

Aug 22, 2021

The Savage She Hulk continues through its inevitably ludicrous end. I mean, who wants to go to all this trouble to use She Hulk as the ultimate WMD? Who cares. Aaron’s run has totally collapsed. The Avengers hasn’t had a good writer since Bendis left.

Avengers: No Road Home #1

Mar 3, 2019

Avengers: No Road Home #2

Mar 3, 2019

Avengers: No Road Home #3

Mar 3, 2019

Avengers: No Road Home #5

Mar 16, 2019

Fantastic. This is a new Golden Age for the Avengers, with Aaron on The Avengers and Zub, Waid and Ewing in No Road Home. The story is so epic and well told, with new mysteries and revelations coming at every minute. Nyx is a great adversary because actually you can see her point in looking for revenge on the Olympians on having condemned her to eternity in prison. The book is also great in giving the spotlight to classic Avengers likre Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Vision and yes, Hercules, and yes Spectrum, one of the most underrated characters in comic. The use of Wanda and Monica in this specific issue us the best in years. Wanda is a classic and powerful Avenger, who was a team mainstay before Byrne and Bendis turned her into a mentally unstable wreck. She is one of the greatest Avengers. Great, great book.

Avengers: No Road Home #6

Mar 23, 2019

The best use of the Scarlet Witch in years. Before going nuts in Avengers Disassembled, Wanda had always been one mainstay of the Avengers and in this saga she reclaims the role. Great team-up with Conan and intriguing developments for the Hulk. This is a classic saga.

Avengers: No Road Home #7

Apr 13, 2019

Avengers: No Road Home #8

Apr 13, 2019

Avengers: No Road Home #9

Apr 13, 2019

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #8

Mar 19, 2017

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #10

Oct 15, 2017

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #12

Oct 15, 2017

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #13

Oct 15, 2017

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #18

May 13, 2018

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #19

May 13, 2018

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #21

Jun 17, 2018

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #22

Jun 17, 2018

Batman (2016) #21

Apr 23, 2017

Batman (2016) #36

May 4, 2018

Absolutely atrocious. Tom King’s run is so overrated. I don’t knoe why fans like to see an infantilized version of Batman, and in this issue, of Superman. This is not Batman, it’s Seinfeld. Looks like King wants to do some deconstruction by showing super heroes as real people and he has a whole issue devoted to Batman and Superman’s insecurities about their friendship because Batman has not called Superman to tell him about his engagement to Catwoman. Both heroes are totally out of character. This whole wedding with Catwoman has been disastrous. The Cat Bat banter reminds me of Me Tarzan You Jane. Worst of all, there doesn’t seem to be any direction or big plot (as opposed to James Tynion magnificent Detective). It seems King is just content with going meta. All this on top of the ludicrous War of Jokes and Riddles whetre Batman was again infantilized to the point of whimpering adolescence when he couldn’t bring to confess to Catwoman that he was almost driven to kill a man. To Catwoman, a criminal. Batman, the Dark Night, has gone emo with King.

Batman (2016) #37

May 4, 2018

Batman (2016) #38

May 4, 2018

Batman (2016) #40

May 12, 2018

Ridiculous, unnecessary and irrelevant. King keeps trying to explore Batman’d character while getting Batman’s character all wrong. He made Batman’s relationship with Superman feel childish, now he makes his relationship with Wonder Woman juvenile. The romance with Catwoman continues to be all surface, the dynamic is totally artificial and unreal. Skip.

Batman (2016) #42

May 12, 2018

Batman (2016) #43

May 12, 2018

An improvelment over the atrocious Super Friends storyline, byt that’s not saying much. We just had three Poison Ivy centric issues in which she turns out to be one of the most powerful villains in the DC universe and controls everything and everyone. Really? But friendship triumphs in the end, that’s the level of depth you get here. King has infantilzed every character he touches in this run. It’s like Archie meets Batman.

Batman (2016) #44

May 12, 2018

Catwoman looks for a wedding dress and has some flashbacks to her and the Bat, using different costumes. That’s it. That’s all.

Batman (2016) #47

May 26, 2018

Batman (2016) #48

Jul 28, 2018

Batman (2016) #50

Jul 29, 2018

The only good thing about Batman 50 is that it finally would seem to show that the Emperor Has No Clothes when it comes to Tom King’s run. Tom King was brilliant in The Vision saga, brilliant. However, he doesn’t seem to have a connection to Batman. His Batman run has been more cerebral than passionate. He seems to be wanting to deconstruct Batman and the genre, in a skow and uninspired way. Yes, he comes up with good gimmicks and good scenarios, but he forces these things and privileges them over character. His Batman/Bruce Wayne is unrecognizable, he comes across as a teenager of the 90s. His moral conflicts and ethical dilemmas are those of a teenager, and would make more sense in a teenage Superman. Bruce Wayne is a thirtysomething who has seen everything. Would he be so mortified years after because he once entertained the idea of killing someone (the awful climax of The War of Jokes and Riddles). The 48 and 49 issues had an interesting setup but Batman acting as an idiot, and the Tarantino smart absurd dialogue can be seen in the entertaining but unnecesary Catwoman Joker dialogue. I still think King could correct course, but he is prpbably too enamored of his exploration of the Batman persona. Boring.

Batman: The Dawnbreaker #1  
Batman: The Red Death #1  
Batman: Who Laughs #1  
Black Panther (2018) #1

May 26, 2018

Black Panther (2018) #4

Mar 16, 2019

Interesting and intriguing, but 4 issues in I still don’t see the point.

Black Panther (2018) #5

Mar 16, 2019

Still don’t get the point but haven’t lost faith in Cotes after his excellent Captain America run

Black Panther (2018) #6

Mar 16, 2019

Things pick up considerably in this issue and next one. The story actually becomes original and provocative, even if it still does not seem to connect to Marvel continuity. The Klyntar Jndaka connection in this issue is intriguing as is the fight with the Panther spirit. Then next issue establishes how Wakandans have ruled by stealing memory and knowledge. Bertell and Walker deliver beautifully on the art.

Black Panther (2018) #8

Mar 16, 2019

Black Panther (2018) #9

Mar 16, 2019

Black Panther (2018) #10

Mar 20, 2020

Black Panther (2018) #11

Mar 20, 2020

Black Panther (2018) #12

Mar 20, 2020

Black Panther (2018) #14

Mar 20, 2020

Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #1

Oct 11, 2020

Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #2

Oct 11, 2020

Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #3

Oct 11, 2020

Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #4

Oct 11, 2020

Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #5

Oct 11, 2020

Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #6

Oct 11, 2020

Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #7

Oct 11, 2020

Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #8

Oct 11, 2020

Black Widow (2019) #1

Feb 9, 2019

Terrible. Natasha is not a character that’s easy to get right. Despite being around practically from the 60s she always has seemed to work better as part of a team or a supporting character. One reson is that her character has never been properly developed, she is a tough mystery woman, with a mystery past, no supporting cast and no big effort has been given to giving her an internal life. Still, in thos decade, the Nathan Edmonson and Phil Noto, and Mike Waid and Chris Samnee runs were high quality and they pushed to develop the character, even giving her a cat at some point. No such luck here. First of all half the issue co-stars Captain America which is weird when launching a solo Black Widow series, especially because it has no point other than Natasha reminding Captain America that “he killed her” during Secret Empire. The issue reminds you that Natasha uses mortal force, but it’s weird watching her do it next to Captain America. And then it’s off to Madripoor. Really? Madripoor is as abused now as time travel or super hero resurrection when it comes to tired plot devices. And on to a tired story about child abuse, which feels exploitative and unoriginal. Not at one point does Natasha sound like the Natasha we know. Also, the art is mangaesque. One of Marvel’s more interesting female characters deserves better.

Cable (2017) #154

Nov 7, 2020

Cable (2017) #157

Nov 7, 2020

Cable (2017) #159

Nov 7, 2020

Cable (2020) #1

Oct 24, 2020

Cable (2020) #2

Oct 24, 2020

Cable (2020) #3

Oct 24, 2020

Cable (2020) #4

Oct 24, 2020

Captain America (2017) #700

May 20, 2018

I understand what Waid and Samnee are trying to do here, but it’s not enough for a Captain America 700 issue. They are taking Captain America back to basics via the Out of Time story, the problem with that is that just before the awful Nick Spencer storyline, Rick Remender had alreadh thrown Captain for years in the alternate dimension controlled by Armin Zola. Before that Captain America was dead foe years and after that he was replaced by The Falcon, and then Secret Empire. Has Marvel forgotten how to tell a Captain America in which Stece Rogers is not dead, super old, thrown out of time or evil? Let’s hope Ta ne hi si Coates can do it.

Captain America (2017) #701

May 20, 2018

Captain America (2018) #1

Jul 8, 2018

Captain America (2018) #8

Mar 16, 2019

The best Captain America story since Ed Brubaker. I was skeptical of Tanehisi Cotes after his Black Panther run, which I found unfocused, full of subplots and a little discursive, but Costss has improved his storytelling and he delivers a compelling and provocative story. The narration by Steve Rogers is brilliant and delivers the thoughtful, honorable, complicated man he is, while at time questioning all he believes in in. However the story is not discursive or preachy, as it’s the story itself that creates this crisis of faith. And well, as for the story, it has mystery, the return of old villains, a great supporting cast. Just hoping the jail thing does not goes on too long as jails can get boring. Also, what age is Sharon is supposed to be, 45, 50? Why is she drawn like a 60 year old?

Captain America (2018) #15

Oct 10, 2020

Coates simply can’t conjure narrative drive.

Captain America (2018) #16

Oct 10, 2020

You’ve got some of the most exciting female heroes teaming with Cap and we still get a boring issue. Coates can’t weite frfton

Captain America (2018) #18

Oct 10, 2020

Captain America (2018) #19

Oct 10, 2020

Some nonsense about Sharon Carter’s soul being stolen. But at least is readable, Agatha Harkness shows up and the Daughters of Liberty concept is mildly interesting. The overall plot arc is still terrible, with Steve on the run

Captain America (2018) #20

Oct 10, 2020


Captain America: Sam Wilson #15

Feb 5, 2017

Captain America: Sam Wilson #16

Feb 5, 2017

Captain America: Sam Wilson #17

Feb 5, 2017

Captain America: Sam Wilson #18

Feb 5, 2017

Captain America: Sam Wilson #19

Apr 23, 2017

Captain America: Sam Wilson #20

Apr 23, 2017

Captain America: Sam Wilson #21

Apr 23, 2017

Captain America: Sam Wilson #22

Sep 2, 2017

Captain America: Sam Wilson #24

Sep 2, 2017

Captain Marvel (2017) #126  
Captain Marvel (2019) #2

Mar 9, 2019

Mediocre art and a letdown from the fine first issue. It’s a little like a Sunday morning cartoon.

Captain Marvel (2019) #15

Nov 6, 2020

Captain Marvel (2019) #16

Nov 6, 2020

Captain Marvel (2019) #17

Nov 6, 2020

Captain Marvel (2019) #22

Nov 6, 2020

When you don’t know what to do, write an alternate future storyline

Captain Marvel (2019) #26

May 2, 2021

Writers should be forbidden of using alternate apocalyptic future storylines. So it’s just another mediocre Alternate Future saga and the ending of the issue is ridiculous.

Captain Marvel (2019) #27

May 2, 2021

Champions (2016) #19  
Damage (2018) #4

May 13, 2018

Talk about fan service. Have you wondered what it would be like to have the Hulk in the DC Universe? This is your answer and it is exactly what the book is trying to do. Homage, parody, rip off, trolling, all of the above? On the other hand, Marvel hasn’t done a real Hulk book since Amadeus Cho came along, so maybe DC is looking for a piece of the Hulk consumer market. This book is almost identical to Marvel’s current Weapon H in its government conspiracy super Weapon plot with a female villain. It’s a fun read but not much more so far. The aforementioned government villain is like a more boring version of Maria Hill (just imagine) with an eyepatch and it’s issue four and we don’t know much about the main character. But Venditti is a great writer and the interaction between man and monster has been intriguing and villains have been used effectively. I will keep reading.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Death Metal Metaverse's End #1

Nov 6, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Trinity Crisis #1

Nov 6, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Speed Metal #1

Nov 6, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal: Robin King #1

Nov 6, 2020

Dark Nights: Metal #1

Aug 20, 2017

Dark Nights: Metal #3

Oct 15, 2017

DC Nation (2018) #0

May 13, 2018

The only story worth reading is the Scott Snyder Justice League story which is epic and magnificent. Some of his handling of the Big Three is still too reverential and a little corny but the story works, the different teams are great, the stakes are monumental and the ending is a knockout. The Joker story wants to be nihilistic and brilliant, but it ends up just being sadistic and pointless and not a bit pretentious. If you like King’s run you will probably like it though. The Superman story is truly awful, and it feels like a throwback in the worst way to the Clark Kent and Daily Planet of the 70s and 80s. Bendis doesn’t show much of a feel for either Superman or Clark Kent, as this could easily be a Perry White story. Has there ever been a superstar journalist for a newspaper? Which journalist dresses like Clark Kent dressses here nowadays? Hopefully this is a mistep, and we will see Avengers Bendis and not Iron Man Bendis here. What Rebirt did was to bring back the best aspects of Superman from the past, the nobility, the heroism, the epic scope. There is a reason why the anachronistic Daily Planet dynamics were not a big part of Rebirth. Let’s hope it’s just a faux pass.

Dead Man Logan #12

Jan 19, 2020

Ed Brisson is one of the best writers working in the business right now. Everything he writes is well planned, well plotted, inspired, surprising and tight. And that was the case with all of Dead Man Logan, with striking art by Mike Henderson. Highly recommended.

Deadman (2017) #1

May 6, 2018

Deadman (2017) #2

May 6, 2018

Deadman (2017) #3

May 6, 2018

Deadman (2017) #4

May 6, 2018

Deadman (2017) #5

May 6, 2018

Deadman (2017) #6

May 6, 2018

Death Of The Inhumans #1

Jul 8, 2018

Death Of The Inhumans #3

Sep 15, 2018

Death Of The Inhumans #4

Oct 6, 2018

Death Of The Inhumans #5

Dec 15, 2018

Cates made the Inhumans good again. Yes, the ending is rushed and too easy, but Cates made the Royal Family compelling and dramatic again after their awful mishandling by Marvel these last few years. Vitally, Black Bolt is not all powerful anymore. Look forward to seeing them in Cates’ Guardians of the Galaxy run.

Detective Comics (2016) #951

Mar 25, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #952

Mar 25, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #953

Mar 25, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #956

May 13, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #958

Oct 8, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #959

Oct 8, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #960

Oct 8, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #961

Oct 8, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #962

Oct 8, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #973

Mar 9, 2018

Detective Comics (2016) #974

Mar 9, 2018

Detective Comics (2016) #975

Mar 9, 2018

Detective Comics (2016) #976

Mar 17, 2018

Riveting. By far one of the best series of DC Rebirth if not the best.

Detective Comics (2016) #981

May 26, 2018

Doctor Doom (2019) #2

Oct 10, 2020

Doctor Doom (2019) #6

Oct 10, 2020

Doctor Strange (2015) #17

Apr 23, 2017

Doctor Strange (2015) #18

Apr 23, 2017

Doctor Strange (2015) #19

Apr 23, 2017

Doctor Strange (2015) #25

Mar 17, 2019

Fill in issues are actually terrible, but this is very good as it is a scary story which actually gives depth to Strange while also introducing an intriguing new adversary. Great art.

Doctor Strange (2015) #26

Mar 17, 2019

Nice fill in story, but take into account it’s a fill in. Great art.

Doctor Strange (2015) #383

Jan 14, 2018

Cates is a talented writer, but the beginning of the run is a little off. The whole run of Jason Aaron was built on a powerless Dr. Strange, so it’s boring to continue that even if this story is about addressing that issue. Too much Asgard, too much Loki, too much Sentry (yikes!). Walta’s art is good, but his Doctor Strange looks bizarre.

Doctor Strange (2015) #384

Apr 14, 2018

Doctor Strange (2015) #385

Apr 14, 2018

Don’t get the acclaim for this run. A very mediocre beginning for Cates with a very weird looking Stephen Strange. Loki is such an overexposed character right now, and this also features the long awaited return of... The Sentry and The Void, two of Marcel’s worst characters. This series collapsed since Aaron left and the upcoming cosmic Strange in space run by Mark Waid does not look promising.

Doctor Strange (2015) #389

Apr 29, 2018

Doctor Strange (2018) #1

Jun 9, 2018

Doctor Strange is a well written book with great art by Jesus Saiz. The story flows well and Waid shows an affinity for the character. But... If you have been reading Doctor Strange since its relaunch a couple of years ago with Jason Aaron, this story can’t help but feel repetitive. Doctor Strange with no magic. Aaron’s run was totally built around that and it was really great, so this looks like beating a dead horse even if you send Doctor Strange to space to recover his mojo. So let’s hope Waid finds a way to make this run unique and not just a gimmicky story with a fish out of water narrative. Marvel loves the fish out of water thing but it can grow tiresome fast, as if the creators didn’t know what to do with the character as he exists: so you have Captain America in Dimension Z, Iron Man in space or the truly awful Frankenpunisher storyline. Doctor strange is as gimmicky as it gets, and as far from the essence of the character as you can go. Let’s hope the trip to space is worth it and not just some exotic detour.

Doctor Strange (2018) #4

Aug 19, 2018

Doctor Strange (2018) #6

Oct 7, 2018

Doctor Strange (2018) #9

Dec 15, 2018

Doctor Strange (2018) #10

Oct 26, 2019

Doctor Strange (2018) #11

Oct 26, 2019

Doctor Strange (2018) #12

Oct 27, 2019

Doctor Strange 12-17 is one of the best Doctor Strange stories I have ever read. It’s an absolute classic. Imaginative, suspenseful, surprising, character driven. The concept is fantastic: What happens when Galactus gets imprisobed in the magical dimension and becomes addicted to demonic energies? Well, the whole reality unravels and you get an epic Doctor Strange vs. Galactus match with guest stars Clea, Umar, Mephisto, Eternity, The Living Tribunal, Black Bolt, The Imperial Guard and almost all of Marvel heavy hitter mystical heroes, and some of the classic Defenders like Hulk, Valkyrie, Gargoyle and Hellstorm. This should have been the history leading up to 400.

Doctor Strange (2018) #14

Oct 27, 2019

Doctor Strange (2018) #15

Oct 27, 2019

Doctor Strange (2018) #16

Oct 27, 2019

Doctor Strange (2018) #17

Oct 27, 2019

Doctor Strange (2018) #18

Oct 27, 2019

Doctor Strange (2018) #19

Oct 27, 2019

Domino (2018) #2

May 11, 2018

Gail Simone is one of the best writers in comics and Dimino is a great fit for her. Simone has Domino narrate the story and she really makes the character relatable, charismatic, vulnerable and powerful. There is a good mystery set up with the antagonist and adding Diamondback and Outlaw as part of the supporting cast is genius. Is this Marvel’s answer to Birds of Prey? Hope this goes the distance.

Domino (2018) #6

Oct 13, 2018

Domino (2018) Annual #1  
Doomsday Clock #6

Jul 28, 2018

This might be a masterpiece in the making and it might make sense when read all together, but right now it’s dreadfully slow and confusing, something which you do not associate with Geoff Johns The characters, Mime and the doll girl are not that interesting, and ironically become even less so after this issue recounts their origin, the usually dark and violent story that people associate with depth in comics. Nothing interesting here, though the Comedian makes things lively. Anti climactic to say the least. Art is great though.

Empyre: Savage Avengers #1  
Empyre: Avengers #3  
Empyre: Captain America #1

Oct 18, 2020

Empyre: Captain America #2

Oct 18, 2020

Empyre: Captain America #3

Oct 18, 2020

Empyre: X-Men #3  
Excalibur (2019) #1

Jan 12, 2020

Excalibur (2019) #2

Jan 12, 2020

Excalibur (2019) #3

Jan 12, 2020

Excalibur (2019) #4

Jan 12, 2020

Excalibur (2019) #5

Jan 12, 2020

Excalibur (2019) #10

Oct 23, 2020

Excalibur (2019) #11

Oct 23, 2020

Excalibur (2019) #12

Oct 23, 2020

Extermination (2018) #1

Aug 19, 2018

The first great X Men issue in years. Ed Brisson is a great writer and I expect great things from him. This recalls the best X Men stories in creating an apocalyptic sense of dread, with not one but two major deaths, and a menace out of Days of Future Past. That said, I’m wary of the next few issues as this involves a lot of time travelling and young versions from alternate timelines. Still, I’m sure Brisson will pull it off. The art by Larraz is striking. One of the best artists in comics.

Extermination (2018) #2

Sep 15, 2018

Extermination (2018) #3

Oct 6, 2018

Extermination (2018) #5

Dec 22, 2018

Brilliant. Ed Brisson is the best writer working in Marvel right now, along with Donny Cates. The X Men haven’t been this good since Bendis left. The ending is epic, tragic, heroic, brilliant and creative. Hope Brisson stays in the X Men books.

Extraordinary X-Men #16  
Fallen Angels (2019) #1

Jan 18, 2020

Fallen Angels (2019) #2

Jan 18, 2020

Fallen Angels (2019) #3

Jan 18, 2020

Fallen Angels (2019) #5

Jan 18, 2020

Fantastic Four (2018) #3

Mar 16, 2019

Fantastic Four (2018) #4

Jul 14, 2019

A mind boggling mediocrity. Readable, but resembles an episode of Scooby Doo. The FF are back in the Marvel Universe and we get the Wrecking Crew and a bunch of D listers called the Fantastix. One of the biggest problems of the FF before their hiatus was too much Franklin and Valeria, and now Slott has made the horrible mistake of aging them 5 years. So what do we get? Archie? Superficial characterization and forgettable art add up to a disastrous issue.

Fantastic Four (2018) #9

Jul 14, 2019

After an inexplicable mediocre start in his run, Dan Slott gets his act together and delivers a first rate FF story, almost classic, putting at play 2 of the FFs greatest adversaries in a very ingenious story, which showcases every character. The art by Aaron Kuder is great and even teen Franklin and Valeria are not annoying. Maybe the denouement feels a little too easy, but, knowing Kuder, Galactus and Doom are not finished with each other. This is the book I was expecting to read when Slott was announced on the title.

Fantastic Four (2018) #10

Jul 14, 2019

This issue showcases Slott’s greatest weaknesses as a writer: privileging gimmicky plots and twists over character, as happened in his Spider Man run. So as good as his ideas sometimes are, they get bogged down by a Saturday cartoon quality. And here the story is not even good. Godlike Franklin Richards is having an identity crisis. This is a guy who has created and destroyed universes. And what do Reed and Sue do? They send him to a community youth center in Yancy Street. Really? This is not only horrible parenting but recklessness and stupidity, when you are talking about a kid who can at least destroy the Earth. Then another Slott big flaw, cheap sentimentality, with all the Yancy kids stuff. The FF needs a top tier writer to regain their place in the Marvel universe.

Fantastic Four (2018) #15

Feb 15, 2020

Fantastic Four (2018) #16

Feb 15, 2020

Fantastic Four (2018) #17

Feb 15, 2020

Fantastic Four (2018) #18

Nov 6, 2020

So a third rate villain is responsible for the creation of the FF. It’s an intriguing concept which somewhat fails in the execution, as has consistently happened in Slott’s run. It feels like a FF’s 70s Roy Thomas or Gerry Conway story, which is good and bad in that It introduces a throwaway new world, with throwaway heroes. But once again, the retcon is intriguing and could have some story potential for the future.

Fantastic Four (2018) #19

Nov 6, 2020

Fantastic Four (2018) #21

Oct 18, 2020

Fantastic Four (2018) #34

Aug 23, 2021

Just when it seemed Dan Slott’s run was improving, he comes up with a storyline so mind bogglingly stupid that it makes you doubt there is an editor or an editor in chief at work. Slott’s knack for gimmicks has always been a problem, but with a fun character like Spider Man, gimmicks work, but it’s entirely another thing where you have characters like Dr. Doom and Reed Richards act like idiots to adapt to a pathetic, ridiculous soap operish gimmick. Embarrassing.

Fantastic Four (2018): Negative Zone #1  
Flash (2016) #29

Sep 3, 2017

Flash (2016) #30

Mar 5, 2018

Flash (2016) #31

Mar 5, 2018

Generations (2017): Wolverine & All-New Wolverine #1  
Ghost Rider (2019) #1

Oct 25, 2020

Ghost Rider (2019) #2

Oct 25, 2020

Ghost Rider (2019) #3

Oct 25, 2020

Ghost Rider (2019) #4

Oct 25, 2020

Ghost Rider (2019) #5

Oct 25, 2020

Ghost Rider (2019) #6

Oct 25, 2020

Ghost Rider (2019) #7

Oct 25, 2020

Green Arrow (2016) #22

May 6, 2017

Green Arrow (2016) #26

Sep 2, 2017

Green Arrow (2016) #27

Sep 2, 2017

Green Arrow (2016) #28

Sep 2, 2017

Green Lanterns #29

Aug 26, 2017

Extremely mediocre. I have enjoyed Humphries' run so far, but thus is his worst storyline. If you are going to introduce the original Green Lanterns, yiy berter come up with some original characters, not some generic third rates stereotypes, including one who looks like the Lion from the Wizard of Oz. Hope this gets retconned eventuallt

Green Lanterns #37

Mar 3, 2018

Green Lanterns #38

Mar 3, 2018

Green Lanterns #39

Mar 3, 2018

Solid, well constructed arc, unfairly maligned. Seeley has some surprises up his sleeves, and he continues the character development for Simon and Jessica. The villain is very interesting, and could have been even better with more striking artwork.

Green Lanterns #42

Mar 17, 2018

First rate. Seekey has really upped his game with this arc. The Church of the Steed is a great antagonist, and Seekey has brought back some of the character development to Simon and Jessica which made Humphries’ run so good. The art is a considerable improvement too. Hope Seeley keeps up the balance between cosmic lightheartedness and epic scope, as the book had been a little whimsical recently.

Green Lanterns #44

May 26, 2018

Green Lanterns #45

May 26, 2018

Green Lanterns #46

May 26, 2018

Green Lanterns #47

May 26, 2018

Green Lanterns #48

Jul 28, 2018

Fill in issue. Time waster between Seeley and Jurgen’s runs

Green Lanterns #49

Jul 28, 2018

Green Lanterns #50

Jul 28, 2018

Perfect start to Jurgens’s run. It’s epic, it’s dramatic, it’s ominous, it makes great use of the characters. Look forward to more

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #1

Feb 9, 2019

Great set up issue. It seems that Cates will be taking the epic route of the Abnett and Lanning days, rather than trying to make the Guardians an irrelevant copy/paste of the movie characters, which prett much sums up Bendis’run. The issue takes the rug from under you pretty fast, assembles a great cast and sets up a big cosmic epic. First rate.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #4

Oct 6, 2019

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #5

Oct 6, 2019

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #6

Oct 6, 2019

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #7

Oct 6, 2019

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #12

Jan 18, 2020

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #5

Oct 17, 2020

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #6

Oct 17, 2020

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #14

Aug 23, 2021

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #15

Aug 23, 2021

Guardians of the Galaxy: Mother Entropy #1

May 4, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy: Mother Entropy #2

May 13, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy: Mother Entropy #5

May 6, 2018

Fun read, great art, but instantly forgettable. Good while it lasts and it’s always great to see Alan Davis drawing out of this world Stuff, however the series suffers from the no stakes storytelling which has afflicted Guardians comics since the release of the first film.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #14

Feb 11, 2017

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #20

May 13, 2017

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #27

Aug 27, 2017

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #29

Sep 30, 2017

Golems got taken care of too easily, but still a great team up between the Corps and the New Gods. Venditti is one of the most underrated writers in comics

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #37

Mar 18, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #38

Mar 18, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #39

Mar 18, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #40

Mar 18, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #42

May 26, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #43

May 26, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #44

May 26, 2018

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #45

May 26, 2018

Hawkman (2018) #1

Jun 16, 2018

Hawkman (2018) #2

Jul 21, 2018

Hawkman (2018) #3

Aug 19, 2018

Hawkman (2018) #5

Oct 20, 2018

Heroes In Crisis #1

Oct 6, 2018

Though the writing is “good”, it doesn’t show its reason for being. The concept looks smart and adult, which really means it’s pretentious and dumb in the comic book universe. Who needs a murder mistery now? The cohesion brought on by Rebirth is totally gone now. More out of character writing for Batman and Superman.

Heroes Reborn (2021) #3

Aug 21, 2021

Really bad. What happened to Jason Aaron’s plotting skills? His Avengers run pretty much collapsed around issues 15 to 20. The Squadron Supreme story was seeded pretty early and this is it? There is no plot but one shot issues featuring members of the Squadron. Awful

Heroes Reborn (2021) #7

Aug 22, 2021

Mind boggling mediocrity and irrelevance. There was some interesting stuff along the way, but very little. But there was no narrative momentum and no sense of urgency or reason why this story had to be told. And do we really need a council of Mephistos? The art by Ed McGuinness was great. Issues and issues on, Blade and Ghost Rider still don’t seem like Avengers.

House of X #6

Nov 2, 2019

This is great writing. However it shows some of Hickman’s excesses, like bending character to plot like he did in The New Avengers. In that series, a secret group of Avengers, The Illuminati, formed a black ops team in charge of destroying worlds, making the aforementioned Avengers mass murderers in a cosmic scale. Spoilers. The X Men forming their own country is interesting (something similar was done in Utopia years ago), but I don’t see a coherent universe in which Storm, Marvel Girl and Nightcrawler sit at the same table as Apocalypse and Sinister. Still, it promises to be a great read.

Hulk (2016) #1

Feb 4, 2017

Hulk (2016) #2

Feb 4, 2017

Hulk (2016) #4

Apr 1, 2017

Hulkverines #1

Jan 26, 2020

Hulkverines #2

Jan 26, 2020

Hunt For Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda #4

Aug 19, 2018

These Wolverine mini series compete amongs themselves to see which one is worst. The revelations at the ending are intriguing, but did we have to endure 4 issues of a mediocre story to get thar? Really bad.

Hunt For Wolverine: Claws Of A Killer #1

May 19, 2018

Good fun but propably irrelevant. The story is well told with a dash of X Files mystery, great art by Jackson Guice. A good showcase for Sabretooth, Lady Deathstrike and Daken, with zombies.

Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor #1

May 25, 2018

Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor #2

Jun 30, 2018

Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor #3

Aug 19, 2018

Absolutely abysmal art. I found the return of the Femme Fatales intriguing but the writing is a mess. Bad writing and bad art make for a confusing story. Shamelessly bad.

Hunt For Wolverine: Weapon Lost #1

May 4, 2018

Just for Wolverine completists. Soule is usually hit and miss. If he has not plotted an exciting story (as he did in the great Astonishing X Men), he just drag things out like he did in his godawful Inhumans run. Unfortunately for this story he decides to bring one of the worst characters from that run, the super boring private detective Frank McGee. The Death of the Inhumans can’t come too soon for that guy. He takes almost half the story. Misty Knight livens things up and there is a great denouement with a (cult?) character from the mutant universe. I really like that character so that saved the issue for me and pointed in an intriguing direction. If you are not a fan of said character, half an issue of Frank McGee might be hard to stomach.

Hunt For Wolverine: Weapon Lost #4

Aug 19, 2018

After four issues, totally irrelevant, paper thin and drawn out. Not worth your time or money, unless you are a fan of D lister detective Frank McGee.

Immortal Hulk #1

Jun 9, 2018

Immortal Hulk #2

Jul 8, 2018

Immortal Hulk #5

Sep 16, 2018

Immortal Hulk #6

Oct 7, 2018

A great run so far as the mystery deepens. Still Al Ewing's finest hour in a Marvel book. However, I felt a false step with Captain Marvel and the Avengers collaborating with Fortean and going after Briuce/Hulk. It felt really out of character for this iteration of the Avengers and it brings back unwelcome memories of fascist Civil War Carol Danvers. Still, the best Hulk has ever been since Greg Pak run from a few years ago.

Immortal Hulk #7

Oct 18, 2018

On its seventh issue this seems to be one of the best revitalizations of a super hero in recent times. Al Ewing’s storytelling is brilliant and unpredictable. If Ewing keeps it up this could be up there with Tom King’s Vision or Jason Aaron’s work on Thor. Probably the best book being published by Marvel right now.

Immortal Hulk #8

Nov 17, 2018

Immortal Hulk #9

Dec 15, 2018

Immortal Hulk #10

Dec 15, 2018

Immortal Hulk #14

Mar 9, 2019

Immortal Hulk #18

Jun 8, 2019

Immortal Hulk #23

Oct 6, 2019

Immortal Hulk #29

Feb 15, 2020

Immortal Hulk #30

Feb 15, 2020

Immortal Hulk #31

Oct 10, 2020

Immortal Hulk #32

Oct 10, 2020

Immortal Hulk #33

Oct 10, 2020

Immortal Hulk #34

Oct 10, 2020

Immortal Hulk #35

Oct 10, 2020

Immortal Hulk #36

Oct 10, 2020

Immortal Hulk #40

May 1, 2021

Immortal Hulk #41

May 1, 2021

Immortal Hulk #42

May 1, 2021

Immortal Hulk #43

May 1, 2021

Immortal Hulk #44

May 1, 2021

Immortal Hulk #45

May 1, 2021

Incoming #1  
Incredible Hulk (2017) #713

Oct 30, 2020

Incredible Hulk (2017) #714

Oct 30, 2020

Incredible Hulk (2017) #715

Oct 30, 2020

Incredible Hulk (2017) #716

Oct 30, 2020

Incredible Hulk (2017) #717

Oct 30, 2020

Infamous Iron Man (2016) #12  
Infinity Countdown #4

Jun 9, 2018

Infinity Countdown #5

Jul 21, 2018

This saga has been a fun if uneven read. At times it gets very confusing trying to keep track of all the Infinity stones, and the Guardians of the Galaxy don’t get to do much. The need to keep a light hearted tone since the launching of the new Guardians has been a hindrance to dramatic development and it continues to be. It’s hard to build much drama when everyone is supposed to be cute and fun. I’m not sure what we are supposed to make of the Hank Pym storyline. Still this is solid fun, but far from brilliant.

Infinity Countdown: Daredevil #1

May 19, 2018

Waste of time and money with the Stilt Man as the antagonist. Terrible.

Infinity Countdown: Black Widow #1

Jun 30, 2018

Infinity Countdown: Champions #1

Jun 23, 2018

Half of the issue feels like filler, as pages and pages happen between Nova receiving an urgent call for help from the Nova Cprps and he enlisting the help from his fellow Champions. Warbringer is a very cheesy character and he is the main villain, which doesn’t help. I’m not a fan of the Champions, and the book under Waid suffered from seeming a Kids cartoon. With Zub now, that is still the case. The approach to the characters is superficial and irrelevant. Still, the final twist is provocative.

Infinity Countdown: Champions #2

Jul 8, 2018

Infinity Wars (2018) #2

Aug 19, 2018

So far this is very confusing. The saga of Gamora trying to retrieve the other part of her soul is just not very compelling. With fhe previous miniseries the story feels like it has been going on forever. The character of Turk and the villaiins made no sense and felt like filler. Too many characters and too little development. Why bring back Adam Warlock if he is hardy going to speak? The most interesting part is the Loki subplot. Mike Deodato is a great artist but totally wrong for a cosmic book. His art is too pictorial, realistic and earthy. A dissapointment so far.

Infinity Wars (2018) #3

Sep 15, 2018

If you loved classics like Axis and Fear Itself this is right up your alley. Oh, you didn’t. But maybe you loved the Hydra Cap story. Oh you didn’t. Well, Marvel goes for it again with Gamora creating an alternative universe where several heroes are merged and you end up with such interesting concepts as Soldier Supreme and Weapon Hex. This is not that bad a concept, but it happens for absolutely np reason and it absolutely doesn’t make sense, nor does Gamora’s quest. No character gets any decent time besides Gamora, Loki and a new old Valkyrie named Growa. Mike Deodato’s art continues to be a terrible fit for the story and the stakes seem to be absolutely zero. Of course there are a zillion tie ins with the merged super heroes for you to invest your money on. One of the worst stories of the year.

Infinity Wars (2018) #4

Oct 18, 2018

This issue is an improvement over the last ones, as it’s at least some fun and relatively linear. However, the whole thing feels absolutely unnecessary and irrelevant. Why did this story need to be told? To reintroduce Warlock? He has hardly been the star at this and when he shows up, he is far from compelling. The Marvel mashups are fun, sure, but who wants to read a series of mini series of characters who will never appear again? Sadly, one of the biggesf failings of the mini is the art. Deodato art makes the story seems heavy handed when it should be somethinh lighter and otherwordly. But well the biggest failing is the story itself. Or the non story?

Infinity Wars (2018) #5

Nov 18, 2018

Still awful. Irrelevant, disjointed, terrible characterization, characters thrown together for no reason, unfocused. The only thing that gives some dignity to this story is Mike Deodato, as bad a fit as his style is for this. Shame on me for not jumping ship. Has to be one of the worst comics of the year.

Infinity Wars (2018) #6

Dec 22, 2018

Pointless and idiotic to the end. No rhyme lr reason. Seems like this whole event was engineered to get rid of Drax. The Guardians hardly played any role. Warlock was ridiculous throughout. Whoever approved this story should be fired? I can’t believe this is the same Duggan did in Uncanny Avengers and Nova. His Guardians run had been lackluster but this is outright terrible.

Infinity Wars (2018): Prime #1  
Inhumans Prime #1  
Inhumans: Judgement Day #1  
Invaders (2019) #6  
Invincible Iron Man (2016) #596

Mar 4, 2018

Beyond bad. Bloated, irrelevant, full of subplots with characters no one cares about including the Hood and Tony Stark’s real mother. Includes a terrible melodramatic scene where a delirious Tony confronts his father about not knowing he was adopted. Still pointless to have Mary Jane in the cast. Bendis run has been disastrous

Invincible Iron Man (2016) #597

Mar 4, 2018

Invincible Iron Man (2016) #600

May 26, 2018

Bendis run in Iron Man was absolutely terrible, lacking direction and almost immediately after he took over replacing him with Riri Williams. This gave way to some really awful subplots, some of which come to head in this issue, narrated by Tony’s Artificial Intelligence construct. I pray that the next writer retcons the melodramatic subplot about Tony being adopted, resulting in Tonh having not only a totally unnecessary mother but also a totally unnecessary father now. When writers want to create some easy dramatic interest they pile up on the long lost parents, sisters, wives, sons, daughters. This story takes a lot of the issue. Mary Jane was brought in to Iron Man, but nothing interesting was done with her. It’s as if she were a highly paid talent that no one in Marvel knows what to do with now that she is persona non grata in the Spider Man franchise. As for the villain we get... The Hood, one of Marvel’s worst villains and a Bendis favorite, with his motley crew of laughable villains including Armadillo amd the Sphinx. Rhodey comes back and the Doctor Doom Story also gets some closure. Bendis work in Doom was much more interesting, yet the character never really felt like Doom. The ending here is very predictable for Doom. If this is the best that Bendis came up with for Iron Man, no wonder he felt the need for a creative reset and bolted for DC. I’m not a Bendis hater, I really love his Avengers and X Men run, but his Iron Man was painful, up tp the last issue. There is very good art.

IvX #4  
Jessica Jones #5

Feb 11, 2017

Jessica Jones #7

May 14, 2017

Justice League (2016) #13

Feb 18, 2017

Justice League (2016) #14

Feb 18, 2017

Justice League (2016) #19

Apr 23, 2017

Justice League (2016) #20

May 4, 2017

Justice League (2016) #31

Oct 20, 2017

Justice League (2016) #35

Apr 14, 2018

Justice League (2016) #36

Apr 14, 2018

Justice League (2016) #37

Apr 14, 2018

Justice League (2016) #38

Apr 14, 2018

Justice League (2016) #40

Apr 14, 2018

Justice League (2018) #1

Jun 9, 2018

More than 10. One of the best comics of the year and a big improvement over Dark Metal and No Justice. Spectacular art, sets up a mystery and an epic world ending adventure. Great take on Luthot and great take on the Martian Manhunter. Yes, the spotlight is on Manhunter and Luther more than the League, but it works perfectly. Hope Snyder can keep this up. Also, Justice League Detroit and Justice League International seem to be totally in continuity now. I’m not sure about the PreCrisis Justice League though. Dion’t miss it

Justice League (2018) #6

Aug 19, 2018

Justice League (2018) #7

Oct 7, 2018

This series is so convoluted as to be incomprehensible. Snyder is a great writer but he is letting concept get in the way of character or coherent storytelling. Yes, having the Legion of Doom has been cool, but does it serve any storytelling purpose other than have them there? Only Luthor has played an important role as villains and the other characters feel useless or idiotic. The overcrowding and emphasis on Luthor takes time away from actually focusing ob the Justice League and at this point we could say that Luthor has been the star of these first issues. Underwhelming.

Justice League (2018) #8

Oct 13, 2018

The story continues to be convoluted and dense. So far the real star of these 9 issues is Lex Luthor. They would have been better off calling this Legion of Doom. Snyder continues to think the Batman Who Laughs is a fascinating creation. It’s not. In its own way it’s as disastrous a creation as Nazi Cap. You should always believe that in any universe Bruce Wayne would be Bruce Wayne. The concepts are interesting and yes, thought provoking, but then we get into an Aquaman oriented story to tie in with the upcoming movie. The heroes hardly get any exposure. I think Superman and Wonder Woman don’t get to say a word in the entire issue. Ambitious but misguided.

Justice League (2018) #9

Oct 13, 2018

Justice League (2018) #10

Oct 18, 2018

Well written, but distracting as it comes in the middle of the big Totality storyline Snyder was telling. I’m not a big fan of that story as it seems to be the Lex Luthor story more than a Justice League epic, but well. The story is well paced, well told, well written with welcome apoearances by Firestorm and Adam Strange. However, this doesn’t seem to be more than your standard equivalent to alien invasion or Atlantis attacks story

Justice League of America (2017): Rebirth #1

Feb 11, 2017

Justice League of America (2017) #6

May 13, 2017

Justice League of America (2017) #12

Sep 1, 2017

Justice League of America (2017) #14

Nov 19, 2017

Justice League of America (2017) #15

Nov 19, 2017

Justice League of America (2017) #16

Nov 19, 2017

Justice League of America (2017) #17

Nov 19, 2017

Don't know why this arc got such a critical bad rap. It has been really exciting and featured great art by Reis and Watanabe. I still can't stand Lobo, but Orlando created an interesting villain and gave the story an epic scope. The book sucked before this arc, esoecially in the art department but this was a return to form.

Justice League of America (2017) #24

Apr 30, 2018

Justice League of America (2017) #27

May 1, 2018

The God of Super Heroes, really? Orlando is seriously hit and miss

Justice League of America (2017) #28

May 1, 2018

Justice League of America (2017) #29

May 1, 2018

Justice League of America (2017) Annual #1  
Justice League of America (2017): The Ray Rebirth #1  
Justice League: No Justice #1

May 11, 2018

Justice League: No Justice #3

May 25, 2018

Snyder is confusing overcomplicated and overcrowded with epic, something which already happened in Metal. The story is fun, but there is really little drama as the plot and its stakes are hard to follow. My favorite part of the story remains the confrontation between Amanda Waller and Green Arrow, and alsp a newly heroic Starro.

Justice League: No Justice #4

Jun 2, 2018

King In Black: Namor #1

Apr 26, 2021

King In Black: Namor #2

Apr 26, 2021

King In Black: Namor #3

Apr 26, 2021

King In Black: Namor #4

Apr 26, 2021

King In Black: Namor #5

Apr 26, 2021

King Thor #1

Jan 19, 2020

King Thor #2

Jan 19, 2020

King Thor #3

Jan 19, 2020

King Thor #4

Jan 19, 2020

Marauders (2019) #1

Jan 5, 2020

I have read issues 1 to 9 of this series and it’s something of a convoluted mess. While the Hellfire Kitty Pride set up is interesting it never feels vital or connected in a relevant wat with the Hickman books. The Hellfire club had never been this boring. Character development is pilr with the exception of Pryde and Emma Frost, and the story is incomprehensible half the time. Have you noted that in years and years Storm has barely been given a decent or interesting storyline? The art sucks sometimes which is a sign that this is not considered a top notch book. Wait for the paperback if you love Pride or avoid.

Marauders (2019) #2

Jan 5, 2020

Marauders (2019) #8

Mar 17, 2020

Marauders (2019) #9

Mar 17, 2020

Mediocre series inexplicably overrated by “critics”. Just note the difference all issues between critics ratings and user ratings.

Marauders (2019) #13

Oct 24, 2020

Are we going to see a story about everyone getting their swords? Zzzz. That would be 10 solo issues. Hope not

Marauders (2019) #19

Apr 30, 2021

Marvel Legacy #1

Sep 30, 2017

Good because Jason Aaron is good, but a little too haphazard: - 1000000 BC Avengers are not a good idea - The Rabid Celestial is intriguing - Return of Wolverine is welcome - Does this all cohere into an epic story for the Marvel Univeras? It looks loose but Jason Aaron is great at this, so let's see

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #1

Jan 13, 2018

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #8

Jul 28, 2018

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #11

Mar 17, 2019

Monsters Unleashed #1  
New Challengers (2018) #1

May 20, 2018

New Challengers (2018) #2

Jun 23, 2018

An overconfident second issue. The story and the set up are fascinating and there is some promising world building by Snyder. However, your second issue introducing new non costumed character is not the best to send them in an underwater mission in which you can’t tell who is who for most of the story. It is all very confusing and a recap of what happened last issue would have been most welcome. Great ending. Still interested in seeing where this goes.

New Mutants (2019) #1

Jan 12, 2020

New Mutants (2019) #2

Mar 15, 2020

New Mutants (2019) #3

Mar 15, 2020

New Mutants (2019) #4

Mar 15, 2020

Totally inconsequential. Probably the most mediocre story I have read from super talented Ed Brissom.Skip

New Mutants (2019) #5

Mar 15, 2020

New Mutants (2019) #6

Mar 16, 2020

A series without a reason to exist. Pointless in every possible way, unless you are a big fan of Beak.

New Mutants (2019) #7

Mar 17, 2020

An absolute waste of time and money. This had been a Roberto Da Costa comic more than a New Mutants comic. Also the series has tried to be comical and meta from the beginning, but fails miserably on both counts. The alternate Ed Brisson story with Boom Boom and Armor was equally mediocre. Inexplicable.

New Mutants (2019) #8

Mar 17, 2020

Disregard the naysayers as this issue and the next are a significant improvement over what came before. While some critics liked Hickman’s “space comedy” I thought it was disjointed and pointless. This issue is definitely discreet but it shows Ed Brisson taking the reins and setting up future stories. There is a sense of drama and danger, as happens with the next issue when the team faces a reality threatening “New Mutant”. I was ready to give up on this series, but 8 and 9 make me look forward to what’s coming.

New Mutants (2019) #10

Oct 23, 2020

New Mutants (2019) #11

Oct 23, 2020

New Mutants (2019) #12

Oct 23, 2020

New Mutants (2019) #14

Apr 30, 2021

New Mutants (2019) #15

Apr 30, 2021

Muddled and irrelevant. The New Mutants acting as teachers for third rate characters. The art is interesting but bad in many places. Mirage behaves stupidly. Some interesting stuff with Rahne. Not worth your money

New Mutants (2019) #16

Apr 30, 2021

New Mutants: Dead Souls #1  
Nova (2016) #2  
Occupy Avengers #2

Feb 5, 2017

Clumsy storytelling. Pathetic villains. Hawkeye is a great character and Red Wolf is very interesting, but when your main villain is Hydro Man, you are in trouble. The social justice aspect of the book is contrived. I'm not against it, but it feels forced. Don't wase your money.

Old Man Logan (2016) #29

May 19, 2018

Old Man Logan (2016) #30

May 19, 2018

Though the ending is flawed, overall I give it a 10. It was a compeñling, riveting, beautifully realized saga which uses really well the apocalyptic nature of Old Man Logan, revisitobg the initial saga and adding the Maestro and Hawkeye to the mix. Tragedy is what makes Old Man Logan, the character, so compelling and Brisson makes great use of that here. You wish the 616 Wolverine had so much gravitas. Spoilers coming, the ending doesn’t work. Although I love Puck saving the day, not this way, it’s cheap and anti dramatic, and the Maestro and the Hulk gang are too good antagonists to be defeated so easily. But this by no means ruins the saga, which is first rate. Spectacular Mike Deodato art throughout.

Old Man Logan (2016) #36

Oct 19, 2018

Old Man Logan (2016) #38

Oct 19, 2018

Though the conclusion is surprisingly ironic, this is the worst story arc of Ed Brisson run. This is a Daredevil comic, not a Wolverine one. The fact the whole story is built on Logan trying to decrypt a USB is ludicrous. Couldn’t he have called anyone on the X Men Mansion to help? Ditto, would Logan travel with a citizen at risk on the subway needlessly endangeribg him and getting him shot on the head? Why not call Nightcrawler or Magik for teleportation? Logan acts so stupidly throughout this street level arc that it’s just indigestible. Art is bad too. Avoid at all costs.

Old Man Logan (2016) #43

Oct 20, 2018

After several mediocre and shaky issues, Ed Brisson brings his A game to Old Man Logan again and the results are striking. The spectacular Juan Ferreyra art in issues 43-45 is a beauty. Old Man Logan is at his best dealing with apocalyptic brutality and this is what he’s up against when Bullseye decides to go in a murderous rampage to get back at Logan for humiliating him during the misbegotten Kingpin arc. There are real stakes here, Bullseye is appropiately psychopatic and terrifying, and there are good supporting characters. Seems like Brisson wants to end his old Man Logan run in a high note.

Old Man Logan (2016) #45

Oct 20, 2018

Old Man Logan (2016) #46

Oct 20, 2018

Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey #3  
Plastic Man (2018) #1  
Punisher Kill Krew #1

Jan 25, 2020

Punisher Kill Krew #3

Jan 25, 2020

Punisher Kill Krew #4

Jan 25, 2020

Return of Wolverine #2

Nov 18, 2018

Wolverine drives a boat and kills some guys. That’s all that happens in this issue. Skip

Royals #2

Apr 23, 2017

Royals #8

Jan 14, 2018

Royals #12

Jan 14, 2018

In the last half of this series Al Ewing managed to make the Inhumans interesting for the first time since Realm of Kings and Abnett and Lanning. The key to this is change, nothing is more boring than a royal family with petrified personalities, therefore a fatally ill Medusa falling in love with Gorgon was perfect. Javier Rodriguez art was beautiful. Not always a fan of Ewing or the Inhumans, but great job here.

Secret Empire #0

Apr 23, 2017

Secret Empire #1

May 4, 2017

Secret Empire #2

May 27, 2017

Plodding, tedious, self important, solemn. Badly structured, dragging out a story that shouldn't have dragged so long. Absolutely awful.

Sentry (2018) #1

Jun 30, 2018

Brilliant first issue. Lemire does for Sentry what he did for Moon Knight, but even better. Original, twisted, disturbing, intriguing, it manages the impossible, to make Sentry fascinating. Looking forward to next issue.

Sentry (2018) #2

Jul 28, 2018

Sentry (2018) #5

Dec 15, 2018

Jeff Lemire has done the impossible, make the Sentry absolutely fascinating. I can’t wait to see where the character goes next.

Silver Surfer (2016) #14  
Spider-Woman (2020) #4

Oct 18, 2020

Spider-Woman (2020) #10

May 1, 2021

This is a classic Spider Woman and there are not many of those. Karla Pacheco created a brilliant suspenseful story and she put all of the elements that make Jessica Drew matter into play: her origin related to Hydra and the High Evolutionary, the fact she is a mother now, her troubled relationship with her criminal parents, her role as an Avenger and her friendship with Carol Danvers. Highly recommended.

Spider-Woman (2020) #13

Aug 22, 2021

Star (2020) #1

Nov 6, 2020

Star (2020) #2

Nov 6, 2020

Star (2020) #3

Nov 6, 2020

Star (2020) #4

Nov 6, 2020

Star (2020) #5

Nov 6, 2020

Strange Academy (2020) #7

Apr 26, 2021

Strange Academy (2020) #8

Apr 26, 2021

Strange Academy (2020) #9

Apr 26, 2021

This series is cute. But it’s really a comic book for kids. Shades of the Jason Aaron X Men Run in which Wolverine was headmaster. Sale cutesy art and light storylines. Entertaining but not much more.

Strikeforce (2019) #1

Mar 17, 2020

Decent writing, mediocre art. Redeemed only by the presence of some of Marvel’s most underrated characters, like Spectrum and Hellstrom

Strikeforce (2019) #7

Mar 18, 2020

Strikeforce (2019) #8

Oct 10, 2020

Barely readable. Focus on one of the worst characters currently in the Marvel Universe: Angela. Waste of time and money.

Suicide Squad (2016) #11

Feb 18, 2017

Suicide Squad (2016) #17

May 13, 2017

Suicide Squad (2016) #33

Apr 28, 2018

Suicide Squad (2016) #44

Oct 20, 2018

Suicide Squad (2016) #46

Oct 20, 2018

This gets a 6, because of the Aquaman crossover. This doesn’t take away from Suicide Squad being one of the worst Rebirth titles throughout its run, never howlingly bad but always consistingly mediocre. No character development, the characters have been calcified from the first issue, probably in an effort to mirror the film. But with the exception of Deadshot, all of them are one note cartoons. At least this last mission had some expendables which is what made the Suicide Squad revival fun in the 80s.

Super Sons (2017) #1

May 1, 2018

Super Sons (2017) #2

May 1, 2018

Super Sons (2017) #3

May 1, 2018

Super Sons (2017) #4

May 1, 2018

Super Sons (2017) #5

May 1, 2018

Super Sons (2017) #6

May 1, 2018

Super Sons (2017) #7

May 1, 2018

Super Sons (2017) #8

May 1, 2018

Super Sons (2017) #9

May 1, 2018

Masterful, brilliant and charming. Tomasi is a genius. Grear art by Jimenez and DiGiamenico

Super Sons (2017) #11

May 12, 2018

Superman (2016) #16

Feb 12, 2017

Superman (2016) #40

Apr 28, 2018

Superman (2016) #41

Apr 28, 2018

Superman (2016) #42

Apr 28, 2018

Superman (2016) #43

Apr 28, 2018

Superman (2016): Special #1  
Superman (2018) #1

Jul 21, 2018

Rebirth was amazing, but as exciting as it has been, DC is now entering rough waters. The big three are in trouble: Wonder Woman has been awful since Rucka left; though many like Tom King’s run, it has been more about gimmicks than character or good stories. Superman was the bright spot with Tomasi and Jurgens, until Bendis came in... I was ready to give up the book reading this issue until the final page brought a great cliffhanger. So I’ll stay on for a couple more issues. There is practically no story in 22 pages and then boom. Bendis work with team books because of the banter between the characters, but with a solo book he doesn’t have that so he just pads the story with irrelevant stuff. If there ever was an ill fit for Superman, it’s Bendis. But I’ll keep hoping a little more. “i Know You Have This Lois” must be one of the worst lines ever written in a comic book, referring to Superman giving up the search for Lost in Space Lois and Jon to go back to Earth for whatever.

Superman (2018) #2

Aug 19, 2018

Tarot (2020) #1

Oct 10, 2020

Tarot (2020) #2

Oct 10, 2020

Tarot (2020) #3

Oct 10, 2020

Tarot (2020) #4

Oct 10, 2020

Teen Titans (2016) #8

May 21, 2017

Teen Titans (2016) #12

Sep 22, 2017

Teen Titans (2016) #19

May 12, 2018

This issue was fun, but as most of this run, it was far from essential. The thing is there were never any real stakes, no major drama, things remained superficial and cartoonish most of the time, which made it hard to care for the cast. Take this last arc, Beast Boy is inducted into a cult due to his deep insecurities and resentment towards Demian. However, this came out of nowhere as it is something that never came up in previous issues. It took three issues to introduce Aqualad and his backstory with his father, Black Manta, which is ironic since Aqualad is the least interesting member of the cast. Also it was always slightly ludicrous that the Teen Titans would put up with Demian Wayne’s leadership. Not even Jonathan Kent os willing to do that in Super Sons, so why would Starfire, Raven or Beast Boy do it? It was weird seeing the much older Starfire hanging out with a bunch of kids. A continuing frustration came from not addressing how Starfire, Raven and Beast Bot were affected by the new Rebirth continuity. It was always entertaining and light hearted but not much else.

Teen Titans (2016) #20

Jul 28, 2018

The Best Defense: Defenders #1  
The Clone Conspiracy: Omega #1  
The Immortal Men #2

May 13, 2018

Features a Harry Potteresque hero with a destiny to fulfill. Some striking but derivative character designs, Reload looks like Moon Knight and Ghost Fist is a mix between Phantom Rider and The Phantom Stranger. Timber is a giant Indian girl and Stray is the monster. Energetic and fast paced so far, the book would do well to show soon how it fits into DC continuity asap and why these characters and this conflict matter. I’m tired about the Batman Who Laughs after Metal, this character is not nearly as fascinating as DC’s Powers That Be think he is. Tynion is a great great writer so I hope he has some tricks up his sleeve.

The Immortal Men #3

Jun 16, 2018

The Man of Steel (2018) #1

Jun 2, 2018

The Man of Steel (2018) #4

Jun 23, 2018

This issue of The Man of Steel drags. Bendis’ weaknesses take over in a repetitive story with not much relevant happening. There is a problem with the art too. This is the big battle with Rogol Zar, but Kevin Maguire is not good at battle scenes, so the art is clumsy and anti climactic, and the action becomes confusing. This should have been an epic fight, but it’s rather boring. The past 3 issues have been solid so this might just be a temporary bump. However, it’s cause for concern, as Bendis coming on board cut short both Peter Tomasi and Dan Jurgens stellar runs on the character

The Man of Steel (2018) #5

Jun 30, 2018

The worst fears about Bendis materialize in this issue in which pretty much nothing happens. Superman is made to look surprisingly passive in his dealings amd fights with Rogol Zaar, whose whole quest for vengeance looks disjointed and vague. The backstory is not rich and powerful enough for him to be a compelling villain. Writing Superman is not easy. He is made to look childish this issue, but the Justice League looks even worse subjected to Bendis signature chit chat. The mystery around Jonathan’s fate is revealed as a gimmick to get rid of the character and let Bendis not tied down by a Superman dad. I know Bendis was a big PR get for DC, but they have been overselling. How long has it been since Bendis had set the world on fire at Marvel? His X Men were awesome, but then his so run on Iron Man was beyond bad. This stings, as the Superman books had been one of the big positive surprises of Rebirth. Let’s hope things get better.

The Man of Steel (2018) #6

Jul 7, 2018

Maybe it’s an exaggeration to call this issue disastrous as it’s decently written and has spectacular art. But it gets Superman and the Superman family all wrong.u How stupid it is that Superman lets his recently resurfaced father take his son on a trip to the galaxy? Yes, the boy wants to go, which is also totally out of character for Jonathan, who has as good a relationship with mom and dad as can be. The whole Tomasi run was built on that sense of trust and family. Ok, Lois goes to deep space to take care of the kid but will stay connected with Clark through a flimsy device which gets destroyed in the Fortress of Solitude. And now terrible dad Superman can’t talk to his wife and kid, who, for all purposes, are lost in space. Bendis’ slow paced, wannabe adult, ruminative style is badly suited for Superman and DC made a big mistake in putting him in charge of the character. The whole miniseries could have been taken care of in 2 issues. To think we will have to take at least 2 years of Bendis im Superman is depressing.

The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #5

Aug 27, 2017

The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #6

Aug 27, 2017

The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #7

Aug 27, 2017

The Mighty Thor (2015) #15

Feb 3, 2017

The Mighty Thor (2015) #16

Oct 1, 2017

The Mighty Thor (2015) #17

Oct 1, 2017

The Mighty Thor (2015) #18

Oct 1, 2017

The Mighty Thor (2015) #19

Oct 1, 2017

The Mighty Thor (2015) #20

Oct 1, 2017

The Mighty Thor (2015) #21

Oct 1, 2017

The Mighty Thor (2015) #700

Apr 14, 2018

The Mighty Thor (2015) #701

Apr 14, 2018

The Mighty Thor (2015) #702

Apr 14, 2018

The Mighty Thor (2015) #703

Apr 14, 2018

The Mighty Thor (2015) #704

Apr 14, 2018

The Mighty Thor (2015) #705

Apr 14, 2018

The Mighty Thor (2015) #706

Apr 28, 2018

The Prodigal Sun: Fantastic Four #1

Jan 26, 2020

Well written, it’s Peter David, but plot and story are pointless and mediocre. The Prodigal Son character is ridiculous and basically what you get is a subpar FF story guest starring Ka Zar and Shanna, if that’s your cup of tea.

The Prodigal Sun: Silver Surfer #1

Jan 26, 2020

Irrelevant. There is good art but the story does not improve. This is your typical Galactus Silvef Surfer story pre Silver Surfer giving up as herald. Who thought this story justified a three issue mini is beyond me.

The Prodigal Sun: Guardians Of The Galaxy #1

Jan 26, 2020

Maybe a 1 seems a little excessive, but it pretty much sums up the total inability of this miniseries to justify its existence. Prodigal is sort of interesting but this issue’s biggest offense comes from having the Guardians of the Galaxy act totally out of character (spolers) allowing a madman to exile thousands if not millions of people and destroy a world.

The Terrifics #4

May 26, 2018

The Terrifics #5

Jun 30, 2018

Fun, bright and colorful, but not enough to keep things interesting in the long run. The gimmick which forces the character to be together or else they will die was good for the first few issues, but now the team needs a more powerful reason to stay together, which makes them look heroic and not just excentric. There is not a lot of depth to the characters, which Lemire seems to want to address by focusing on the human element of each chatacter thos issue. Still it’s very superficial.

The Totally Awesome Hulk #11

Feb 3, 2017

The Totally Awesome Hulk #12

Feb 3, 2017

The Totally Awesome Hulk #13

Feb 3, 2017

The Totally Awesome Hulk #15

Feb 3, 2017

The Totally Awesome Hulk #22

Aug 20, 2017

Awful ending to a decent crossover. Amadeus behaves so stupidly he deserves to get beaten up. Terrible, terrible art. Spoilers: A Gray Hulk with spikes was the big reveal. Dropping this book again immediately

The Unworthy Thor #3

Feb 3, 2017

The Unworthy Thor #4

Feb 11, 2017

Thor (2018) #1

Jul 1, 2018

Brilliant writing as expected from Jason Aaron. I loved the Jane Foster as Thor saga, however I hope this is a long run for Thor as Thor. Everything is in place for an epic run. My only reservation is Mike del Mundo. I find him an acquired taste. His visuals are beautiful and striking, but their allucinatory dreamlike feel wears out its welcome fast for me.

Thor (2018) #13

Jul 14, 2019

As usually with Aaron, very well written, but I don’t really need a Bor stand alone story

Thor (2020) #5

Oct 10, 2020

Thor (2020) #6

Oct 10, 2020

Titans (2016) #8

Feb 11, 2017

Titans (2016) #11

May 13, 2017

Titans (2016) #16

Oct 20, 2017

Titans (2016) #17

Nov 18, 2017

Spoilers: Anti climatic. Is this what all these issues have been leading up to? An evil Donna Troy from the future. I really hope there is more to it in issues to come.

Titans (2016) #19

Feb 25, 2018

Illogical and contrived. Out of character for both the Justice League and the Titans

Titans (2016) #24

Aug 19, 2018

The Titans book crashes. There seems to be no purpose for the book anymore. Titans was at the forefront lf Rebirth with Wally Wesf and the Wally West mystery. Now the book seems to have forfeited that and lavks on relevance. This new Dungeons and Dragons plot is just ridiculous. Time to jump off.

Titans (2016): Special #1

Jun 16, 2018

Whenever they have not the Teen in the title, the Titans have struggled to fit in in the DC Universe. It’s hard not to see them as a second rate Justice League, but they are well loved characters, with a great history, including the Wolfman Perez classic run. This issue adresses head on the isssue of how the Titans could ve relevant in a world which already has the Justice League. The answer is: working with the Justice League in preventing new threats from the source. So this is a double edged sword as it gives the Titans a mission but keeps them under the Justice League supervision. The issue is decent fun and brings back a classic Titans villain. My biggest issue with the Rebirth Titans and especially into this second iteration is that the Titans continuity is still a mess. We stoll don’t know what’s part of the official continuity. The biggest offender for me is not knowing where the aforementioned Wolfman Perez run fits in? Did it happen? Has Nightwing worked with Raven and Beast Boy before? It’s not clear and it’s annoying. Donna Troy’s history, as usual, is still a disaster. Dan Abnett is never less than fun, so I will read on hoping the Wolfman Perrz continuity issue is addresses. It’s because of that run that the Titans even matter today.

Tony Stark: Iron Man #3

Jan 11, 2019

I don’t like Dan Slott’s writing, he has great great ideas and knows how to do a good plot, but he is terrible with characters when he is not inspired, that’s why we got a Spider Man run in which Peter Parker rarely evolved as a character despite intricate plots, even brilliant ones like Spider Verse. So far it’s the same with Iron Man, this book is about everything but Tony, and three issues in we have gotten more Rhodey, Jocasta and Machine Man, and even that terrible character Amanda Armstrong. Also it feels like a knock off of Ready Player One. And do we need another Are Robots Humans when this type of story hss been done to death elsewhere? Mediocre so far.

Tony Stark: Iron Man #4

Jan 11, 2019

Tony Stark: Iron Man #5

Jan 11, 2019

Tony Stark: Iron Man #7

Jan 11, 2019

Terrible. Cartoonish like Slott at its worst. Still a rip off of Ready Player One. The Mom Son subplot gets dragged out and it’s not needed. It plays like Terms of Endearment. And a third rate villain like the Controller is your big bad? And he even gets to give an evil laugh. I’m signing out.

Trinity (2016) #6  
Ultimates 2 (2016) #6

Sep 2, 2017

Interesting story. Weak writing and art.

Ultimates 2 (2016) #7

Sep 2, 2017

Awful awful art. Pointless Secret Empire tie in

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #17

Feb 3, 2017

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #18

Feb 3, 2017

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #24

Sep 1, 2017

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #28

Jan 14, 2018

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #29

Jan 14, 2018

Uncanny Avengers (2015) #30

Jan 14, 2018

Uncanny Inhumans #16

Feb 3, 2017

Emphasis on mediocre characters continues. Charles Souls run has been abysmal, failing to make the royal family interesting and introducing one of the most lackluster new characters in comics. This episode stars Auran, her daughters, Reader and the terrible detective character who is also an Inhuman. Know who they are? Don't bother.

Uncanny Inhumans #17

Feb 3, 2017

Uncanny Inhumans #20

Apr 23, 2017

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #12

Mar 16, 2019

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #13

Mar 16, 2019

Uncanny X-Men (2018) #17

Oct 5, 2019

Valkyrie: Jane Foster #1

Oct 26, 2020

Valkyrie: Jane Foster #2

Oct 26, 2020

Valkyrie: Jane Foster #3

Oct 26, 2020

Valkyrie: Jane Foster #4

Oct 26, 2020

Valkyrie: Jane Foster #5

Oct 26, 2020

Venom (2018) #1

May 11, 2018

Venom (2018) #3

Jun 30, 2018

Venom (2018) #4

Jul 28, 2018

Venom (2018) #5

Sep 16, 2018

Venom (2018) #8

Dec 15, 2018

Venom (2018) #9

Dec 15, 2018

Venom (2018) #10

Feb 9, 2019

Great writing as always and delving deeper into Eddie Brock’s past here. Spoilers alert: I don’t know how I feel about Eddie Brock killing a child while drunk. I honestly think that the complexity of such a thing is beyond a mainstream super hero comic.

Venom (2018) #11

Mar 9, 2019

Venom (2018) #14

Jun 8, 2019

Venom (2018) #21

Nov 8, 2020

Venom (2018) #22

Nov 8, 2020

Venom (2018) #23

Nov 8, 2020

Venom (2018) #24

Nov 8, 2020

Venom (2018) #25

Nov 8, 2020

Venom (2018) #26

Nov 8, 2020

Venom (2018) #27

Nov 8, 2020

Venom (2018) #28

Nov 8, 2020

Venom (2018) #29

Nov 8, 2020

War of the Realms #1

Apr 11, 2019

War of the Realms #2

May 11, 2019

War of the Realms #3

May 11, 2019

War of the Realms #5

Jun 8, 2019

War of the Realms #6

Jul 14, 2019

Great finale. The Thors together are magnificent and Aaron has made Thor as heroic and powerful as he has probably ever been. However, Malekith might have been defeated a tad too easily and the Game of Thrones “homage” became almost rip off with the fire and ice thing and the death of Malekith a la Ramsey Bolton. Still, one of the best events, I would say, ever, all across the line.

War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery #1

Jan 25, 2020

War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery #2

Jan 25, 2020

War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery #3

Jan 25, 2020

War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery #4

Jan 25, 2020

War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery #5

Jan 25, 2020

War Of The Realms: New Agents of Atlas #1

Jan 25, 2020

War Of The Realms: New Agents of Atlas #2

Jan 25, 2020

War Of The Realms: New Agents of Atlas #3

Jan 25, 2020

War Of The Realms: New Agents of Atlas #4

Jan 25, 2020

Weapon H #2

May 6, 2018

Yes, it’s cheesy, even ludicrous and it shouldn’t work, but it does. Greg Pak is a great writer of classic Silver Age type storytelling and that’s what he delivers here: an adventure which could have been written in the Seventies with a lot of action, melodrama, bad villains and a tormented, noble protagonist. Visually the Hulkverine itself could have used more imagination, but well, he can always get an upgrade. Buy it.

Weapon H #5

Jan 25, 2020

Weapon H #6

Jan 25, 2020

Weapon H #7

Jan 25, 2020

A mediocrity. This book started fun but Pak is going through the motions. Dario Agger is a good antagonist but the story is being stretched to the max. Weapon H was always supposed to be dumb fun, but this is just dumb and the protagonist remains profoundly uninteresting.

Weapon H #8

Jan 25, 2020

Weapon H #12

Jan 26, 2020

Wolverine (2020) #1

Oct 24, 2020

The art is gorgeous. But both stories are somewhat routine. Percy is not at his best here.

Wolverine (2020) #2

Oct 24, 2020

Really terrible. Art is great, but Percy seems to be going for a noir, gritty mystery atmosphere which results in an abysmally boring issue in which not much happens.

Wolverine (2020) #3

Oct 24, 2020

Wolverine (2020) #4

Oct 24, 2020

Wolverine (2020) #5

Oct 24, 2020

So far this has been a waste of money. You can’t get more routine than this. Of the whole run only issue 5 was decent.

Wolverine: Infinity Watch #1

Mar 9, 2019

More mediocrity from Infinity Wars. Did anyone need a sequel to that awful series? Well, you asked for it. It’s here. And the main villain is... A Chitauri, the most ridiculous alien race in comics. That said, the concept of the Infinity stones gaining agecy and going to strangers on Earth is interesting, but not enough to tolerate sloppy storytelling and lackluster art. Skip

Wonder Woman (2016) #22

May 13, 2017

Wonder Woman (2016) #30

Oct 15, 2017

Wonder Woman (2016) #37

Dec 30, 2017

Wonder Woman (2016) #45

May 1, 2018

Entertaining but deeply flawed. I’m not a fanatic of political correctness but it’s weird to have a Wonder Woman title focusing so much on Steve Trevor and worse, her brother, Jason, who seems to be as popular with readers as Jar Jar Binks. The idea itself of the character sucks, and it hadn’t been helped by poor characterization and no rapport with his sister. The plotting and the pacing have been good, the writing itself mediocre. Darkseid is defeated too easily with a very corny My Little Pony deus ex machina thing, which again makes Diana rely on the power of two guys, her brother and father. Darkseid has not been well served by this arc, but he is actually the best thing about it, because having Diana go agaibst him puts her in the big league where she is supposed to belong. It’s all fun, but a missed opportunity. Could have been so much better

Wonder Woman (2016) Annual #1

May 1, 2018

Well written and drawn filler. Not worth your time or money unless you are a WW completist.

X Of Swords (2020): Stasis #1

Nov 7, 2020

Lots of suspense. Great art. The revelation at the end is somewhat predictable if you know your comics soap opera handbook. But it’s still very intriguing.

X-23 (2018) #3

Oct 13, 2018

X-23 (2018) #4

Oct 13, 2018

X-23 (2018) #5

Oct 18, 2018

Tom Taylor’s X 23 was one of Marvel’s best titles throughout its run, making both Laura and Gabby memorable and interesting. Mariko Tamaki gives Taylor a run for his money with her first 5 issues and first arc. Anyone who can makes The Cuckoos riveting deserves an award and that’s what Tamaki does creating a parallel between their situations and Laura and Gabby. The story’s twists and turns were surprising and suspenseful all along with first rate storytelling and characterization.

X-Factor (2020) #4

Oct 24, 2020

X-Factor (2020) #9

Jul 3, 2021

X-Force (2018) #4

Mar 16, 2019

Ed Brisson is a great writer and one of the best Marvel has right now. In this 4 issue run he has created a compelling story which sets up some mysteries, brings back Ahab, puts Rachel Summers on the forefront and brings back the original X Force to take revenge on “Kid Cable” for killing Cable. However the art by Dylan Burnett is totally at odds with the epic sci fo adventure being told. The gritty cartoonish style is jarring, especially the super pointy faces: everybody looks like the Joker. This is a major problem for the book, which deceives you with some gorgeous Pepe Larraz covers. Story is interesting, so let’s hope for a change in artists soon.

X-Force (2018) #10

Nov 3, 2019

Not even a fine writer like Ed Brisson was able to save this irrelevant story which was basically rendered irrelevant by the coming of Jonathan Hickman’s X Men. The stakes of the story are minimal, the existence of Kid Cable is never fully justified dramatically. So suddenly everybody loves him even if he killed old Cable for not protecting the timeline? And the worst thing, art is terrible. Do not waste your money.

X-Force (2019) #1

Jan 18, 2020

X-Force (2019) #19

Jul 3, 2021

X-Men (2019) #7

Mar 17, 2020

The typical pretentious story that many comic book fans and critics will find deep and profound, because they probably never took a philosophy class in high school or college. Hickman can be a great writer but he can easily sacrifice character to plot or high concepts. Witness his disastrous New Avengers run which turned the Avengers/Illuminati into genocidal destroyers of worlds. Something similar happens in this issue with the mutants carrying out a barbaric ritual called “The Crucible”. It’s incredible to think that any of the X Men would participate or endorse this Lord of the Flies type of thing, especially Cannonball. But oh, the writer wants to be provocative.

X-Men (2019) #12

Oct 23, 2020

The typical Hickman plot. Convoluted and hopelessly complicated. Might go either way at this point. Looks mumbo jumboish so far.

X-Men (2019) #19

Jul 3, 2021

X-Men (2019) #20

Jul 3, 2021

X-Men Prime #1  
X-Men: Blue (2017) #15

Jan 14, 2018

X-Men: Blue (2017) #19

Jan 14, 2018

Cullenn Bunn finally bounces back with a great X Men Blue storyline. After hus great, underrated Uncanny X Men run, Bunn gets the chance to play to his strengths with a complex multi issue run which makes good us me of the X Men history to move the story forward in an interesting way. The best time displaced X Men story since Bendis left. Hope it doesn’t fall apart at the conclusion.

X-Men: Blue (2017) #22

Apr 14, 2018

X-Men: Blue (2017) #30

Jun 30, 2018

Cullen Bunn has been mostly great on X Men Blue, however this is the worst issue of the serie, which is no surprise coming as the finale from the worst storyline. The Venomized story was cool while it lasted but it has dragged on too long and the Wolverine Venom Poison symbiote that took control is just ludicrous. Maybe another artist could have made it striking but the art has been abysmal and the creature looks like it could have been drawn by a pre schooler. Hope to never see this mashup again. Seems next issue gets back to business with the White Queen vs. Magneto

X-Men: Blue (2017) #33

Aug 21, 2018

X-Men: Blue (2017) #34

Oct 13, 2018

X-Men: Blue (2017) #35

Oct 13, 2018

X-Men: Blue (2017) #36

Oct 13, 2018

X-Men: Gold (2017) #3

May 4, 2017

X-Men: Gold (2017) #10

Aug 27, 2017

X-Men: Gold (2017) #11

Sep 30, 2017

X-Men: Gold (2017) #17

Jan 14, 2018

X-Men: Gold (2017) #19

Jan 14, 2018

Unbelieveably mediocre. This book has been terrible from the start, but the “villains” Kologoth and Scythe bring it to a new low. A paper thin story that would have been bad for a Hannah Barbera cartoon of the 70s. This book is hopeless. I hear it will be rebooted soon. Can’t wait.

X-Men: Gold (2017) #25

Apr 29, 2018

X-Men: Gold (2017) #26

Apr 29, 2018

X-Men: Gold (2017) #28

May 26, 2018

X-Men: Red (2018) #1

Jan 27, 2020

Don’t believe the good reviews. X Men Red is absolutely awful from number 1 to final issue 11. Tom Taylor is a very good writer as he showed with his very great run in All New Wolverine, but here he seems to be stuck, charged with telling a story that won’t change the status quo previous to Jonathan Hickman taking over the X Men title. The storyline is your typical X Men vs the world drama, with Jean Grey being framed. Despite this being a series dedicated to Jean, in eleven jssues there is not a shred of relevant character development for Jean or anybody else. The art is dull and a 4 issue story is stretched to 11 issues. It’s 11 issues of fighting Cassandra Nova. The series should have been retitled: Casandra Nova. Don’t waste your money.

X-Men: Red (2018) #4

May 18, 2018

As mediocre as this whole run has been so far. Nothing relevant happens and the story is pretty much a rethread of the everyone hates mutants trope. The return of Jean Grey has been terribly anti climactic so far. Is this editorially mandated and is this series a placeholder while some much bigger plan is cooked up for Jean? It certainly looks like it. With the exception of Nightcrawler and Storm, the cast is bad. What do you make of characters named Gentle and Trinary? Also, Namor is part of the team in another of those Let Remind Everybody Namor is a mutant push. A big dissapointment so far

X-Men: Red (2018) #5

Jun 9, 2018

So far this book has not demonstrated a reason fo exist. It feels redundant and irrelevant, with its generic mutant persectution storyline. It scores some point as its heart is in the right place as a plea against prejudice. It even sets a major showdown in currently right wing Poland as a place which goes all out to persecute mutants with its army. But there is no character development. It’s six issues and we still don’t know what it feels like for Jean Grey to be back from the dead. The new mutants, Trinary, are boring. Thor Storm is tacky and the presence of Namor is jarring, especially in his save the day final appearance at the end of the book. I guess further character development for Jean is being postponed till after Extermination. By the way, the one page preview of Extermination is the best part of the book. Not a fan of Asrar’s sketchy art either.

X-Men: Red (2018) #6

Aug 21, 2018

X Men Red has never risen above mediocrity. The whole set up continues to be absurd. Despite being a Jean Grey vehicle, there is no character work much less development for her beyond the tired set up of her being blamed for a crime she did not committ. There are no stakes, no suspense. Is anyone in doubt that her name will be cleared up? X Men Red seems to be a place holder to give the character something to do before a new team of writers take over the X Men franchise. There is no other reason why the talented Tom Taylor would deliver such a middling story.

X-Men: Red (2018) #7

Jan 27, 2020

X-Men: Red (2018) #8

Jan 27, 2020

X-Men: Red (2018) #9

Jan 27, 2020

X-Men: Red (2018) #10

Jan 27, 2020

X-Men: Red (2018) #11

Jan 27, 2020

X-Men: The Wedding Special #1  

Reviews for the Week of...


