Captain Britain must face the truth about her brother and choose her path forward as MI-13 and the agents of the crown become aware of her ascension. As the lighthouse grows, Apocalypse and Rictor must master the earth beneath their feet.
Rated T+
There was some really cool stuff in this issue. Writer Tim Howard seems to be setting up a huge challenge for Betsy Braddock to take on in the next issue where she will have to find a way to return all the mythical monsters back to their own realm and keep Britain safe, but how will she manage to do that with Akaba being against her as well as Morgan Le Fey? I guess we are going to have to wait and see, but it does look like Apocalypse may have a bigger role to play as the story moves forward. Read Full Review
Excalibur continues to be a rich character story woven into magic, action, and a bit of politics too. Read Full Review
With wit, scope, and strong style, Excalibur #4 keeps the British Champions standing strong amid the Dawn of X. Read Full Review
The energy in this story is really ramping up in a satisfying way. If you enjoy druids and dragons, this book is well worth the cost. Read Full Review
Everything here is pretty good; nothing is glaringly bad, but by and large this is table-setting with a little bit of adventure thrown in to punch things up. Read Full Review
Excalibur #4 offers a thrilling side adventure beneath the Earth's crust, spotlighting a couple of this series' most interesting heroes, even as events surrounding England and Otherworld become a bit muddled. Read Full Review
Excalibur has really been proving itself in these last two issues. Let's see how Howard and To go on this issue.
The Good:
I like the political side of this issue. Some funny Brexit jokes too but the talks of Britain and Otherworld was really great.
The Druids keep the magical vibe of the series. They're interesting especially with Rictor.
The cliffhanger is very interesting.
Marcus To's art was great this issue.
The Bad:
The Druid conversion seemed a bit too fast for my liking.
Another great chapter from Excalibur. When Dawn of X started, I was worried about this series but it has been quickly proving itself to be a great story.
This is still going very strong. A lot of stuff is happening in a, seemingly, very short issue, which is really great. Next time, it's about time to see what's happening with Rogue.
In just two issues I'm already really liking Rictor. Thinking maybe I should look up his previous appearances.
Following what I believed to be the strongest issue so far, I have to say this was the weakest one, unfortunately. Things started off nicely, but took a bit of a downturn for me during Gambit and Rictor's mission. It wasn't bad by any means, just not my favorite. However, things went back up towards the end with Betsy's stuff. I believe this is a minor bump in the road and that things will pick up soon.
I don't think the magical superheroing and the UK/Otherworld politics are in proper balance. But both sides get compelling development here, and I find both interesting. Solid art and decent character work make this a pretty enjoyable read.
Excalibur 4 was a little all over the place, but overall a good issue nonetheless. Apocalypse might be the most interesting character in Marvel right now, and I love watching his plan come to fruition. Jamie Braddock is also awesome and criminally underrated
This was a pretty good issue, even if I feel like the pacing is a bit off here. The characters remain strong, and the ideas here are good.
" What does captain britain care--she lives in paradise ! "
- Reuben
"You can call me Captain Britain"
All the momentum gained with the previous issue slowly evaporates in this one. I can't shake the feeling that I missed something between this and the last issue.
I remain as I was, fairly blah. The art is nice though.
-This was a middle of the road issue, I guess. Boring, but inoffensive.
-I like the way Gambit’s written here.
-I like the art.
-I wouldn’t go so far as to call Jubille complex, but I enjoyed her character here.
-This take on Apocalypse is interesting and I like it.
-The protests feel incredibly one dimensional here.
-I liked Rictor a lot last issue, but here he was incredibly bland. And, yes, I know that was sort of intentional, but I don’t feel like his change went anywhere interesting.
-Wow, it took me forever to get through this issue.
-The story’s really lost all interest for me.
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