A mountain of trouble arises for Captain America and his ground forces - literally!
Will Captain America and his allied soldiers be able to stop this terrain behemoth...
...or will they find themselves buried in an early grave in this shocking series conclusion?
Rated T+
Despite rock-solid Captain America writing from Phillip Kennedy Johnson, it's still hard to shake the feeling the stakes or story from this Empyre doesn't really matter, either as a whole or to the larger Marvel event currently going on. Read Full Review
The fight in Mexico City goes to the ragged edge before Cap saves the day with personal (and frankly a little deux-ex-machina-y) heroism. The creators lay down a little more storytelling skill than this yarn deserves, rescuing the story from disaster and keeping the overall reading experience in the middle of the road.
This issue proves you get sharply diminishing returns on the "Cap's eyes fall into shadow and it's all dramatic" trick.
This was fine and fun. It's just typical Captain America. Nothing more, nothing less.
Man, what a falloff from the adventure we were initially given. The series, while worth nothing, had some interesting ideas of alliance, and this big plant monster heading towards Mexico City. How both of these elements are resolve in this final issue to this mini-series is crap. Anti-climatic ending to the big plant monster. Anti-climatic ending to the complexity between the humans, the Kree, and the Skrulls. This is just a heap of whatever is left rushed through the garbage bin to get this over with.
The art, not my favorite, but it did have some moments in this issue. It also had many inconsistencies throughout the series. The writing whoever was very good from PKJ. Too bad the story sucks ass. A large majority of these tie-i more
This is very boring, god bless. But it tries.