Jesus christ, do all your reviews have to be autobiographies?
Down on your luck Peter Parker is back, for good or ill. New York has changed, and so has Peter - but entering a new phase of his Spider-Man life isn't easy; neither are new relationships OR new foes. Peter Parker is not the Spider-Man you remember, but why is he taking his fight to THE DAILY BUGLE? And what happened to PARKER INDUSTRIES?
PLUS: Includes 3 bonus MARVEL PRIMER PAGES! Story by Robbie Thompson and art by Mark Bagley!
Rated T
This is a great return to the basics for Peter and his ability to still find some hope amidst all the hopelessness that is swarming around him reminds the reader of the enduring nature of this character and his struggle. Both the story and art are great and I will be picking up the next issue. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #789 is both a throwback to the Spider-Man stories of yesteryear and an incredibly fresh take on the character after years of status quo upheavals. Dan Slott is clearly rejuvenated on this book and Stuart Immonen continues to bring the goods in the art department, even if this was an otherwise character-centric, world-building issue. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man's new direction in Marvel Legacy is a bit of a mixed bag right now. As satisfying as it is to see a classic, "down on his luck" version of Peter Parker, the series needs to prove that Peter can continue to evolve as a character even as he falls back into old habits. Fortunately, the proven creative team are still able to deliver an entertaining start to this new era for the series. Read Full Review
Massive status quo changes are taking effect, and Dan Slott lays out them with his usual skill and focus on characters. Read Full Review
The fall from grace for our beloved wall-crawler promises to take him into familiar territory with a new outlook and shuffled supporting cast. For those who hated Parker Industries, there's nowhere to go but up. For those who enjoyed the prior thirty-two issues, a change of pace can be refreshing. Read Full Review
To put it simply, Amazing Spider-Man #789 is inspired work from each member of the full creative team. Read Full Review
Issue #789 was enjoyable, and very new reader friendly, but having read Spider-Man for years this issue to me just feels get a very generic superhero one shot when it's all said and done. I just expected more of a hook, and a less cookie cutter approach, to keep me wanting to read the Legacy version of the Amazing Spider-Man title as a whole. As it stands for now, after one Legacy issue, the art is more appealing than the overall direction. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #789 used the aftermath of Peter Parker's decision during Secret Empire to kickstart an intriguing direction for the series. There is a lot of potential in having Peter searching for a way to recover now that he has lost his company, Parker Industries. At the same time there is plenty of things to worry about as that potential could lead to more of what has turned fans off to Slott's run on the Spider-Man franchise. That fork in the road position Amazing Spider-Man is on puts the series in an interesting spot moving forward. Read Full Review
Slott does a great Peter Parker. Pencils by Immonen were so well done and nicely colored by Gracia.
great jumping on point 4 old & new fans. Back Luck Parker
This might be almost the perfect "Legacy" issue. Peter Parker, down on his luck, unloved and poor and trying to remember what he's doing it all for. It captures the essence of Peter Parker without feeling like a nostalgia exercise. One of the best issues for a long time. Made me excited about ASM for the first time in ages.
Really loving this story arc for Peter Parker.
A hilarious and sad look at Parker's life now, with some great character building and set up for a good arc that looks to get Peter back to his roots.
Peter Parker's been kicked so far down that even Spider-Man is suffering through his association with that idiot ex-tech-billionaire. Dan Slott uses "Legacy" as a welcome excuse to refocus on Spider-Man's rich supporting cast in a hugely promising way. (Less promising: The inevitable feeling of "we've sung this song before" that even the characters have to acknowledge.) The Mockingbird relationship is playing well, too. Stuart Immonen's polished pencils provide the pizazz necessary to clinch this issue's spot at "well above average."
a good start for this "new" stage of the character
I hope the series follows this course, have all the interest read the following number
This issue was pretty good. I like the chemistry between Peter and Bobbi, and the opening scene where Peter is wearing her t-shirt made me laugh out loud. The story itself isn't that much, and the anti-Parker stuff sometimes seems heavy-handed. But it is an entertaining read. The art of Stuart Immonen continues to destroy the competition, making this book a must for that alone.
This issue has me split. I really thought it was a good story and was well written. As always, Immonen has been killing the art. It's just that I truly enjoyed Peter as the billionaire. I have hundreds of back issues if I really wanted to keep reading down on his luck, broke Parker. I thought the Parker Industries era was cool and showed Pete's potential as a global world saver. In the end, I am not one to really hang on the low's and so I am now ready to see where this new era leads. Comics, to me, are fun and I will always have fun reading no matter what.
A decent start to a new(old) status quo in Peter Parker's life. I really liked how good Peter's emotions were portrayed. However, most of the issue seemed to be one prolonged filler, without much happening.
Solid start to ASM's newest chapter. Peter and Bobbi are great together. Ends with a much needed mark in the Win column for Spidey's confidence.
I tend to like Spider-Man when Slott decides to push the envelope. I enjoyed the Superior run far more than I thought I would because it genuinely brought a new element to the Spider-Man mythos. I thought Parker Industries was a fun take on how tech company founders are but there is so much back-treading this issue that I pretty much feel like all the development from the past volume was a waste of time. Art's good but Spider-Man deserves better. Also, this issue wasn't a fun read, for years I picked up Spidey's main book because if was fun. I initially thought Silk was a stupid character but I ended up enjoying the dynamic between her and Peter. This mockingbird pairing does not generate excitement for the coming issues. I'm sure some Spider fans will enjoy the return to roots but for comparison's sake, Rebirth did a better job with Superman by reuniting Clark with Lois and adding Jon as the new status quo. I dunno maybe Mr. Myx could show up and mash Peter from Renew Your Vows with 616 Peter... more
Well if it's too much for you to handle, you can always not read them...
One of the worst issues I've read in a longtime. Character destruction as bad as OMD. Forced romance with Mockingbird and making Peter underdog wants me to see him trying commit suicide or some villain will put out of his misery. #FUCKLEGACY