With a utility belt filled to the brim with weapons designed to kill every hero in the DCU, Robin King is the most sadistic soldier in the Darkest Knight evil army! Can anyone stop him from laying waste to Earth’s last line of defense? And how did he become one of the Batman Who Laugh’s groblins in the first place? And in the backup story, can the Robins liberate Gotham City from the Darkest Knight’s control?
Tomasi even included an acknowledgement of the Anti-Life Equation from Tom Taylor's DCeased series. This book covered it all like a local Waffle House does with its hashbrowns! The battle scenes alone are great and the "dunking" of the Robins is reminiscent of the 1966 Batman series when the Dynamic Duo are in a cage above"..well you know. Read Full Review
This is an excellent one shot that spins off an excellent main series. The stories are great and the artwork is great, especially by Rossmo. I could read a hundred of these spin offs, as long as they are as well handled as this one. Well done. Read Full Review
Oozing with more carnage and over-the-top violence than a hockey mask-wearing psychopath can shake a bloody machete at, Dark Nights: Death Metal Robin King #1's strength lies in its examination of the titular character. Read Full Review
Dark Nights Death Metal: Robin King #1 is Horror meets high-octane action. As much as Scott Snyder has done a great job of updating Dark Nights Death Metal readers who aren't reading the one-offs, this is the one you won't want to miss. That's in part because Robin King has been at the forefront throughout much of the event. More importantly, though, this is simply an issue you'll want to experience. Read Full Review
Dark Nights: Death Metal - Robin King #1 takes its title character and fleshes him out in surprising and even nuanced ways. Amid the unhinged terror this tween wonder unleashes without even trying, there's a character worth caring about! Come for the carnage, stay for the new favorite villain. Read Full Review
Robin King is another one-shot in a long line of one-shots for the Dark Nights: Death Metal event that was super enjoyable. It adds context and nuance to the character that I honestly wasn't expecting to get. Read Full Review
Dark Nights: Death Metal Robin King #1, like the other one-shots, stands out. If you want to learn more about Robin King, it's out there but there's just enough having to do with the main event, it also doesn't stand on its own. Still, it's an entertaining read that's beyond insane and fun. Read Full Review
I know the Batman Who Laughs isn't for everyone, and while I love that character, Robin King may be a step too far into splatterpunk for my tastes. The ending has a clever twist and Riley Rossmo's art is perfectly suited for the story, but it's not entirely to my taste. Read Full Review
I know that the cosmic shenanigans of Dark Nights: Death Metal aren't everybody's cup of tea, but this particular Englishman wants to down pots of the stuff. The main Death Metal mini-series is superb, but the tie-ins and anthologies have, on the whole, been every bit as good. I'm hooked, I'm excited, and I'm clamoring for more. Read Full Review
Much like the title character's combination of intelligence and evil, The Robin King #1 is a poisoned chalice of a comic book. Riley Rossmo's elastic illustration brings out the best in Peter J. Tomasi's script, which works best when he quits the killing and delves into the inner workings of The Batman Who Laughs' demented second-in-command. Afterward, Sampere and Patrick's back-up story makes your $5.99 go a little further and features one of the most imaginative Dark Multiverse Batmen yet. All in all, Riley Rossmo and Peter J. Tomasi work overtime to show you just why you should care about The Robin King. They just about achieve that goal. Read Full Review
Riley Rossmo has a unique visual style and there are some good looking moments in the issue. Unfortunately, many moments look like a confused jumble and took me out of the story. Read Full Review
Though its title character is wearing far too much plot armor,Dark Nights: Death Metal-Robin King #1 is a visual treat. Duke Thomas fans should pick it up for "The Quiet Ones" story alone. Read Full Review
This is most definitely a one-shot you should avoid. Read Full Review
This is a skippable Death Metal tie-in unless youre a fan of The Robin King. Otherwise just hold out until the next regular installment of Death Metal. Read Full Review
This was a tough issue for me because I don't like the character and I hate the art in this book. With that though, I can see some elements of this issue being something that someone who likes the Robin King character could get behind because it adds to the character, but ultimately, I don't need a lesser Batman Who Laughs being spotlighted here because I hate the legit thing and the Robin King is even more infuriating with how easily he's able to defeat everyone around him. Read Full Review
I would like to end this review with an apology " I know that I come across as very critical at times, and there's an argument to be made about how much of that is really necessary. If you liked this issue, I'm very happy that you did, and I'm sorry if I come across as attempting to invalidate that. But I can't write anything other than how I feel" and how I feel when I read this book is sad. Angry. Frustrated that we could have had something different: something that focused on character over slapping an evil Bruce Wayne in the book and calling it a day. Paying customers deserve more. This event deserves more. I want it to live up to its own expectations, but it doesn't. I don't like Robin King #1, and I don't like Dark Nights: Death Metal. Read Full Review
Just the cartoon style ambush of superheroes by a small but surprising guy.. Heavily bizarre and enjoyable
By this point I think Death Metal is some kind of twisted parody of some characters, elements, lore and behaviors from all DC and from that point of view this issue is not so bad.
Damn, Tomasi. You got dark with this one. I love Robin King from his previous appearance, but this one became increasingly hard to read the longer it went on. Still good, but not a character's thoughts I would want to follow for long.
As much as I hate the robin king I also have this enjoyment of the character as well. I feel its not best to think too much when reading metal or the craziness seems to bring you down. Just let it ride. For it is I enjoyed it.
Oh my god I just couldn't care any less about Robin King.
I have mixed feelings about this comic. While it adds depth and develops Robin King a little, giving him clear motivation and background, it feels, in many ways, like filler of sorts. There's no real challenge, tension, drama and bigger purpose here - just the titular character slaughtering hero after hero, being prepared to effortlessly take down every one of them. And let me tell you - there's no fun in being overpowered.
Still, there's some character building here I can't deny. We learn why Robin King decided to take the mantle of Robin, and how he influences other evil Robins out there. That's good stuff, but I wish we've got insight into more of that instead of being exposed to more generic fighting sequences thrown here to more
" End ? Ha. This is a beginning Diana ! The birth of a new multiverse... A multiverse that laughs at you. At your heroism. At goodness. ...A multiverse now rules by it's darkest knight... And his king of pain."
Why is Riley Rossmo even a comic book artist anymore? I’m sorry, but his art style ruins everything I want to enjoy. It’s so distracting. But that’s not the sole purpose for my rating. This story was sloppy. At one point there was a flashback that I didn’t realize was happening. And then we’re back to present and again I didn’t realize it was happening until it was all over. The story shouldn’t make sense after. I should understand while reading it. It was also just not not enjoyable. I find this bombardment of Batman characters exhausting already. In all honesty I came into Death Metal thinking it was going to be about Perpetua after reading the Justice League run. Now I’m here and it barely even about her. This one shot jumore
Woof, this is not good. The Robin King blows.
ah, torture porn, very cool.
Robin King is one of the most insulting garbage characters ever made.
I really hate using the term "cringe". But that is what Robin King is. He is just so bad. So terrible. I don't buy that a ten-year old could defeat all the heroes of DC. It is laughable. I hate everything about this character.
One could ask why even review this. Because this is a part of Death Metal, a part that I wished Snyder would understand is not "cool", not "epic", not "ironic", just bad. Awful. Terrible.
Robin King is everything I hate about BWL without having any of the qualities that I originally liked about BWL.
DC make sure we never see this again after Death Metal. The worst character in DCU ever made.
Just awful. I will be so happy when DC stops with all of this Metal garbage. On top of another horrible story, it also features truly awful art by Riley Rossmo. I really don't understand how he has a job drawing comics for a major company.