• Knowing that their time is limited, the original X-Men must face uncomfortable realities about their future...
Rated T+
This series only gets better and better as it gets closer to its last few issues, and that's the only negative thing about this issue. Whether you're a fan of the time-displaced original five X-Men or the original original five X-Men, this is well-worth a read! Read Full Review
It's not often writers get to have two versions of the same character at different points in their lives interact, and Cullen Bunn doesn't let the storytelling opportunity go to waste! Read Full Review
Bunn, To, and Milla finally deliver the issue we've all been waiting for. With the Blue team set to go back to the past soon, Bunn delves into their personal fears and reservations surrounding the journey. He sets up a compelling dilemma and gives these action-packed characters a moment of true emotion. Read Full Review
The biggest flaw here may be that it will leave fans wishing we saw those vignettes explored in more depth. But all good things come to an end, and X-Men Blue #35 is a thoughtful, satisfying beginning of the end for the original five. Read Full Review