Incredible Hulk #717

Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Carlo Barberi Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 23, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 11
7.3Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

The curse of the Hulk has turned into a horror, and now Amadeus enters his final showdown with the monster within. But what happens if the monster...turns out to be Amadeus himself? A hero faces his greatest demons with the lives of everyone he loves in the balance and massive repercussions for Amadeus and the Hulk!
Rated T

  • 8.3
    On Comics Ground - Jared Wood May 28, 2018

    Following along with Amadeus through both these sequel stories has been a fun ride. There's been some bumps along the way but in the end Greg Pak delivered once again at telling an engaging, fun and surprisingly insightful Hulk tale. I hope he comes back to write Hulk again soon. I'm curious to see how the new Immortal Hulk title picks up the reigns. We'll have to wait and see. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - soshillinois May 23, 2018

    Carlo Barberi and Walden Wong do a fantastic job on the final issue here. Obviously a great deal of care is given to Chos physicality in his various Hulk stages and it makes for a great show given the action in the final issue. It also works for the quieter moments in the issue, albeit Cho is drawn as weirdly small even relative to characters younger than him. Frank DArmatas colors also add a great deal of energy to the proceedings which make for an explosive story. And while this is Greg Paks final issue of the Incredible Hulk, its not Amadeus Chos final adventure. One hopes though that Pak gets to return for another turn with his creation, its just not the same without him. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Outright Geekery - Thomas Hulett May 26, 2018

    While it wasn't what I was hoping for it still managed to be a rather enjoyable read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner May 28, 2018

    I don't like to look at solicits but if this is the character's last issue in a solo, it kind of seemed like a bad way to go out. My hope is that someone is taking it over during “Fresh Start” but we shall see.  Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Multiversity Comics - Gustavo S. Lodi May 28, 2018

    While not a bad issue or run unto itself, the creative team's efforts are not innovative in any relevant way, leaving readers with a sense of missed opportunity as the story ends. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Chase Magnett May 23, 2018

    While Amadeus' demands as the Hulk might seem extravagant, the scope and outcome of his meltdown read like an excuse to reassemble the status quo for a new series. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    RustonLF May 24, 2018

    A very satisfying conclusion comes at the end of a story arc that I did not expect myself liking. It leaves Cho in a very different place that will be cool to see in the pages of Champions.

  • 8.0
    Granfalloon May 26, 2018

    Pak's run has had its strengths and weaknesses, but he cares about Amadeus and we've seen some good character development and it ends with emotion. I didn't feel it worked quite as well as intended, but nevertheless, props for actually giving a character some growth.

  • 7.0
    Dispatchdcu May 28, 2018

    Welcome to the Oblivion Bar where the first round is on me and the pretzels are free! Be warned: like the pickled eggs at the bar, this issue is going to get SPOILED rotten.

    This may have been one of the fastest reads I’ve ever had. We open with Jimmy Woo shooting adamantium bullets into Cho Hulk in order to pierce his skin long enough so Black Panther could place nanobots into Cho Hulk. The point is to have the nanobots take out the Sternbots that are inside Cho. Well, the next question you may have is, what the poop is a sternbot?

    You see, Banner was something special. He was a one in a million chance. His cells from birth were able to absorb massive amounts of gamma radiation. That’s why no one can completely more

  • 6.0
    CrazyforRAMU Dec 3, 2018

    With help from his friends (and especially from his sister's day-saving technobabble), Amadeus finagles a "meets minimum closure standards" victory over the Dark Hulk. The aftermath: He loses a bunch of muscle mass and now maybe he's permanently green? And he feels real contrite? And New York nabbed all his Olympus Group moolah to pay for property damages. This conclusion is clearer about Amadeus's FINANCES than it is about his super-powers or his feelings - it's fair for me to be underwhelmed by that, right? Add in some mercurial art that includes too many disappointing panels and you have a recipe for a big finale that finds itself stuck at "thoroughly average."

  • 5.0
    Sav May 24, 2018

    I'm so glad it's over.

  • 10
    Odisseia Cultural May 23, 2018

  • 9.0
    BloodyNinja May 23, 2018

  • 8.0
    iPodwithnomusic May 25, 2018

  • 7.0
    Psycamorean Jul 19, 2019

  • 7.0
    Jason The Dude May 24, 2018

  • 4.0
    Jon Comics Oct 30, 2020

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