• The Unity squad is on the verge of collapse after their wars with Ultron and The Hand...
•...but they won't get a vacation because The Red Skull springs his trap and turns The Avengers Mansion into a house of horrors.
• Plus, Rogue gives Deadpool an order that is without question the hardest thing he will ever have to do.
Rated T
Still, the issue stands out on the rack, creating realistic danger for our heroes, strong action pieces to set the tone for next chapter, and a menacing villain that seems all but unstoppable by the end of the issue. It's everything you want from an Avengers book! Read Full Review
Some of my favorite comics are team books where the writer knows how to use all of the characters and makes them all have a purpose. Even though this was a Rogue-centric issue, I think Gerry Duggan has a firm handle on all of these heroes. That, along with the consistently great art, has me looking forward to this book every month. Read Full Review