Forgot to mention how terrible Peter was drawn this issue.
• Soviet scourge OMEGA RED has returned!
• But what does his return have to do with the reappearance of a relative COLOSSUS and MAGIK thought long lost?
• Can the X-Men trust ANATOLY RASPUTIN to help put Omega Red back in the grave? Or does he have ulterior motives for calling upon the X-Men?
Rated T+
Even during the moments that the script couldn't quite bring home, Medina's art still looked amazing. Medina would make a great permanent addition to this title, and I'd love to see that happen. Read Full Review
Overall though this is a pretty forgettable issue. Nothing really propels the story forward other than Kitty and Piotr's relationship. It could be that this book is lacking substance because in two issues we head into Marvel Legacy and they needed something to fill in the space. I just hope that it can pick up and deliver the magic it once had. Read Full Review
Though it's readable, the book doesn't stand up to scrutiny. The quicker we move past the Omega Red arc, the better. Read Full Review
The optimist in me wanted to believe that just when you thought a story couldnt get any worse, the only direction to go would be upward. Unfortunately, the cynical side of me was indeed correct. Issue #11 doesnt just sink to new lows, it plummets with deafening sound as it hits every single branch in ugly tree on the way down. Read Full Review
I don't feel like the short arcs are really doing this title justice. There's not enough time to build suspense. The fights are kind of over before they begin. There was a big build up of how strong Omega Red is, then he ended up being beaten pretty easily. And I know this series is trading on nostalgia, but Peter and Kitty again? Really? Can't we do something a bit new?
This series has the ongoing problem that events happen, and people act, in ways that don't follow what came before in any meaningful way.
X-Men Gold continues to delve to new lows. What started out as a promising, refreshing start to the X-Men line, is now limping along. Medina's artwork is passable in issue 11, but nowhere near where a top-line X-Men title should be. The plot however is pretty abysmal. This Omega Red arc has been both bland and uninspiring. X-Men Gold needs saving, and quickly.
A really weak issue after a promising premise. Everything was wrapped up way to fast making omega red a throwaway villain in his return being easily defeated by old man Logan. Illyana was very poorly utilized in this short two story arc, not being able to handle things on her own. Finally Peter transforming again was very random and not something very exciting, making that side story a pointless dull adventure
"Underwhelming" is the word of the day as the Omega Red story shuts down fast and pointless after OML snikts him. Colossus got his steel back by wishing really hard, apparently. Lan Medina and Craig Yeung contribute some notably generic visuals ("Yep, that there looks like superheroes fighting") and Marc Guggenheim's script is depressingly weak. This issue is a fine example of Gold's chronic problems: Things happen at a too-rapid clip and there's nothing in the dialogue or the actions to invest the developments with real weight. This comic is its own summary, just an illustrated first draft for a story that could have been fleshed out into a *real* comic but wasn't.
Real bad issue for the women. Kitty's "awesome plan" amounts to letting her beefiest dudes punch ☠☠☠☠ until they win, Prestige gets drawn like a 90s pinup girl, we get no explanation for why Magik got damseled harder than 1964-vintage Sue Storm last issue, and Storm's *entire* role in this issue is to get knocked out by Omega Red between panels. She doesn't get a single word of dialogue.
EDIT NOTE: I originally rendered Lan Medina's last name as "Median." I swear this was a simple typo and not a derogatory comment on his artistic skills. At least not a conscious one. more
What do you know. It got worse.
There are moments I acknowledge the artist tried to do some parallels and make the art interesting, but overall I did not care for it. Facial expressions did not seem to fit the situation. The action was weak. Character designs seemed rushed. The story itself seemed like something that was forced together to make a deadline. If you did not care for Omega Red before this will do nothing to help you. He boast about being more powerful without ever showing, or explaining how. The defeat of the villains feels unearned. Colossus also gets over his ailments for no real reason. This is one you can definitely pass on.