• Tricked by Hydra, trapped in a prison they never anticipated, the Uncanny Avengers have a cunning escape plan...but it might just make things even worse!
Rated T+
Whether the new era of Uncanny Avengers will be as good as the previous run remains to be seen. But this issue was well above average, and an encouraging sign for the future of this series. Read Full Review
Is Uncanny Avengersgreat? No, not really. Is it a serviceably fun time if you like these characters? Yes. Id say give it a try if you have an interest in this book, but it will likely be more worth your money when Secret Empire ends and we get to see what Jim Zub will be doing with the future of this book. Read Full Review
Nothing really spectacular or memorable for this issue, especially with expectations from Jim Zub's writing. This issue felt more like a filler and a forced tie-in for the major cross over. It would have been interesting if they added more focus on the team's ongoing doubts and disappointment towards their former leader Captain America. Especially with Wasp questioning Rogue's ability to take over the role from Steve. As a Secret Empire tie-in, Zub could have added and handled it better through taking advantage of the team's ongoing internal drama and issues. Read Full Review
This is a decent enough issue, but a forgettable tie-in all the same. Read Full Review
I don't like Secret Empire ... Too dark for my taste. But there is some good story that cannot exist without Secret Empire.
This comics is one of those story. I really like how Jacinto drew the story. His style have something comic but realist.
And Sub make a intelligent story in splitting the team. Ok I'm not really a fan of how suddenly Rogue doubt of herself.
But he do a great story with this. The part I love more was Rogue been forced to do a team up with Scorpia et Schocker.
I also like that Jericho was possessed. I didn't see it coming.
Was really taken by the art in this issue, in terms of Secret Empire it was a pointless tie in, but looking forward to more Unity Squad!
I don't understand why Rouge was acting out of character so much. I mean she's field leader one second and second can't be??? Makes no sense. I'm really enjoying the art of Jacinto and Bonvillain. I love how Bonvillain's coloring pops out of the blackness pretty swell.
It's Day 0 of Hydrated America and the Uncanny team is (except for Pietro) trapped under the Darkforce Dome. Jim Zub and Kim Jacinto inherited one of Marvel's best titles here. This underwhelming start doesn't bode well. It's not all Secret Empire's fault, either. Mr. Zub lards his script down with demon fighting AND supervillain fighting AND civilian rescuing AND Pietro on a solo kick AND and an incipient Wasp/Rogue power struggle AND a surprise case of demonic possession. There's not a lot of space left for the sort of characterization that inspires readers' confidence; Rogue is back to being portrayed as an accent in a hoodie and Synapse is basically Counsellor Troi in a ninja mask. I like the way Kim Jacinto models figures but all his pmore
While I'm enjoying the main event (well...mainly), this "Secret Empire" crossover clearly illustrates why event crossovers so often suck. It's just a fight against a black bubble and (yet another) portal opened to let in nameless, bland creatures. Jacinto's art is strong, but it's wasted on this boring, meaningless battle issue. I thought I was done with "Monsters Unleashed."