The entire galaxy is under attack, the likes of which haven't been seen since Annihilus first waged war. Now, five different planets are simultaneously under threat from a mysterious foe. This is what the new Guardians were built to do. But will it be too much? This summer... the war to end all wars begins. And not everyone's going to come home.
Rated T+
Dormammu steals the show in first serving in The Last Annihilation, a crossover uniting the main Marvel Cosmic books. Read Full Review
Guardians of the Galaxy #16 kicks off "The Last Annihilation" with a bang, and hopefully it doesn't end on a whimper. Dormammu is front and center as the main villain of this crossover while the Guardians and their allies face off against his many Mindless Ones. The action looks good thanks to Juan Frigeri's art and Federico Blee's colors, while Al Ewing handles the dialogue and pacing well. Read Full Review
Ewing's been excellent about spreading that out from issue to issue, however, so if that keeps up, "The Last Annihilation" could be something special. Read Full Review
Let this man do a Nova solo
I liked this a lot. Ewing has me hooked into his cosmic stories. If you don't like this, you're just wrong. Objectively.
In all his books Al Ewing is creating a really amazing tapestry in the cosmic landscape of the Marvel Universe , more than anyone else. Do yourself a favor and read this magnificent book!
Dormammu attacks multiple planets and the Guardians (and friends) scramble to react. Though the buildup to this event didn't appeal to me, now that the shoe has dropped, I'm really enjoying what I see. The script sets a fast pace and has a suitably epic scope, and the art sold me on the scale and drama of what's happening. I also appreciate how big the cast is getting; there's space enough for non-Guardians like Hulkling and Wiccan to play significant roles. (Perhaps even too significant; I liked their parts even more than any of the Guardians in this issue.)
Fun beats, action packed start to this thing.
Another mini-crossover event... I must be feeling the fatigue of recent events and the several tie-ins because it all keeps happening. And that's despite all of the suspenseful scenes where if things didn't happen in time, the Guardians would've been sunk. But right now, things are just starting.
I'm not buying into this story. It just feels like yet another thing I read before. I must be getting too old for these crossovers. Still early so we'll see if Ewing turns it around.
Okay issue. Not very interested in the Empyre fall out, but art and colors are great and it’s a decent story.