Justice League: Darkseid War: Special #1
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Justice League: Darkseid War: Special #1

Event\Storyline: Darkseid War Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Oscar Jimenez Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 6, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 23 User Reviews: 31
8.2Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

The massive "Darkseid War" epic continues to set the stages for the future of the DC Universe as we reveal the secrets behind its newest major player: Darkseid's daughter, Grail! And if the Justice League is not careful, the spoils of war will all end up with her! See the truth behind Grail's role in this war and the future of the DC Universe as she tears her way across it. Don't miss this extra-sized special offered at the regular price of $3.99!
Plus, world-renowned visualist Kim Jung Gi puts his stamp on the DC Universe with a wall-to-wall-to-wall action triptych featuring the Big Three!

  • 10
    All-Comic - Erik Gonzalez Apr 10, 2016

    Having three sets of artists on this comic was a genius move because they each suited their content extremely well. Also, their work was different, but similar enough where it doesnt break the flow of the book. All this makes the comic work on multiple levels and deliver another passionately made comic. This is an essential part of this powerful story arc and also fulfills that desire of not wanting this series to end. There are only two more issues left, so any more Geoff Johns Justice League stories are absolutely welcomed and wanted! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicsverse - Jonathan Helmke Apr 10, 2016

    A question that I, myself, and I'm sure tons of other fans would like to know is why Myrina had Darkseid's child? Was she forced against her will? Did she fall in love with him at some point? Hopefully, the end of the Darkseid War saga will answer this. Tell us what you think in the comments below! Read Full Review

  • 10
    GWW - Casey Walsh Apr 6, 2016

    The Darkseid War continues to make its Omega Mark as one of the great DC events. Geoff Johns and crew are marking their last New 52 stand and its a wonderfully entertaining epic that every comic fan should be reading. Justice League: The Darkseid War Special #1 is the ultimate tie in comic and everything fans of the event have been asking for. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Tyler Sewell Apr 6, 2016

    I was expecting this special to be just another bonus issue and another regretted $3.99 cast into the DC pot. What we actually get is an extremely well written backstory with just as much current, and essential, content to the Darkseid War event. If you've read the entire event thus far, this is definitely an issue you don't want to skip. Johns continues to increase the hype for a dramatic end for the event and New 52 as a whole. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Slackjaw Punks - Duff Apr 6, 2016

    If I didn't say it yet, this is a must buy. So many questions"Where will the Darkseid War lead? Who will it's casualties be? And how will this fit into REBIRTH? Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    FanboyNation - R.C. Samo Apr 6, 2016

    This was a powerful origin story that will revitalize the world belonging to Wonder Woman and all that the Justice League will have to contend with in years to come. Geoff Johns is one of the top brass at DC Comics for a reason and when given a single character to work with, it's almost magical. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Batman Universe - Bill Heuer Apr 8, 2016

    Overall, I really liked this special issue, despite it basically being a tie-in. An essential tie-in to the overall story, but it really was just back story and side character development amidst Darkseid War. It really seemed like this could have stood on its own as a main chapter of Darkseid War but the creative team had only so many issues for this story and Grails schemes involving the Anti-Life Equation had to be given more attention. In the end, this issue was the perfect way to satisfy the readers until issue #49. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Chiotare Danake Apr 11, 2016

    Other than poor placing of the Future Quest advertisement, this is truly a villain’s story where Geoff did a great job in adding more dimensions to the character Grail. The ending didn’t really surprise me that much. Nevertheless, this is definitely a must pick, even if it serves as a filler issue before Justice League #49. It has been an awesome experience so far. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Apr 6, 2016

    Johns' Darkseid War is the closest thing to perfection that's graced DC in years! This story is a MUST READ! I don't say that often, so please understand how good this story arc is for me to make that type of declaration. The story builds and builds with each issue, and you're constantly getting worthwhile payoffs throughout the run. Darkseid War is magic! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Fanboys Inc - Buddy Beaudoin Apr 7, 2016

    This issue is absolutely welcome, as it gives some much needed backstory to Grail, and her intentions. While theres not a lot of forward momentum to be seen here, what it does in terms of developing the already established narrative is nothing less than necessary. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Jessica Boyd Apr 6, 2016

    If you're going to read Sam Humphries's Green Lanterns this summer, get this book. If you're going to be reading Justice League with Rebirth, get this book. If you're wanting to understand the events that have been leading to Rebirth, get this book. Darkseid War has not been an overly fluffy event, but a carefully laid out story leading to something much bigger. This special acts as a great way to shine a spotlight on the women heroes and villains who are pulling the strings. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We The Nerdy - Roshan Krishnan Apr 7, 2016

    Readers will be delighted to know that there are some cool reveals towards the end of the issue in both storylines. Johns sets up the rest of the run quite well as we do get to see Grail in the present. On the whole, thisis a great chapter in Geoff Johnss saga. It does require the reader to be caught up on Justice League, so I would not recommend this issue as a good point to jump into Johnss run. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Apr 7, 2016

    Though probably a bit too inside for the casual comic reader, this special one-shot still brings it when it can and sets Justice League up for some huge developments in the future. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Keith Dooley Apr 8, 2016

    Geoff Johns furthers the "Darkseid War" machinations while working with three distinct and capable sets of artists in this War special. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Apr 6, 2016

    The Darkseid War Special was fun and gave a lot more depth to both Jessica Cruz and Grail. You don't have to read this if you're following the main storyline, but it's highly recommended, as it fleshes out Grail and Cruz as characters, while building a little bit on the plot. The art is great but Sinclair's colorwork is the shining star here. If you've been loving Darkseid War, check this issue out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy Apr 6, 2016

    Unlike the previous Darkseid War specials, I will say that readers who have been enjoying this long arc will absolutely need to read this. It provides more insight to Jessica and Grail as characters going forward, so in that instance I can forgive it that this time. Hopefully the next chapter of Darkseid War is not to far away. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    IGN - Levi Hunt Apr 7, 2016

    If you've been loving this event, this is worth a read, but a bit too messy. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Apr 11, 2016

    "Justice League: Darkseid War Special" #1 comes across as a weaker chapter in Johns' "Darkseid War" event, but that's largely because previous chapters have been so strong. The issue is more-than-capable on its own, and -- although it isn't intended to be read as a standalone -- it holds up pretty well thanks to remarkably consistent art and well-constructed characterization. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Apr 6, 2016

    Have you been thinking to yourself that we haven't gotten enough Power Ring and Grail in our normal Justice League title?  Well, if that's the case than this issue is for you.  That's right, we get these characters running the show for this special and while some of it seems old hat, there's enough new stuff here to keep you interested and with fantastic art all the way through, at least you know you'll be giving your peepers some pleasure.   Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bounding Into Comics - John F. Trent Apr 6, 2016

    Justice League Darkseid War Special #1 doesn't feel like an essential part to the Darkseid War saga Geoff Johns is writing, but it does provide a solid back story for Grail and lightly explores some deeper themes with Jessica and Grail. Jessica's story doesn't really tie in with Grail despite the excellent transitions and allusions to connectedness. The art is solid and does a great job of keeping within the style of the Darkseid War. You can probably skip this one, but if you are really interested in learning more about Grail and Jessica go pick this one up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Apr 6, 2016

    As I said earlier, this one-shot is quite the essential read for anyone who hasJustice Leagueon their pull list. Sure, it's not quite the powerhouse that recent issues have been, butJLhas set a pretty freaking high bar in recent memory. This leads directly intoJustice League#49, so be sure to come back in a matter of weeks when we discuss what happens next. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Scott Cederlund Apr 6, 2016

    Power Ring and Grail have been central to the story that Geoff Johns is telling in "The Darkseid War" but neither of them has really been at the forefront of the story until now. Justice League: The Darkseid War Special #1 gives both characters nice spotlights and stories that create personal stakes in this large, grand story about heroes and gods. Even as Johns is writing this huge story that has multiversal ramifications, he -- along with Reis, Jimenez and Pelletier -- strike with these moments that aren't about being Batman, Superman or Wonder Woman, but about being Power Ring and Grail: two women whose destinies are tied into the fates of gods, monsters and heroes. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Apr 7, 2016

    It doesn't fall flat on its face, but it doesn't break new ground, either. Grail is evil. Grail is her father's daughter. Her mother never stands a chance at helping her. It's a depressing message, but most stories that begin on Apokolips usually are. Read Full Review

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