Two hundred years in the future, things are not looking good for the human race. But a mysterious call from the deep could change everything. The epic, flooded future of THE WAKE continues here!
If you thought last issue ended with a shock, you've not seen anything yet. The ending opens just enough questions while balancing horror with a glimmer of hope. It's rare that series hooks me so completely and utterly and The Wake has surely done so. The next weeks between this issue and next are going to be long. Read Full Review
There's so much to see in the latest issue of THE WAKE. Scott Snyder, Sean Murphy, and Matt Hollingsworth are packing it all into these issues. With the slightest hints, we can feel just how big this comic world is and have to wonder how much detail Snyder and Murphy have laid out in their notes. It's crazy to think there are people out there that haven't read this series yet. I have to say I envy them for the fact that they will be able to enjoy all the issues for the first time still. I don't want this series to end but I cannot wait for the next issue. Read Full Review
This creative team is firing on all cylinders and I'd love to see them continue to work together after The Wake wraps up its last three issues. With the introduction of the character in Leeward, there's a real sense of adventure to this book that you don't often see in the horror genre, comics or otherwise. I really love this title and I think everyone should give it a shot because it's a book that epitomizes the resurgence of Vertigo as a comic book powerhouse! Read Full Review
Some background knowledge from issue six is helpful in understanding the full impact of what is occurring; however it is not a necessity to enjoying the story. It's more helpful to be familiar with the end of Part 1 of the series and Dr. Archer's final moments than anything. Snyder and Murphy work together to create a masterful reveal at the end of this issue that will completely challenge what you believe is happening and scratching your head as to what is next. The Wake is an emotionally charged thriller with gasp-worthy moments, making you feel like you're watching an epic on an IMAX screen. Read Full Review
Murphy knocks the art out of the park yet again. I could describe his eye for detail, wholly original penciling style, and knack for creating complex action within a small space, but that isn’t the real gift here. What makes the most impact is that Murphy’s work is completely unique. Nothing is like it; nothing even comes close to imitating it. As professional as it is, there is grimy vibe to what he does, a broken, violent desperation that creates this dystopian future perfectly. It’s wonderful to look at, page after page. Read Full Review
The Wake #7 is another very solid issue of the mini-series. The direction it is going is intriguing, the action was intense, and artwork was superb. Like always, definitely recommended and I look forward to seeing where the comic goes next. Read Full Review
The atmosphere created by the book's visuals lends itself to that sense of the iconic while balancing it with the grittier reality of Leeward's situation. The ship-sized Mer that attacks the vessel she's on is almost godlike compared to her and the full page splash that depicts its fury is a masterclass on using color, shadow, and shape to evoke a sensation of awe.Murphy's art and Snyder's writing are so intimately intwined with each other that it's impossible to imagine The Wake without either one at the helm. Read Full Review
"The Wake" #7 continues to surprise, just as every issue of the series has done, and it's even more surprising that only three issues remain with so much still to be told. It's equally fascinating, terrifying, and mysterious, a recipe that makes each issue a terrific experience that only makes the wait for the next one all the more agonizing. Read Full Review
The Wake has a nice surprise or two in this issue towards the end. It's the kind of issue that makes you want to go back and re-read what came before but impatiently wait for the next issue. It's an issue that looks slow to start off but certainly doesn't stay that way. This is another issue to be sure to pick up. Read Full Review
Issue #7 continues this tour-de-force series and with a such a compelling cliffhanger, there is no reason for readers to pick this issue and the next up! Read Full Review
Snyder's continues to build up the world of The Wake in this issue, adding The Outliers into the mix. A group of ingenious pirate cannibals that are rumored to sleep with the Mers certainly adds another interesting dimension to the book and will likely be important to the book going forward. The surprises and action combine to make for an exciting book, but even when shocks are not being thrown at the reader, The Wake #7 never loses its intensity. Snyder is able to juggle and weave plotlines together very well, and with only three issues left, will likely begin to bring them all together very soon. Full of meaningful dialogue, exciting action and immense threats, Snyder has crafted another great chapter in this thrilling tale. Read Full Review
Not quite as productive as last issue, but the wheels of the story, if anything, spin even faster towards what feels like a massive climax. Read Full Review
I still maintain that WB will be crazy for not exercising their built-in option on Vertigo properties and milking The Wake; Scott Snyder has delivered a cool world-build surrounding an alt future America, which has the right level of pop for an adaptation to film. Read Full Review