• The Axis of Evil have won, who is left to stop them?
• Rogue and Nightcrawler vs Mystique!
• Thor vs Loki!
• Magneto and Quicksilver vs The Scarlet Witch!
• This is it, the face of the new world disorder--The Astonishing Avengers are formed!
It does what is says on the tin-- so it's giving us more of what we wanted to see. Good on one hand, but bad on the other, since it's just more of the surface level stuff that we expected, and fails to move into any real depth or excitement. Part of that results from the choice of scattered scenes around the world, staying plot-focused, instead of allowing deeper character interaction and a point of view through-line. That being said, there's a lot of action with the promise of more to come as it embraces the high-concept and rolls into Act Three. Read Full Review
A lot of the bigger plots do get pushed forward this issue but much of it happens off panel as is shown by the very first page of the book. We're finally getting into the moments of this crossover event that I was hoping would turn things around, but with only a few issues left, this felt like a filler issue that needed tie-in issues to make sense and wasn't able to stand on it's own. I keep telling myself to wait for the next issue but with where we're left at the end of this one,it feels that the next issue has to finally get to the story telling. Of course I think I've been telling that to myself for the past three issues. Read Full Review
Again, it's heavy on Daredevil, and those parts are fine. Cinar works better in the action, street-level setting than he does the high tech world of Iron Man. Taylor has some clever snips of dialogue, and the last page is a good piece of drama to drive a wedge between Matt and Tony. I'm eager to see how long this idea lasts and what the creative team can do with it. Right now it's OK, something to check out later perhaps. Read Full Review
Right now, AXIS has finally overcome its bloated introduction, only to get hit with another problem - a lack of consistency with the artwork. Given this series' weekly timeframe, shifting artists is perhaps inevitable - but is it necessarily conducive to a coherent, cohesive comic book storyline? AXIS has had plenty of sins in the past, but I feel like this sixth issue is primarily an editorial concern - perhaps the grab bag of artists will look better as one collected edition, but as a sequential read, this comic still has an identity crisis. Read Full Review
While this book is still not going to blow you away it has now reached a point where it can settle down and power on through to a big finish. Remender is now it seems, in control of this run-away train and can hopefully pull it into the station on its roof and partially on fire to elevate this from an average series to a pretty good one. At least we only have to wait another week for it to show up. Read Full Review
Avengers & X-Men: Axis succumbs to the flaws of event comics, leaving us with a hollow story that never gets to dig in to deliver the good stuff. The quality of the artwork is solid overall, but there are a few noticeable issues. Axis is bittersweet in that It's a story that longtime Marvel readers have been dying for yet will find hard to be satisfied by. Read Full Review
Avengers & X-Men: Axis #6 is a big step backwards. Yes, the story finally feels like it is taking off, but it took way too long to get to this point. This issue is still just setup, the story was messy and poorly told overall, and the artwork didn't enhance everything like it should have. There is some decent writing underneath the clumsy narrative, but it's not enough. This event has been spinning its wheels for far too long and it's really hard, even impossible, to recommend this comic. Unless this does a massive 180 next issue, just forget about this comic. Read Full Review
Though the issue doesn't really go anywhere, the individual narratives are all taken in interesting directions and the characters are well written. The fight between Wanda and Dr. Doom was a highlight. The two characters fit well in their reversed rolls and they are well matched. It's short lived but it stood out from the general mediocrity of the issue. The event still doesn't feel like it has a clear direction and while the concept was so promising, it is so poorly structured that it's borderline dull; certainly not the fast paced game changing event it could have been. Read Full Review
Have we gotten to the point where tie-ins and aftermaths are so predestined to be more satisfying that the main event books are content with merely serving as the concept backbone, existing only for structural purposes? I think that after reading these past six issues of AXIS and being left feeling so unfulfilled, the answer is a solid yes. Read Full Review
Although Remender, Dodson and Dodson's "AXIS" #6 suffers from a wayward plot and rushed artwork, the issue manages to stay afloat with some enjoyable character inversion moments. For the most part, however, the story spends too much time on these moments and not enough time fleshing out plot; with less attention to the story, the issue comes across as trite despite the event's intriguing concept. With only 3 issues left, "AXIS" #6 just isn't enough to save this floundering event. Read Full Review
Axis is an event with excellent ideas and creators. The story has had some ups and downs but always seemed to get where it needed to go, albeit painfully. This issue is a downer. The art doesn't help a story that is nothing more than a collection of character interactions. No mention of Red Skull's body. No mention of the missing heroes. Apocalypse barely appears. This would have been a great teaser issue for the event, given away as a freebie back in October. This is a poor comic book with little redeeming qualities. Read Full Review
Axis #6 isnt disappointing because it is such a singular disaster; there are plenty of other great comics to read. It isnt disappointing because it represents the death of superhero or event comics; that kind of fatalistic assertion is ridiculous. Its disappointing simply because even given the incredible talent and resources at Marvel Comics, no one even bothered to try. Comics deserve more than this mediocre effort. Read Full Review