Legendary Star-Lord #1
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Legendary Star-Lord #1

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Paco Medina Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 2, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 27 User Reviews: 16
7.7Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

From the pages of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY!
A brand new series from SAM HUMPHRIES and PACO MEDINA! In this exciting first issue, Peter Quill battles the Badoon, fights to save an orphanage, and still finds time for some flirting with Kitty Pryde--but it's all in a day's work for the STAR-LORD!

  • 10
    Comicosity - Anthony Blackwood Jul 2, 2014

    Look at this title as your chance to get up close and personal with Star-Lord before his movie comes out and have a blast while doing it. He's the type of character that knows his life is awesome and with that infectious attitude, you'll surely want to jump on board his spaceship with him by the end of the issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    ComicBook.com - Russ Burlingame Jun 30, 2014

    While the super-modern coloring is a bit distracting in some spots, the art is beautiful on this title, which sees Star-Lord reinvented a bit to more closely match the hugely-anticipated film adaptation ofGuardians of the Galaxy. The plot unfolds at a decompressed speed that will make for a great collected edition, even if it feels a little thin...and you don't notice the thin plot becuase there's plenty to like about the character work and action. It sets up what promises to be a really interesting series and, like Booster Gold, match humor and heart beat-for-beat while establishing a surprising new mythology for the character. This is a really great first issue. Run, don't walk, to your local comic shop to get a copy on Monday. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - Jonathan Schultz Jul 4, 2014

    I enjoyed the art, although I don't think it is Paco Madina's best work. It did look a little sloppy in some panels, but overall was pretty solid. One of my favorite scenes in the issue is when you get to see Rocket, Groot and Peter singing Karaoke. With scenes like that, what's not to like!? Plus this issue had some awesome All-New Young Guns variants if you were lucky enough to snag one! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Rhymes With Geek - Matt Fisher Jul 3, 2014

    Legendary Star-Lord #1 is fun without being shallow. It's to-the-point without being too on-the-nose. If you like adventure comics, especially the rare breed that achieves awesomeness without using tights and super powers, the check out this book. 8.5 out of 10. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 7, 2014

    As first issues go, it's a solid start, and holds a lot of promise for future adventures. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jul 1, 2014

    "Legendary Star-Lord" #1 is a solid first offering that does a great job of maintaining the readers' attention without overwhelming newer readers or pandering to long-time fans. It's always fun to see a popular character get a chance to shine and Star-Lord is definitely shining brightly. Humphries sets up some challenges for months to come, but in this debut, the entire creative team shows off their individual skills, giving readers a comic book to be treasured and shared. "Legendary Star-Lord" #1 isn't going to revolutionize anything about the comic book industry, but it is exactly the type of fun-loving adventure filled with gorgeous art that readers look for. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Todd Frazier Jul 3, 2014

    Legendary Star-Lord is a witty and light hearted enjoyable read. It gives Guardian fans a chance to get familiar with Peter Quill outside the assemble cast of the main title. Humphries and Medina have worked in synch to give the Han Solo of the 616 a fun and touching first issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Chris Bennett Jul 3, 2014

    One that should appeal to new fans, or rookies trying to find a jump on book after watching the film, Legendary Star-Lord ticks all the boxes and features a final page that wouldn't seem out of place in “Original Sin”. There's more than enough to keep you coming back for more here, folks. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Jul 4, 2014

    Legendary Star-Lord #1 comes to a solid end with some minor issues that'll eventually need to be sorted out. But as beginnings go this one does enough right to earn a spot on your pull-list. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Jul 2, 2014

    Audiences can’t get enough of charming roughish characters and Legendary Star-Lord #1 is every bit a comic about one of Marvel’s most dashing criminals. Sam Humpries, a writer to cut his teeth giving us books about weirdoes and outcasts like Uncanny X-Force and Avengers A.I., shoots for the stars with this new solo series, but always reminds us that underneath the exploits and explosions there is a living, breathing man. The Legendary Star-Lord #1 also continues the artistic hot streak that has made up Marvel’s cosmic character line. Medina, Vlasco and Curiel deliver a book that feels lived in while never looking like anything other than a high-flying space adventure, bringing to mind the works of Jim Starlin and Howard Chaykin. We may have to wait until August 1 for Peter Quill to become a box office star, but today he’s a star at your local comic shop. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jun 30, 2014

    Get ready to discover who exactly the Legendary Star-Lord is. With the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise heating up, it's the perfect time to explore more of who this individual character is. Sam Humphries gives us a great start to a space-western series showcasing the character while also developing new and past events in his life. Paco Medina's art and David Curiel's colors give it all a nice glossy feel. The story feels a little isolated due to the largely self-contained format but we do have a couple big develops brewing and this format does make it new-reader friendly. This is a character we'll be seeing a lot more of and the time is right to jump on board this new series. The legend of Star-Lord is in safe hands with Humphries. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Herotaku - Jamal Melancon Jul 2, 2014

    This first issue serves as an excellent introduction to Star-Lord's character and the fun to be had reading this series. Once the issue gets going, Humphries' writing is real entertaining, and Medina's pencils electrify content the whole way through. Don't be shy, Nation. Let the Legendary Star-Lord take you for an adventure in space. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Stuart Conover Jul 5, 2014

    I'm not quite sure where this is supposed to fall in line with the time line established in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy' as recent issues have Star-Lord confronting his father who just had him kidnapped. It would be the perfect part for this to be the kidnapping but it wasn't referenced in the issue at all and seems to be a point that would have been brought up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Jul 2, 2014

    As good as the set-up is, with a cracking set of action sequences and witty one-liners, a big question mark hangs over whether this can continue to distinguish itself as a necessary separate entity from Star-Lord's already ripping team book. That said, if every issue is fast-paced as this one, we'll barely have time to draw breath to ask that question. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Rob Thomas Jul 5, 2014

    With the cliffhanger issue ending teasing yet more family drama for Peter Quill, I'm left pleasantly surprised by how happy I was with Legendary Star-Lord #1. Initially, I feared we were looking at just another hasty, thrown-together movie cash-in, but even if that was the initial premise, the final product delivers a decent enough level of quality that I hope we get to see this series go other places once the hype of the movie has died down. I've always been a huge Cosmic Marvel fan and the renewed interest in this sector that the movie has brought sits very well with me. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Kliq Nation - Timdogg Jul 1, 2014

    Legendary Star-Lordattempts to set Peter Quill on a solo journey filled with swashbuckling and space exploring. While I have enjoyedCyclopsmore for how it's taken an Earth boy and relocated him out in space,Legendary Star-Lordshould find a nice audience. Especially for fans ofGuardians of the Galaxyand inevitable crossovers. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Jeff Lake Jul 2, 2014

    Legendary Star-Lord #1 does just enough to set it apart from the main series, driven by the book's amazing art. Humphries appears well at ease in his new surroundings, and with a new, personal entrant of Quill's now in play, the misadventures of Star-Lord aim to be mighty legendary indeed. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Coming Up Comics - David Melton Jul 2, 2014

    Nothing groundbreaking about this series but its an enjoyable read that I recommend giving a try. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Jul 4, 2014

    If "Legendary Star-Lord" is going to become as long-lasting as its title suggests, its power won't be found in the action scenes that are sure to populate the upcomingGuardiansfilm. Not because Medina can't draw a competent action scene; he can, in fact, and draws some truly breathtaking visuals that stray further away from action and more towards the awe-inspiring. No, "Legendary Star-Lord" will live or die by its character study of Peter Quill, which is something that Humphries and Medina seem slightly focused on at the moment. Though the overall story is hampered by a sub-par Badoon sub-plot (that does pay off nicely with a sweet moment from Quill), it seems like Humprhies and Medina know exactly where they want to take Star-Lord on this galaxy wide adventure. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Jul 7, 2014

    This book might not be as "legendary" as the its name suggests but you could do a lot worse for your money on the comic stands than this fun, if somewhat hollow, debut. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jul 8, 2014

    The comic ends with the reason for his new trinket and a new frenemy which suggest where the comic may take our hero (although it's pretty vague about when this adventure takes place or the whereabouts of the rest of the Guardians). Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jennifer Flatebo Jul 8, 2014

    I found Sam (The Ultimates) Humphries' version of Quill to be amusing and resourceful. After capturing a glimpse of Quill in comic form, I can see why Chris Pratt was cast in James Gunn's GotG. He has the perfect balance of snarky humor along with the ability to be a bad ass. This Vestal can't wait to see more of his portrayal of Star-Lord come August 1st. Although this particular comic did not get very far, it was hard not to admire Paco (Nova) Medina's pretty pencils " and at least sense some depth in Quill's character " enough to keep my attention till next month. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jun 30, 2014

    While I wouldn't go so far as to say this book is as "legendary" as Peter Quill might describe himself, there's nothing inherently wrong with Legendary Star-Lord. This isn't a "must-have" book like the main Guardians book, and it isn't an auteur's spin on the property like Skottie Young's Rocket Raccoon. But as far as introductions go, Sam Humphries and Paco Medina do create a fast-moving, action-packed romp that quickly establishes all the different angles one could go with Star-Lord. While the cliffhanger does seem a little cliche, Humphries and Medina have every opportunity to make this book as unpredictable and charming as its protagonist. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - stephengervais Jul 2, 2014

    This issue is a perfect introduction to Peter Quill, Star-Lord. It’s a thoroughly entertaining romp from beginning to end. It’s filled with gun battles, getaways and casual flirtation. It’s truly just an all-around fun read. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Spectrum - Adam Alamo Jul 14, 2014

    Overall Legendary Star-Lord #1 did little to promote Peter Quill's “legendary” status. It had the opportunity to reintroduce this character in a way that was meaningful and added depth. Instead, the story was an average day in the life of the Star-Lord and average will not make it stand out from the crowded field of Guardians of the Galaxy related releases. It ends with a surprise reveal/cliffhanger, but that alone was not enough to bring me back next issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jul 5, 2014

    If you like Star-Lord, then yeah, he comes off as likable and heroic. And the art is phenomenal. It's clean, clear, detailed, action-packed and gorgeous to look at. Marvel is clearly trying really hard to get us to like Star-Lord " and it shows, for good or ill. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Jul 2, 2014

    Legendary Star-Lord #1 is a very mediocre issue that really needed a lot more work. It needed to be more accessible for a new audience, it needed to be more exciting to hook the readers in, it needed more rewrites to fix some script and art hiccups, it just needed more of almost everything. This is not a good way to promote a new movie with delivering such a lackluster product for four bucks. Not worth checking out. Read Full Review

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