Jennifer Flatebo's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 7
5.6Avg. Review Rating

American Vampire: Second Cycle #6

Feb 10, 2015

This is a new spin on the Cold War, a cover-up origin story of the evil demon: The Gray Trader. With Rafael (Robin, Blue Beetle) Albuquerque's ominous landscapes and far more ominous vampire story, American Vampire: Second Cycle #6 is a fine jumping-on point for those who want to learn the history of vampires (especially if you missed the titular series' Skinner and Pearl), their secret-ops predators and the countless number of ways to go about it all!

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Batgirl (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 23, 2014

I find the story starting in a place that "Bat" fans can get behind. It is Barbara Gordon as you have not truly seen her before: Venomed the frack up!

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Batwoman (2010): Futures End #1

Sep 23, 2014

I was hoping for some level of understanding but as I read on I couldn't wait until it ended.

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Harley Quinn Holiday Special #1

Dec 15, 2014

Naturally she breaks into a house to check on one of them. She meets a little girl and gives her a life lesson in the only bubbly, terrifying way Harley can. The other two comics focus on Harley trying to get a "humbug" out of her ear (which is constantly singing Christmas songs on her ear) and trying to find "Father Time" because she found a grey hair. I do have to say that I always find Harley adorably crazy bit something about these three mini-comics had me wanting more.

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John Carter: Warlord of Mars #1

Nov 11, 2014

Well, this version turned out to be just what I was expecting. I did not find any joy in reading it. I feel like I have heard this story before. John Carter is basically Superman on another planet. I feel like now I understand more why that movie adventure failed. It wasn't my cup of tea, so to speak, but I feel like I am not alone on that! John Carter should have just stayed on ER.

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Legendary Star-Lord #1

Jul 8, 2014

I found Sam (The Ultimates) Humphries' version of Quill to be amusing and resourceful. After capturing a glimpse of Quill in comic form, I can see why Chris Pratt was cast in James Gunn's GotG. He has the perfect balance of snarky humor along with the ability to be a bad ass. This Vestal can't wait to see more of his portrayal of Star-Lord come August 1st. Although this particular comic did not get very far, it was hard not to admire Paco (Nova) Medina's pretty pencils " and at least sense some depth in Quill's character " enough to keep my attention till next month.

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The Black Hood #1

Mar 3, 2015

Relatable, perhaps chiefly in part of Michael Gaydos (Manhunter) nitty and gritty art. Everything appears so torn and weathered, as if Dark Circle were the All-New reimaging of Marvel Knights. And yet despite my limited knowledge of the original 40s version (Archie Comics) of Black Hood, you can count this Sister looking forward to the next installment to see what Hettinger will do next. Its almost as if he is becoming the man he killed to get rid of the guilt of taking a life: A story us comic geeks will apparently never get sick of.

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