Matt Fisher's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Rhymes With Geek Reviews: 9
8.2Avg. Review Rating

Afterlife With Archie #4

Mar 5, 2014

I had a brief moment of thinking can I give this a ten, even though its a re-mix and not technically an original. I plead temporary insanity. Re-hashing is the worst and re-mixing is way better, but Afterlife With Archie transcends both of those denominations. AwA #4 specifically solidifies this comic as a comprehensive work where the ingredients are as important as the recipe, but the chefs should still get all the credit for making a simultaneously delicious and emotionally nutritious meal that you cant find anywhere else. Overall Rating: 10 of 10

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Alex + Ada #2

Dec 11, 2013

OVERALL: This is definitely a book Id recommend. The characters and dialog exist in a distant and slightly familiar future but remain extremely relateable, and somehow do so without being boring. Hell, just the fact that Im an unrepentant Big Two, big explosions, big muscles comic guy who absolutely loves this book so far should be enough to convince you to grab it up.

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Five Ghosts #7

Dec 3, 2013

If you were ever a fan of something like Indian Jones, Brisco County Jr., or novels in the vein of Burroughs, Bradburry, or Abernathy then this is a comic specifically for you. The premise is awesome, the action is well-paced, and the dialog doesnt leave you deciphering subtext. In a world where were forced to choose either hyper-reality or total weirdness in our comics, its nice to just go on a fantasy adventure with a hero who we admire but also would not allow near our sisters.

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Legendary Star-Lord #1

Jul 3, 2014

Legendary Star-Lord #1 is fun without being shallow. It's to-the-point without being too on-the-nose. If you like adventure comics, especially the rare breed that achieves awesomeness without using tights and super powers, the check out this book. 8.5 out of 10.

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Marvel Knights Spider-Man (2013) #3

Dec 6, 2013

The bottom-line is that this is a gorgeous and artfully narrated take on a fixture of the super-hero genre. I sincerely hope that when this thing comes out in trade it gets the hype it deserves now.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #2

Mar 21, 2014

Ive been a little critical of this one because I think it has a lot of potential. Someone smarter then I once said that with great power comes great responsibility. This applies to us all, but I hope Ms. Marvels team really has this old Marvel adage ringing in their ears. Theyve simultaneously taken on the burden of being ambassadors to young readers, the ever elusive female readers, and the even MORE elusive religious readers. Thats a lot for a comic book to handle and if Im critical of this book its because I think it could be more than just a good comic. Ultimately, based on two issues, I think that Alphona, Herring, Wilson, and editor Sana Amanat are the folks for the job. I know Ill be watching eagerly.

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Secret Origins #1

Apr 25, 2014

Siqeuiras art is the only of the three displayed in this comic that makes an honest attempt to set itself apart from what seems like the DC House Style. Its still pretty standard, but it screams of individuality that is being repressed for the sake of cooperation. Of course, thats an assumption because what do I know about the inner workings of major comics publishers, but Id be remiss not to share my thoughts.

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Silver Surfer (2014) #1

Mar 28, 2014

Overall this makes me extremely hopeful for what's to come. I expect a lot out of a Silver Surfer comic because there's a lot you can do with a nebulous character like that. On the flip side, I've heard people complain about the Surfer being too nebulous and god-like, making him boring. I'm happy to report that the balance of humor and subtly thematic elements of this first issue are likely to not only please Silver Surfer fans of old, but maybe get some others to re-think their position on the character.

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Uncanny X-Men Special #1

Jun 13, 2014

Overall I feel bad for this creative team. Being the intermission act for Bendis and Bachalo is a tough gig. Its unreasonable to think I was going to pick up this issue and think whoa, this opening act is better than the headliner! However, I think the occasion could have been risen to a little bit better than it was and Im not sure Im going to stay to see all three issues of their set.

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