Nova #3

Writer: Jeph Loeb Artist: Ed McGuinness Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 17, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 8
7.9Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

It’s time for Sam Alexander’s Training Day. And with the Guardians of Galaxy’ s Gamora and Rocket Raccoon in charge, Nova soon learns that old lesson “Practice Makes Painful!”

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Apr 17, 2013

    We already know the Loeb/McGuinness era of Nova won't last forever, but I'm going to hold on to these pages fiercely while it lasts as this is one of the best comics to come out of Marvel NOW! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Apr 23, 2013

    So, a fun story, with terrific, over-the-top art by Ed McGunniess and Dexter Vines, the return of some familiar faces (including a genuinely surprising group of bad guys), and you have a comic that's mighty entertaining. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Kyle Mc Apr 20, 2013

    Everything in space is awesome. You might say what makes it so good? All you have to do is put some white dots on a black background but that would make you a moron because its so much more than that. Gracias colours contribute heavily to that as Nova flies past the moon and hits mach warp defcon nine is just gorgeous. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Apr 22, 2013

    The choice to bring the Chitauri into the proper Marvel Universe (they were originally a Marvel Ultimate creation) doesn't bother me, although it is another sign of Marvel Studios directly influencing both the style and storylines of Marvel Comics. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Apr 22, 2013

    An effective blend of sci-fi and superheroes, Nova is continuously entertaining and all around great fun. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Apr 19, 2013

    This is a fun and energetic issue, leading up to something big, but we've been building up to it for three issues now. We can't wait to see what is unleashed in the next two issues, because this bit is well and truly chomped at. McGuinness matches Loeb pound for pound, and the subtleties of a very one-sided conversation with The Watcher are some of the most priceless moments in the book. Brings the "Now!" into the Marvel NOW! line. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Apr 17, 2013

    NOVA continues to be a joy to read. We could definitely use more titles that are this fun to read with a good sense of light-heartedness. Jeph Loeb is making Sam Alexander a fun character and you can't help but want to see more of him. We're starting to see how he will relate to the rest of the Marvel Universe. It's not fully clear if this book will focus on the humor angle or if we'll see Sam take on his responsibilities in a more series fashion. The art team of McGuinness, Vines and Gracia make this a visual treat. It would be nice to see Gamora and Rocket Racoon do more but with the visuals we have, you can't really complain. Nova is on the verge of a turning point in this issue. This issue and the next will give us a good idea what sort of hero he will be. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Andrea Shockling Apr 17, 2013

    Am I making a mountain out of a molehill? Probably. Did it detract from my enjoyment of the comic? A little bit; only because it was a deliberate choice with unclear implications. But should it prevent anyone from picking upNova#3, starring my favorite teenage superhero wannabe who isn't already an Avenger? Absolutely not. You should be readingNova because right now it's a fun story told from the point of view of an incredibly likable young protagonist and the art is delightful. If in the future it also ends up holding the key to unraveling the Phase 3 master movie plan? Well, I guess you read it here first. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Stuart Conover Apr 21, 2013

    Don't get me wrong you really need a good origin story for how they are going to use him but long term it's hard to see where his place is going to be at this time. Annoying nagging thoughts aside the fun writing and solid pace of the book will have me happily snagging at least a few more issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Apr 17, 2013

    This is also the best looking issue so far. Ed McGuinness and Dexter Vines produce some smooth and pretty pages . Space looks good; damn good. There's an openness to this book; a sense of a huge universe and that's not an easy thing to capture. Then there's the excitement on Sam's face when he returns from his first major flight which is almost infectious. It's also insane how often McGuiness breaks the panel borders. Every bit of action leaps of the page and comes flying towards you. It crackles with energy and life. Nova is getting there and it'll be fun to see where it goes. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Apr 19, 2013

    It's not too late to jump onto Nova. Sam is a new character who is getting established as we speak, so catch him now before he gets too involved midstory. Issue 3 isn't a bad issue, but there are clear moments that you think could have been written better, preventing a good book from being a great book. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 22, 2013

    Yet that first scene still sticks with me, and it's something that I think Loeb needs more to make Nova fly. Loeb is channeling a lot of personality as a creator to his fictional "son," but we aren't privy to all those quirks and wonderful moments that make this character so resonant to his writer. And in a lot of ways, a father will love his son differently than that boy's friends and siblings " so who does Nova want to impress? Kids? Adults? Both? It's clear that Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness think the world of this kid, but they need to find an emotional and tonal throughline that will get the rest of us to fly with him. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Apr 18, 2013

    "Nova" #3 is unfortunately decompressed and devoid of major character work that delves into someone new on the page. The art is pretty, but it struggles against a script that doesn't bring any sort of thunder with it, instead hoping a few fanboy nods will be enough to support. There's nothing glaringly wrong with this issue, but there's little to recommend beyond the art, which deserves a better book. Read Full Review

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