Cable and X-Force #5

Writer: Dennis Hopeless Artist: Salvador Larroca Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 6, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 1
5.9Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

X-FORCE is officially on the run.Cable must face his daughter Hope, the savior of AVX.The Uncanny Avengers are hot on their trail!

  • 8.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Mar 6, 2013

    Overall, this is a decently entertaining book that seems to be approaching a stride. I'm looking forward to the next insane adventure, and to the fate of Piotr Nikolievitch Rasputin, considering the drastic step he takes at the end of Cable and X-Force #5. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    IGN - Melissa Grey Mar 6, 2013

    If you're deeply invested in the off-hours antics of Cable and his ragtag group of wrongfully accused criminals, then picking up the issue might be worth your hard earned cash. If, however, you're looking for a noticeable progression in the title's overarching plot, you might find yourself out of luck. Ultimately, Cable and X-Force #5 is filler. It may be good filler, but it is filler nonetheless. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Christopher Romero Mar 8, 2013

    Salvador LaRroca's artwork, along with Frank D'Armata's colors, are appealing and eye-catching. Cable and X-Force is beginning to show life as it leads into its next arc. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Stuart Conover Mar 10, 2013

    This really felt like a filler comic between missions and I'm glad to see they did that. Too often in Marvel it's one world ending event after another. Having some time to see what this cast does between the various ends of the world they have to resolve was amazingly refreshing. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Mar 6, 2013

    My biggest gripe with this book is it's just not doing enough to warrant the $3.99 price tag. Sure, it has its moments here and there, but compared to other titles this just isn't as compelling or enthralling as I'd expect it to be. Cable still has his visions (which come at totally terrible times), and that lays out the ground work for the next plot. It's business as usual. The only thing that really won me over here was the witty friendship between the team's geniuses.Also, it's worth noting that the solicitations mentions the Uncanny Avengers, yet they're nowhere to be found in this issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Read Comic Books - Tommy Lutz Mar 6, 2013

    Cable and X-Force #5 is a bit of a let down, after a let down, after a let down. The direction, or lack of direction in this issue is exactly the opposite of what the series needed to keep its flame. Great art and a great cast might not be able to save this series much longer unless Hopeless can pull together some solid direction for this team. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - Kevin Mak Mar 12, 2013

    Unfortunately, after several issues of explosive action, this issue is disappointing. Nothing happens to advance the plot and definitely nothing worth the four bucks. The concept of the heroes viewed as villains is a great concept and it seems this was just a setup story for a new arc. However, since Cable's new vision is so vague, you cannot tell what is going on. I hope future issues will share the same momentum they had when the series started. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Matt Sargeson Mar 12, 2013

    There is no accounting for taste. I know this because so far the Twilight films have grossed more than $2 billion dollars, Justin Beiber sells out arena tours the world over, and Cable and X-Force #5 is fifth on Marvel's current list of Top Ten Digital Bestsellers. In a series where what little happened previously seemed irksomely pointless, this issue (where practically nothing happens at all) represents a new low. A few witty one liners from Dr Nemesis aside, this book is a scandalous waste of $3.99 and calls for deployment of the ultimate report card criticism: Must. Try. Harder. Read Full Review

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