Wolverine and the X-Men #35

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Nick Bradshaw Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 28, 2013 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 4
7.6Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Wolverine and the X-Men face Mystique, Sabretooth and the Hellfire Club!What fate awaits the Jean Grey School students who joined the New Hellions?The WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN landscape is redefined!

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 1, 2013

    On the one hand, it's wonderfully creative. Writer Jason Aaron really pulls out all the stop to cram as much entertainment, action and character bits into each issue as possible. But it's almost too much - it's sometimes hard to see the story for all the interference. There are just so many characters, so many over-the-top concepts, so much going on - it's a challenge to keep up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Chris Lemmerman Sep 10, 2013

    After 35 issues, we're finally here. The climactic battle between the X-Men and the Hellfire Club comes to a head, and pretty much every plotline over the past 2 years either concludes or morphs into something new and exciting. The end of an era is always a sad time, and it usually leads to relaunches, creative team shifts, and all manner of other disconcerting developments. It's a sigh of relief to be able to say that Wolverine and the X-Men's Hellfire Saga ends with a bang, and there's no sign of Jason Aaron or his artistic collaborators going anywhere anytime soon. There's still plenty of story to play with, and Aaron's not letting his foot off the pedal at all. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Aug 30, 2013

    Jason Aaron is great at detailing teenagers emotions, and other writers currently writing teen heroes books should learn a thing or two from him (*cough* Scott Lobdell*). Idie and Kid Omega share a wonderful moment together, and not out of place at all. My only problem with Aaron's writing is that he can put too many voices in one small scene and it can get too crowded. Other than that, one of the best writer out there. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Stuart Conover Aug 31, 2013

    You know aside from the annoying tie-in with Nightcrawler(who they've been letting us know for awhile is going to make a return since he's not really dead), I will fully admit that this was a good end to the story arc. Some villains were caught, some got away, and most of the story lines were wrapped up enough to be put into limbo as the series temporarily transitions into the Battle of the Atom crossover event. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Aug 28, 2013

    This issue has so many moments where characters either get what's coming to them or dodge their fate that it becomes a rollercoaster of emotion. Aaron delivers long-awaited kisses, stabbings, and punches, but some come at a price so high it will have you pulling your hair out. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - ToriBee Aug 30, 2013

    It seems like the end of the Hellfire Saga has set into motion a lot of things Aaron wants to accomplish/plans to accomplish, Toad is kind of finding his backbone, Husk is on the road to recovery, Quentin and Idie are now in a relationship, Wolverine is apparently better tempered, and we’re starting to get glimpses from a much beloved character (this is the best part of the issue, and even if you didn’t like any other part of it, this character makes it worth the price okay). It’s lost a little bit of footing along the way, but post Hellfire, it looks like Aaron is about to gain some better ground again. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Sep 1, 2013

    The hints at what come next are fascinating, and there are plenty of wonderful endings in place but, overall, it doesn't quite live up to the expectations that last issue instilled in me. WatXM #35 and The Hellfire Saga are solid reads, especially if you're invested in these characters, but at the end of the day it's a decent, middle of the road arc that bit off more than it could chew when it compared itself to The Dark Phoenix Saga. Read Full Review

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