Dial P For Power
Rex Baldwin's single-minded pursuit of a superpower has cost him everything except his last friend. Here begins the story of how he loses that friend.
Propeller is unlike anything you will find published by Marvel or DC. It's a pleasant departure from the superhero epics those companies produce, and if you are a committed reader of the big two, after finishing Propeller you'll want to see what else is happening in the world of indie comics. Read Full Review
“Propeller” #1 is a strong comic book that deserves your attention. Mo and Muriel are doing something special here that with an only $0.99 price tag cannot be missed. Read Full Review
Propeller is a series that brings up the idea of masks and what were all trying to hide. Each person walks around with a mask, from one facet of life to the next, we might even change our masks throughout the day. This series adds another level to that notion, and explores what would happen if someone was given powers, and how it would make them react on a personal and realistic level. Read Full Review