Long-time frenemies Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn take the spotlight in this new arc. As Hell in a Cell looms, will KO finally corrupt Sami to his side?
Writer Dennis Hopeless has done what WWE Creative spent three years trying to do but just kept missing the mark: he established clearly the relationship these two men have had, why it broke down, and why the ultimate babyface Zayn would suddenly rescue Owens from a disastrous defeat at the hands of Shane McMahon. Artist Serg Acua captures both Zayn and Owens well, but also establishes his own version of in-ring action in comic form. Read Full Review
WWE's latest arc puts the spotlight on Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, and their rollercoaster ride of a friendship is endlessly entertaining. Fans have seen their back and forth play out on television, but for those who only discovered them in NXT this is a delightful exploration into what makes them tick. Read Full Review
While it does feel very broad, this is a team that understands this friendship and that's enough for this Kevin Owens super fan. Read Full Review
Another great start to a fun story arc featuring Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Looking forward to seeing what anarchy these two drum up. Read Full Review
At the end of the day, theres nothing particularly ground-breaking here, but as always, the charm in BOOM! Studios WWE series comes from seeing the kayfabed behind the scenes moments which led up to the on-screen storyline twists and turns. If you're a fan of KO, Sami or the WWE in general then this is, as always, well worth a look, but those expecting to find any fresh insight to one of the more enjoyable heel turns in recent months may end up disappointed. Read Full Review