While the psychopath known as The Surgeon hunts down brilliant misfit Philip, Katya follows a trail of clues left by her late husband, which leads to Amsterdam and a bizarre sect known as The Tulips. The unlikely partnership of mother and stepson arrive in the heart of the financial district, where it seems that Katyas late husband is about to speak.
I was able to enjoy the major beats of this book, though some of the finer points escaped my grasp. Although I highly recommend this book, I urge you to pick up the first two issues before jumping into this one. I'd probably score this higher had I been caught up, but I'm awarding it with one that's not too shabby, regardless. Read Full Review
"The Names" #3 is a solid chapter of this saga and in regards to the story does a lot to push me over to the side of loving it. Vertigo hasn't been the powerhouse they once were but "The Names" is a positive step forward. Read Full Review
"The Names" #3 is another good installment in a strong mini-series; with two-thirds still to come, I feel like the sky's the limit. If Milligan and Fernandez can keep this up, we're going to have a real winner. In the meantime, though, I hope that more people start buying and talking about this comic. It's too fun to be ignored. Read Full Review