Spock is gone, taken by an enemy unlike any Captain Kirk and his crew have faced before. War with the Romulan Empire is imminent. In the face of the ultimate no-win scenario, will the Federation survive? Don't miss the all-new ongoing series set after the events of STAR TREK BEYOND!
• Following the events of Star Trek Beyond!
• The first arc ends HERE!
This conclusion to the inaugural story arc of this title is sure to not disappoint. Spock face-to-face with the Borg? Come on! That is almost too good to give us at the very beginning of a title. I am on tenterhooks to see what they have yet in store for us if that is the first shot across our bow! Like I said earlier, this is a great way to impact our psyche at the beginning of a new year. Surely, we shall all be ready to boldly go into the unknown of 2017. Just make sure to keep the shields up and the phasers and photon torpedoes at the ready because we have no idea what's coming at us. All we can do is await that encounter with a smile. Read Full Review
Thank you for reading my review of Star Trek: Boldly Go #4. We at BigGlasgowComic.com appreciate your viewership. Check back with us daily for the latest news, reviews and upcoming events. Or, give us a like and a follow on Facebook (Big Glasgow Comic Page) and/or Twitter (@BigGlasgowComic) for regular updates on all of our posts. Read Full Review
Thank you for reading my review of Star Trek: Boldly Go #4. We at BigGlasgowComic.com appreciate your viewership. Check back with us daily for the latest news, reviews and upcoming events. Or, give us a like and a follow on Facebook (Big Glasgow Comic Page) and/or Twitter (@BigGlasgowComic) for regular updates on all of our posts. Read Full Review
As you recall. I initially complained about this being kind of a clone of ‘Best Of Both Worlds', which it was. But I am happy to say that this final issue kind of changed the story significantly enough for it to be able to stand on its own. Especially given how Spock was used in the story. Read Full Review
Star Trek: Boldly Go #4 is an excellent closer to this opening chapter, and my fingers are crossed that the rest of this Star Trek series remains as strong as this. Read Full Review
“Star Trek: Boldly Go” #4 is a strong ending to this first story arc and has me all in for what comes next. Read Full Review
Through this first story arc, the partnership of Mike Johnson and Tony Shasteen have done an outstanding job. I completely enjoyed this book even though I was reading it with my usual Trekker pessimism. I was highly entertained and look forward to more collaborations from Mike and Tony. Read Full Review
Though Kirk's friends may be scattered across Starfleet, Star Trek: Boldly Go #4 shows that the characters and stories are still in good hands with IDW. Read Full Review
The first arc of this series concludes with the Borg battling Spock, whose unique nature makes him immune to assimilation. The defeat of the Borg seemed a bit too easy here, but the fact that they will return en masse reestablishes the idea that they are a huge threat. The art of Tony Shasteen keeps getting better; I though some of his renderings of the actors faces seemed unnatural in the first few issues, but that's not a problem here. The overall art is stellar in this issue. Mike Johnson has the voices down for these characters as well. I'm excited for this series! But gimme more McCoy!