Wacky Raceland #1
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Wacky Raceland #1

Writer: Ken Pontac Artist: Leonardo Manco Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 8, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 9
5.7Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

The world has ended, but the race has just begun! Penelope Pitstop, Peter Perfect and the rest of the Wacky Racers vie for the finish line in a contest where the winner takes all and second place is death. Today's trial: the shattered maze of freeways known as the Überpass, where they're beset by giant sand beasts, mutated insects, and worst of all, Dick Dastardly's murderously poor sportsmanship. The last thing they need after surviving the race is a brutal bar fight in a local dive, but that's just what they get!

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Richard Gutierrez Jun 8, 2016

    Wacky Raceland is the latest in DC Comics' attempt to create new versions of the once popular Hanna-Barbera cartoon line. Although the base premise may be the same to the original property, the jokes which once littered the races and kind-hearted characters who would do no permanent harm to each other, are now replaced with the polar opposites of the cast. If you can read this series without being prejudiced by the previous show, this can be a wildly exciting departure to the norm of a regular competition. However, if you do know of Wacky Races, then the learning curve can be a harrowing hairpin and could lead to a fiery crash. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Deejay Dayton Jun 12, 2016

    But overall, I have to admit I was more than pleased with the first issue of Wacky Raceland, and eager for more issues, and to see more of the other racers in the competition. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Lisa Allison Jun 8, 2016

    After researching the older cartoon I am impressed by the character makeovers. We have only had a peek into the characters' backstories and the Announcer has me intrigued. This storyline has great potential and could go in many different directions. My interest is piqued to see which way they turn. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Tony Farina Jun 14, 2016

    I am not too sure if Pontac is taking himself seriously or not. I am not sure if he wants the audience to laugh, cheer or smirk at some inside joke he thinks we are all in together. What I do know is that this book has some serious potential to be fun. Sign me up for issue two, I am ready to go racing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopMatters - Gregory L. Reece Jun 27, 2016

    There was always something more than wacky about those Saturday cartoons, something down-right weird, maybe even menacing. Wacky Raceland puts that weirdness and menace on display. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Rick Austin Jun 15, 2016

    Wow. Uh. Okay. I feel like I've just been hit in the head with a frying pan. That's because I just read the latest updated Hanna-Barbera comic book Wacky Raceland. All the old characters (and their turbocharged vehicles) from the '60s TV series are there, from Penelope Pitstop and Dick Dastardly to Professor Pat Pending and the Ant Hill Mob, and the format of the race is the same as it ever was: cross the finish line first, no matter what. And that's where the similarity ends. Read Full Review

  • 5.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 9, 2016

    At times it's enough to wonder why DC didn't simply commission another Mad Max comic. But at least this series seems more self-aware and intentionally silly than Scooby Apocalypse. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Karen O'Brien Jun 10, 2016

    Pontac and Manco's "Wacky Raceland" is an interesting reboot that will be more entertaining if they can balance its near-constant violence with a semblance of humor and let the day's race move from start to finish without allowing the flashbacks to derail the story. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comicsverse - Brian Delpozo Jun 15, 2016

    WACKY RACELAND #1 is a bit of a mess. The issue tries to meld WACKY RACERS with a post-apocalyptic war-world and both concepts suffer because of it. While the art is pretty to look at, it rings mostly hollow due to the story. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jun 8, 2016

    Of all the Hanna-Barbera books, Wacky Raceland was going to be the toughest sell and after reading it, I'm not buying whatever it is they are selling.  It was a confusing and convoluted misdirection of a tie-in that really got nothing right. After reading it, I don't know much about the characters or cars and I could really care less.  This could have been fun, but what we got here is so far from fun and that is a real shame.  I can't and won't recommend this book to anyone, not even my worst enemy, Eric Shea. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Jun 12, 2016

    Leonardo Manco's art is rather good, but isn't enough to save a debut issue that is a bit of a mess and doesn't give readers a reason to come back for a Read Full Review

  • 0.0
    Multiversity Comics - Jess Camacho Jun 9, 2016

    This is a bad comic book and you should avoid it at all costs. Read Full Review

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