Action Comics #21

Writer: Scott Lobdell, Andy Diggle Artist: Various, Tony Daniel Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 5, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 12
6.7Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Superman is betrayed by his own DNA! And in the backup story, learn The New 52 origin of The Parasite!

  • 8.4
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Jun 7, 2013

    For those out there who feel that Lois and Clark should be together, panels like that second one are wonderful. We saw some flirting in the first issue of this arc. Here we see Lois still has feelings for Clark, even if Jon walks into the restaurant on the next panel. Even Clark admits he and Lois are just friends ... even when it is clear he wishes there was more. So overall a story that had a lot of excellent elements and big art when it needed it. We have a perfect Lois. We have the 'origin' of Luthor as a criminal. There was an overall feeling that this was the right sort of Superman. And that was enough to let me overlook some of the odd quirks and holes in the plot. If this was a primer on what Andy Diggle was planning for the book then I fear we really lost out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Heretical Jargon - Heretic Jun 6, 2013

    The end of the issue still entertains the silly Channel 52 news, which I could care less about and don't even bother reading, but the bulk of #21 is an entertaining read all the way through. Finally Action is being treated with some respect and Superman is who he should be. My worries are defeated. Action Comics, do what you will. I will enjoy it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Daren Taveras Jun 6, 2013

    Though it had its missteps, the Hybrid storyline as a whole was an impressive one. Andy Diggle and Tony S. Daniel portrayed a striking and dominant Superman, an impressive look into their cast, and an unbelievable direction towards the artwork. The series brought Action Comics back into proper form, and it will leave a mark on the book for years to come. Hopefully Scott Lobdell and Tyler Kirkham can continue where the last team left off, even if its just for a few issues, and give the new creative team after them a strong universe to welcome them. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jun 5, 2013

    This unfortunately marks the end of Tony Daniel's run on the series. Handling the art and scripting from Andy Diggle's plot, it feels as if the story got cut short and it would've been nice to see the story fleshed out a little more. There are some great sequences and Daniel's art really captured the essence of Superman/Clark, Lois and even Jimmy. The backup story focusing on Lara on Krypton is interesting but it's not fully clear what we'll get from this or other installments. There are some nice touches to the story and it's just unfortunate it had to come to an end so quickly. Fingers crossed the next issue will keep up the momentum this arc started. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Jun 9, 2013

    Tony S. Daniel takes on scripting and art duties on the main story, based on a plot by Diggle, and Superman continues to punch things while his powers diminish under a faux red sun. It's an old-fashioned monster smack-down, which is fine, but we can't help but feel as though we've seen quite a few of those since the start of the Newish 52. Read Full Review

  • 5.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 5, 2013

    But if nothing else, the "World of Krypton" backup feature holds some entertainment value. Though also burdened by excess dialogue at times, this segment features much sharper plotting and pacing, as well as some unusually detailed and energetic art from Philip Tan. It's enough to make you wish the backup feature could replace the main feature. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Therapy - MrComicBook Jun 6, 2013

    Tony Daniel's artwork is great to look to look at. When he isn't writing a book and penciling, his characters become much more detailed. Characters are very expressive, and Daniels uses body language very well. The main enemy in this issue, besides Luthor, doesn't have an inspiring look. Daniel would have been a great artist to work alongside Diggle. The last few pages, when we see the inherent chemistry between Lois and Clark, is fantastic. You can feel the air crack around them. But Daniel is off to do another book for DC, and we are going to get…..well it doesn't matter who is on art, because Scott Lobdell will be writing. Ok, enough Lobdell bashing. It could be a good issue for all I know. Batt and Norm Rapmund ink Daniel's pencils well. It keeps them from getting too scratchy. Tomeu Morey is a great Superman colorist. He finds the optimism in the character, and each scene is full of color and life. Read Full Review

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