THE GREEN LANTERN, THE FLASH and HAWKGIRL in action! The debut of the all-new ATOM SMASHER! A monstrous evil claws its way out of the poisoned soil of EARTH 2!
Earth 2 is slowly becoming one of my favorite titles and I'm glad to see the Society coming back to the DCU. More to come in 30. Read Full Review
I loved this issue because of the balance and the pacing. Like I said, each character got to shine a little bit in the spotlight, which is important when you are first introducing a new superhero team. It's sort of the foundation for everything that comes after it; how will these characters interact? How will they play together on the same team? Will they have this sort of effortless relationship where each of their strengths are played up? You get that here. Read Full Review
Its that uncertainty, the sense that anything can happen, that makes Earth 2 so compelling. Few moments in my 30 years of reading comic books have left me on the edge of my seat literally dissecting every panel for clues and endlessly speculating the way this book has, and almost none since I was a teenager. Every issue ups the ante and reassures me at the same time that these are the heroes Ive known and loved all my life. No small feat there. Kudos to the entire creative team and DC for taking a chance on it. It paid off in spades. Read Full Review
Robinson recently promised Wildcat coming soon to the pages of Earth 2, along with Doctor Fate and a slew of others. In such a unique position, Robinson is doing everything he can to make the heroes of Earth 2 just as epic and amazing as their New Earth counterparts. In most ways, he's succeeding (I'm looking at you, Hal Jordan). Read Full Review
Top shelf! I wish the mainstream JL book was this coherent, dynamic and character focused. Read Full Review
If you have been reading Earth 2 so far and patiently waiting for some action, this is the issue for you. All four heroes see a little action and readers get a little snippet of a big throw down in the next issue. Read Full Review
What can I say that I havent already said? This is a great title. Read Full Review
While it seems this series is still finding it's footing, I know it's in great hands with Robinson and Scott. So far, it's been an absolute blast! Read Full Review
This was an excellent read! The story is amazing! The art was beautiful and I loved the many action sequences throughout the book. I'm loving these versions of the characters. This series is an awesome and it keeps getting better, and better, and better! Read Full Review
Well, it ain't love at first sight, but you can definitely grow to love these characters and this series. An enjoyable blend of the familiar and the new. Read Full Review
I have to say that overall I was more happy with the way this issue has played out compared to last month's, but I'm hoping that whatever comes after this introductory arc will be able to keep me buying the title. Read Full Review
Nicola Scott and Eduardo Pansica share pencil duties to pleasing results. Alan tears across the page with incredible velocity while Grundy and his dead matter overwhelm every panel. It's well done and it's not noticeable that two different artists worked on the issue. I only wish that the artists would experiment with the movement of speedsters. Flash exists on most panels as a collection of blurry images that translate to him moving about doing things in rapid succession. This would be fine if the same technique wasn't used to depict every speedster ever in all of comics. Aside from that, this is a solid looking issue with a lot of creative thought behind it. Read Full Review
"Earth 2" #4 isn't the smoothest issue of the series with some abrupt character decisions and transitions, but it does pack a punch, delivering almost non-stop action and exuding excitement. Now that Robinson has had the opportunity to rough out the landscape, introduce the players and establish some relationships, I'm looking forward to seeing how he enhances those relationships, fits in additional characters and transforms the landscape. The cliffhanger he drops shows that the story of "Earth 2" is layered and dynamic. Even though this issue is slightly off, it's still an exciting, enjoyable installment that I will be going back to re-read in the near future. Read Full Review
We keep seeing new heroes added, and the stage is getting a little crowded with this newest Wonder, but perhaps his arrival marks an accelerated story going forward. Trevor Scott's artwork is not as strong as it has been in previous chapters, but there is some great hero/villain battling that makes up for it. Read Full Review
I sincerely hope Robinson gives these new heroes time to breath. They've got my attention for now, but I need real reason to keep coming back. Read Full Review
I have to admit" the main reason I'm still reading this book is my fondness of DC's Golden Age characters, but it may not be enough to keep me around for much longer. Read Full Review