Action Comics #1
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Action Comics #1

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Rags Morales Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 7, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 27 User Reviews: 41
8.1Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

The one and only Grant Morrison (ALL-STAR SUPERMAN) returns to Superman, joined by sensational artist Rags Morales (IDENTITY CRISIS), to bring you tales of The Man of Steel unlike any you've ever read! This extra-sized debut issue is the cornerstone of the entire DC Universe!

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Sep 7, 2011

    This is not the Superman you're looking for, and that's a good thing. From the first images of a younger Superman in jeans, work boots and a S t-shirt, we were left wondering what Grant Morrison and Rags Morales were up to. With the intentions of giving us a Superman that was different from what we've been reading the last couple decades, they have succeeded. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Sep 11, 2011

    "Action Comics" #1, then, can only be called a complete success. If there's anything you can call a disappointment, it's that for Morrison's fans, it may be almost too conventional. Even so, as a first issue, as the start of Superman's career, it's hard to criticize. You might not like the idea of there being a second "Action Comics" #1 in the world, but having read this, it's tough to imagine a comic more worthy of the legacy. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Brandon Billups Sep 11, 2011

    I could go on and on, but I'll end by saying this: before today, if people I knew complained that they didn't like Superman, I recommended them Morrison's All-Star Superman. After today? I'll be recommending this. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Heretical Jargon - Heretic Sep 8, 2011

    Week one of the new 52 is starting off flawlessly with Action Comics #1, and I have a feeling its only going to get better from here. However, even with this amazing first issue paving the way for the amazing onslaught of the new 52, I still have a little bit of anger building up inside of me that Action Comics was hindered from reaching the mile-stone of 1000 issues. #1 was fantastic, but Grant Morrison had better continually deliver for the duration of his time on Action Comics, otherwise I'm dropping this title like a batch of hotcakes. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Sep 9, 2011

    Much like Justice League #1, I don't know if this necessarily feels 'new'. This also could have been released last year as yet another 'Superman Secret Origins' and I wouldn't have batted an eyelash. But unlike Justice League, this felt like a good opening, this did what it needed to do. And, as I said before, Morales seems well suited for the book. This was the big win of week one. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Phillip Carson Sep 9, 2011

    A lot's been made about this "return" to the 1938 Superman. But beyond mere power levels and arrogant attitudes, the thing I think is most reminiscent of the Golden Age here is the tone of the story. It's that return to the wish-fulfillment aspect of the character. That sense trying to make the REAL world a better place by fighting things we face in real life. Big business, crooked politics or simple street crime, the appeal of the original Superman was that, no matter what size the "bully", the biggest, toughest guy in the whole world was actually on OUR side. And we get that here. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    cxPulp - Mark Blicharz Sep 7, 2011

    Read this with an open mind and remember it's a new Superman and you'll enjoy it. Go in with preconceptions and you may have some negative feelings about it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 8, 2011

    It's a fresh approach to a classic character, it's interesting and it leaves lots of leeway for future stories. The sky's the limit! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Sep 8, 2011

    Honestly, out of all the things happening with the relaunch, the state of Superman was one of the things I was most nervous about. But Grant Morrison demonstrates again how much he knows this character and how right he is to tell his story. This issue rocked. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicBuzz - johnlees Sep 13, 2011

    As for Morrison, this is the master of the dizzying high-concept at his most open and accessible, telling a story that I think can appeal to everyone, from loyal Super-fans to dubious cynics. I had high expectations for Action Comics #1 from the moment it was announced, expectations that rose even further after reading Supergods, so its a testament to the quality of this comic that those expectations were mostly fulfilled. This is the Superman comic weve been waiting for. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Dan Horn Sep 7, 2011

    This was a solid debut, and I expect it will only get better as it goes along. With an excellent cliffhanger and some really ingenious ideas already on the table, Action Comics is a must-read. But what does it all mean in regards to its social commentary for us non-god-like entities? I think Morrison is simply telling the working class to stand up for itself. He toes a precarious line here, somewhat promoting non-lethal violence (perhaps as a last resort) as a means to reestablish civil equity, but I think the overall message is a commendable "power to the people." Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Sep 7, 2011

    If you can let go of the last 70-odd years of comic history and not bring all that baggage to bear on this new take, it's actually a pretty fun read so far. Maybe the ever-controversial Morrison will go off the rails figuratively in the next few issues, but he did it literally in Action Comics #1 and it turned out pretty exciting. We get inured to the idea that Superman is more powerful than a locomotive after decades of hearing it, but here, we see that it's really damn hard to stop a train with your bare hands. We're back to basics here, and it ain't a bad place to be. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Sep 8, 2011

    This is easily one of the least flashy versions of the Man of Steel yet, but also the most approachable. A strong start to what may or may not be a new golden era for comics' greatest icon. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Sep 9, 2011

    Morrison and Morales deliver a working-class hero in this incarnation of Superman. This is Civil-Disobedience Superman, not the guy who follows the rules in his pursuit of what's right. By turning back the clock, Morrison manages to deliver a fresh take on a concept some have dismissed as stale and outdated. Apparently, Superman as a symbol of the establishment isn't a thing of the past, though. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Examiner - Michael Baker Sep 15, 2011

    The Superman comic is being relaunched in a couple of weeks, also. That book will feature the hero's adventures in the contemporary DC Universe, all while sporting a new costume. So fans have a choice: retro Man of Steel, or 21st Century Man of Tomorrow. Time will tell what Supes' self-titled book has in store, but those who choose to sample Action now won't be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Sep 7, 2011

    Action Comics has a very hard road ahead of it because of how it's going to redefine his origin, but it allows for a lot of fun as well if it's done right. Morrison does a decent job here of laying down the basics while trying to have things actually happen, which was the main complaint about the first issue of Justice League. The flip side is that things do seem rushed here, but it fits with the personality we're seeing from Superman in that he wants to be a man of action, to get things done and make things right. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Nuts - Jef Mendoza Sep 8, 2011

    Loads of action. A little too fast pased I think.The art by Rags Morales and Rick Bryant is nice. Not as nice as my variant cover by Jim Lee but nice enough. Lot of perspective shots. I will be grabbing #2 next month. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Robot Overlord Sep 8, 2011

    At this point, all i can say is, "Well played Mr. Morrison. Well played." Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Sep 8, 2011

    Being one of the flagship titles in their DC Comics New 52 #1 it was imperative Action Comics #1 would deliver a strong read. With Grant Morrison at the helm that is exactly what we got. Morrison delivered a fast paced Superman comic that turned this non-Superman fan into one. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Outer Realm Comics - James Williams Dec 27, 2011

    This was a great first issue and it gets me excited to read the others. Superman is in great hands with Grant Morrison and I expect great things from this title. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Joey Esposito Sep 7, 2011

    When all is said and done, this is the first chapter of a very long story (Morrison told us he's got 16 issues plotted out), and it reads as such. Much like Morrison's work previous, the whole will likely be greater than its parts. However, that doesn't mean Action Comics #1 is unenjoyable, not by any means. Morrison presents many interesting ideas in issue #1 that will most certainly blossom in ways we've never even considered. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Sep 7, 2011

    This was an odd issue... There were parts I REALLY enjoyed, and others I didn't really get, which is par for the course when talking about a Grant Morrison written comic book... At it's heart, and in simplest terms, this comic was basically an edgier Superman trying to save the people of Metropolis while Lex Luthor tried to eradicate what he saw as an alien menace sent from the stars to destroy humanity. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Sep 7, 2011

    While there is nothing wrong with including progressive ideas in Superman's stories, in fact including them is a great idea, beating the reader over the head with the message really isn't smart storytelling. It's more akin to preaching. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Sep 9, 2011

    Grant Morrison and Rags Morales relaunch Action Comics with a sequence of callbacks and shoutouts to the original (several panels and situations are taken straight out of early issues of Action). We have a Smallville-style Superman who is not quite yet fully super, a bit of a card (he even appropriates Rambo's "your worst nightmare" line), and with a mean streak where bad guys are concerned. And, of course, no one loves the Golden Age more than Morrison, so the tale spun here, of Metropolis' reaction to the mysterious "superman" that has emerged, is pretty good. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Sep 9, 2011

    In some ways the worst part about this comic book is that it just doesn't feel like All-Star Superman and that comparison just isn't fair. However, the regular, day-to-day Superman stories have been done to death. I'm not sure this brings anything new to the table and even if it did it seems like it just won't be able to sustain it over the long haul. I'm sure Morrison will deliver a big payoff for those that will be patient with the book, but unfortunately I just didn't find enough in here to justify spending more money on yet another Superman versus Lex Luthor story. I am sure Morrison fans will be thrilled with the issue but will people on the fence about the character? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Dec 2, 2011

    Superman’s back in action in this new monthly series! Superman busting corporate criminals? You better believe it. With Superman in Metropolis, you know that Lex Luthor ain’t far behind. This issue certainly lives up to it’s title with heart pounding action all the way! Written by Grant Morrison who needs no introduction and DC Comics veteran Rags Morales on pencils. From DC Comics. The New 52. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Outright Geekery - Leroy Dee Feb 10, 2016

    Several other great stories like alternare unvierse President Superman, Metallo being a creation of Steel instead of Luthor, the big bad actually influencing Clark's life ever since Krypton, Neil Degrasse Tyson being the person that helps Superman locate Krypton, and crazy new powers like being able to read information on a thumb drive by looking at it. As I said before the end can get somewhat confusing, and sadly the more powerful Superman becomes in the story you find yourself missing the weaker version because he was more interesting as a character (which is maybe more or less why they brought him back). Read Full Review

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