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Joined: May 26, 2014

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The series's quality goes down a bit but it is still as entertaining as ever and the backup is interesting enough to be worth adding to this book.

All-Star Western #2

By: Jimmy Palmiotti, Moritat
Released: Oct 26, 2011

What happens when a psychologist and a sociopath have to work together to track down Gotham City's first serial killer? They'll soon find that crime in the big city runs deeper than its foundations, and it's all mapped out in the mysterious Crime Bible that is, if they don't kill each other first.Plus: No zombie is safe in the Wild West when Lazar...

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This very much a Jonah Hex series. Even so, it is still a pretty good one with one Jeremiah Arkham here to act as a foil to the scarred bounty hunter as he tries to figure out a string of murders plaguing Old Gotham.

All-Star Western #1

By: Jimmy Palmiotti, Moritat
Released: Sep 28, 2011

Even when Gotham City was just a one-horse town, crime was rampant and things only get worse when bounty hunter Jonah Hex comes to town. Can Amadeus Arkham, a pioneer in criminal psychology, enlist Hex's special brand of justice to help the Gotham Police Department track down a vicious serial killer? Find out in this new series from HEX writers Ju...

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Silentkingthefirst1 reviewed Action Comics #3 May 26, 2014

Things get worse for the Man of Steel as not only a new threat arrives, but the citizens of Metropolis rally against him!

Action Comics #3

By: Grant Morrison, Rags Morales
Released: Nov 2, 2011

"Superman, Go Home!" In a startling tale only Grant Morrison could bring you, the people of Metropolis turn on their new champion! But why? Plus, shocking secrets from Krypton revealed!

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Silentkingthefirst1 reviewed Action Comics #2 May 26, 2014

Grant Morrison continues on the early days of Superman with the Man of Steel locked up by the military. Very interesting and enjoyable and better than last issue, but not enough to move the rating forward.

Action Comics #2

By: Grant Morrison, Rags Morales
Released: Oct 5, 2011

In his weakest moment, Superman is taken down but by whom? And if the world wasn't ready for a man with super powers, they're utterly unprepared for the rage of a Superman cornered! The cornerstone character of the new DCU continues his debut adventure!

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Silentkingthefirst1 reviewed Action Comics #1 May 26, 2014

An interesting revision of Superman's early years with inspirations by his golden age characterization.

Action Comics #1

By: Grant Morrison, Rags Morales
Released: Sep 7, 2011

The one and only Grant Morrison (ALL-STAR SUPERMAN) returns to Superman, joined by sensational artist Rags Morales (IDENTITY CRISIS), to bring you tales of The Man of Steel unlike any you've ever read! This extra-sized debut issue is the cornerstone of the entire DC Universe!

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