Adventure Comics #6

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Francis Manapul Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 13, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11
7.3Critic Rating
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Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul say goodbye (for now) to Superboy with a spectacular 30-page issue! Ever since Superboy returned from the grave, he has been obsessed with Lex Luthor, believing that there must be some good in the master villain somewhere. So for Luthor, it's time to put up or shut up. With Superman off planet, it's time to do some good for the planet earth. Superboy is willing to do what it takes to make Lex's dreams come true, but what Superboy will discover is that one man's dreams, are another man's nightmares.on.

  • 10
    Comix 411 - David Torres Jan 17, 2010

    Not sure if I'll be checking out these stories. I'll read the first issue of War of the Supermen as it will be released on Free Comic Day. James Robinson will be handling the writing chores on these events and his work has been okay as of late. Not enough to get me to invest my hard earned dollars. I do highly recommend this issue if you are a Superman fan. Geoff did a great job here. Hopefully he jumps back to writing Superman monthly or maybe a new monthly Superboy book. I'd buy it. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Jan 15, 2010

    It was a fitting ending to this run. Words and art meshed seamlessly. Yes this was heavy on angst and feelings and short on action but it definitely worked for me. This was a tale of introspection. This was a battle in Conner's mind more than a brawl in Smallville. As I have said before, I have never been a huge fan of Superboy. But I cared about him here and that is the sign of a high quality book. While I look forward to Levitz' Legion run here ... while I will probably sample Johns and Manapul of Flash, I will miss this book and this story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS Arsenault Jan 15, 2010

    Solid ending to an interesting arc. Too bad Johns and Manapul are leaving. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    IGN - Andy Bentley Jan 13, 2010

    Instead of a Legion of Superheroes backup, extra pages were added to help Johns wrap up his five-part story arc. Next issue will feature the Legion of Superheroes as the major story with longtime Legion writer Paul Levitz at the helm. If you're a Conner Kent fan, don't worry. He should appear soon enough in either Teen Titans or one of the Superman titles. And, hopefully, he'll appear under the advisement of his caretaker, Geoff Johns. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jan 15, 2010

    Not bad, but not up to the usual Johns standards. I had hoped for more. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks Jan 17, 2010

    Johns and Manapul will be leaving this comic after this issue. It's a shame because they've made me like Conner much more--and hate Lex much more--than I ever have before. These past six issues were a promising start; it's too bad that's all we'll get. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jan 18, 2010

    Farewell, Johns and Manapul. I was hoping for a long and fulfilling run on "Adventure Comics" from the two of you, but what little we got was still a lot of fun. It's a high caliber to follow, that's for certain. And if nothing else, I'm convinced that I need to read "The Flash" when you bring it back later this year. I just wish you could've had a little more time to properly wrap things up, that's all. Still, not bad. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Jan 20, 2010

    If anything, Geoff should have introduced a new character with the duel Superman/Lex Luthor DNA instead of forcing it on SB. That's probably why I haven't enjoyed this series as much as I figure I should have. I hated that stupid Lex/Supes journal SB was always writing in. I never really understood the purpose of it... He's Superboy, not Boy Luthor, or Conflicted-boy... Anyway, thanks for bringing SB back from the dead Geoff, but please, stay away from him now! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jan 15, 2010

    The solicitations say that this is Geoff and Francis' big goodbye to Kon-El, making me wonder if Adventure Comics is even going to continue with the announcement of the new Legion of Super-Heroes series and the return of Kon to the mainstream DCU. Even knowing that this could be a big swan song, this issue does two things that bug me... The first is taking the really entertaining and fun checklist bit away long before it would have gotten old (for me, anyway.) This is doubly noticeable when I realize how much of this issue is drawn completely from old Silver Age Mort Weisinger edited comics: Lena Luthor. The Time Bubble. The Luthor/Brainiac team. The whole "Am I good or am I evil?" schtick was the real hook for this particular series, in my mind, and I'm left wondering where young Tom Welling goes from here. The second complaint comes in the fact that this is the second issue to not feature the LSH at all, in what is ostensibly their home title... Still, the strength of Manapul's art h Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young Jan 17, 2010

    With Superman off planet, it's now time for Lex to do some good, and Conner is willing to do what it takes to make to help. Thus, Lex sends him on a wild scavenger hunt through time and space! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jan 17, 2010

    I'll be deciding issue-by-issue until Paul Levitz takes over. Read Full Review

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