Action Comics #887

Writer: Greg Rucka, Eric Trautmann Artist: Pere Perez Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 10, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
5.9Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

In this corner the already beaten, exhausted and bruised Nightwing and Flamebird! And in this corner the reincarnation of the all-powerful Kryptonian sun god Rao! Place your bets! (Smart money's on the sun god.)And in the co-feature, Captain Atom has to answer for his past sins by fighting the entire Justice League of America single-handedly!

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Mar 11, 2010

    Powerful glows and star filled skies at dusk really reflect and enhance the mood and theme in Action Comics #887. Were dealing with motivations and emotions that are as primary as the light of the stars yet subtly mutable like the colors of an evening sky. Nightwing and Flamebirds love might be doomed mythically, but we as readers hope that its not at the hands of Jax-Ur/Vohc and his False Rao, if at all. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Mar 15, 2010

    And Pere Perez art continues to be smooth and slick. But I am looking forward to seeing Superman back in this book. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Mar 20, 2010

    Compared to last issue, this comic wasn't all that bad. Then again, I don't know how this comic COULD have been as bad as last issue was! This comic was more or less about Nightwing and Flamebird attempting to halt the rampage of fake Rao, which was WAY better then last issues unwanted Kryptonian Mythology lesson. Sure some of the dialogue was hokey, and the story wasn't terribly original, but at least this comic was readable, and that makes it a huge improvement in my book! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Mar 18, 2010

    The main story has nothing to do with the Last Stand of New Krypton beginning this week. It continues the story of Nightwing, Flamebird, and Jax-Ur re-enacting ancient Kryptonian myths. But the story is stolen by Lois Lane. She calls in favors from military, government, and private sources to reach a warzone before most soldiers. Its a reminder of how resourceful and connected she is. She also displays a take charge personality that gets her what she wants without being a bully. Lane has the resourcefulness, confidence, and compassion youd expect from Supermans life partner. The fact that Lois Lane can steal the story from a fight between alien gods says a lot about her. And how little the god-plot matters. For a story based on an imaginary religion, its very clich. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Mar 14, 2010

    Checking in this week, it seems that it hasn't gotten any better at all. And with Lois' clumsy "journalistic" narration, it's possibly worse than ever. Read Full Review

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