Batman: Gates of Gotham #5
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Batman: Gates of Gotham #5

Writer: Ryan Parrott Artist: Trevor McCarthy, Graham Nolan Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 24, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 6
7.1Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

It's Batman vs. The Architect! The downfall of a major Gotham family! The betrayal of Damian Wayne! It's all here in this final issue, plus the untold fate of Gotham City's first Super Villain! Be here as GATES OF GOTHAM sets the stage for a bold new direction in the Bat books!

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Aug 23, 2011

    There is a lot under the surface of this comic. When I first read it, I was happy and excited. I liked it but was a little more than just okay with the overall story of the Architect. Reading it again and really dissecting scenes and dialogue is where I started rethinking everything. Originally I debated between a score of a 4 and a 5 (since we no longer give half stars in our reviews). Because this is pretty much the final issue of Batman before the September relaunch and because of those crucial scenes, my score got bumped up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Erik Norris Aug 24, 2011

    Batman: Gates of Gotham #5 is a fitting conclusion to this mini-series. Even though this is not a main, proper Batman ongoing, Gates of Gotham makes for a great book end to this era of the Dark Knight before September's big relaunch initiative. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Aug 30, 2011

    Eh. This was a perfectly acceptable comic book. Nothing more, nothing less. The ending/reveal of who the Architect was wasn't a surprise at all, I called it about two issues back, and when I can see the swerve coming, you KNOW it's obvious! This was an okay mini-series, that had a few ups and downs, but was pretty forgettable overall. If I had to do it all over again, I probably wouldn't have bothered picking it up, because it just never turned into the great story I was hoping it would. Oh well. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Aug 26, 2011

    While 99% of DC Comics marketing has been geared towards Flashpoints importance and the DCnU relaunch/reboot Batman Gates of Gotham snuck its way in to being the best event that we have gotten this year. Even without getting much attention Scott Snyder, Kyle Higgins and Ryan Parrott combined to deliver a story worthy of being a big event. All the characters involved from Dick Grayson to the new villain, The Architect, were given plenty of growth as the event moved forward. Even underutilized characters like Cassandra Cain got to be in the spotlight for most of the story. If you are a Batman fan I highly recommend picking up Batman Gates of Gotham when it comes out in trade as it was one of the best Batman events we have gotten in years. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Kelly Thompson Aug 26, 2011

    "Gates of Gotham" was a strong series from start to finish and one of the better stories I've seen that focuses on the Bat-family. The strength of this series is largely thanks to the wonderful parallels it drew between past and present from the first issue to the last, combined with an opportunity to see the Bat family working together in all their functional dysfunction. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Aug 27, 2011

    Despite my little rant at the end, this is a good conclusion. Frankly, it's possibly the best conclusion the series could have gotten. All the characters got to have their moment in the spotlight, there was a sense that something relevant has happened, and there were hints at what is yet to come (I imagine the events of this series will play a role in Snyder's forthcoming run on Batman). It's just too bad that it couldn't have read a little better as a serial publication. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Aug 25, 2011

    A few months ago, this looked to be one of the best products coming out of DC for the year. Now, it's yet another of a long list of titles that illicit nothing more than resigned sigh. Read Full Review

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