Kick-Ass 2 #2

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: John Romita Jr. Publisher: Marvel Icon Release Date: March 30, 2011 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 6
8.3Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

The sequel to the New York Times best-selling comic--which spawned the hit movie--continues! When Dave Lizewski put on his mask and became Kick-Ass, he never imagined things would go this far. Now Dave comes face-to-face with a world he helped bring about, as his dreams of a world of superheroes come true...but will those dreams turn to nightmares? Don't miss the comic book event of the year! Plus: Hit-Girl! Mature $2.99

  • 9.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Apr 2, 2011

    Why can't this comic book come out on a regular schedule? Hell, I'd be fine with a semi-regular schedule. That's how much I love this series. This series does indeed prove that Jeph Loeb DOES still have some mad writing skills when he wants to, because this series has been top shelf from the first issue onward. I liked the story, I enjoyed the twists with Liz's mom and Blob, I liked the character development Loeb put into Teddy even though you know he's simply going to go out there and be your basic super-villain. In other words, I liked a LOT of what I read here. If I had a gripe, it would be the fact that Jimmy was pretty much an afterthought here. Other than that, good stuff. Oh, and on the back page they claim issue #5 will be out in May... I know I'll be keeping my fingers crossed! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Mar 30, 2011

    Kick-Ass 2 #2 successfully managed to reignite the flame of interest in this series for me. Honestly, I fully expected not to give a damn about this book after the extremely long delay. But Millar's subtle, yet superb reintroduction to Dave Lizewski and the world he occupies quickly got its hooks into me. On top of that, John Romita Jr.'s art is as polished as ever. And any book that references Batman Beyond is tops in my book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Apr 3, 2011

    All in all, Kick-Ass 2 is a very worthy read. Millar takes a very clever scalpel to superhero tropes by transplanting them into the real world. Read Full Review

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