"Brainiac and The Legion of Super-Heroes" Part 3! Superman is trapped on Brainiac's ship while New Krypton burns! Mon-El will need to call upon all the skills he's learned in the last year if he's going to have a chance of freeing the Man of Steel! Plus, what secret about Brainiac will the duo learn that may help turn the tide?
Bernard Chang is slowly becoming one of my favorite artists, especially for fight scenes or post-fight scenes. That shot of Mon-El holding the city, his uniform ripped and wrinkled, his expression focused and angry ... that's good stuff. Javier Pina's pages looked like a mix of Jim Starlin and Pete Woods and didn't have the 'ooomph' of the Chang pages. The back and forth art styles did distract a bit as I read this. Still, Last Stand has yet to disappoint. Read Full Review
This was a very good comic. I have to say that I enjoyed it from the first page to the last. Of course, whenever Lex Luthor is around, that's always bound to make the comic a much better read! This issue was basically a lot of Mon fighting, and Supes being taunted by Brainiac and Lex, with the only real story advance being the fact that Supes was now free to renew his attack on Brainiac and his ship. So although nothing of real note happened, I still highly enjoyed Supes and Lex's interactions. This story continues in Adventure Comics #9, and as long as it's anything like this issue was, I'll be very happy to give it a read. Read Full Review
After a year of character building, deep theme exploration, and political intrigue, the Superman Family of books are rocking out the action. Things will only get more action packed from here on out as New Kryptons Last Stand evolves into the War of the Supermen. You should be reading these books. Read Full Review
Chapter 3 of "Last Stand of New Krypton" is a bit light on content and not without the odd bit of lame dialogue. But even still, the full Superman crew are managing to rekindle a spark of interest in the franchise again. Hopefully this saga continues to gather steam as it moves into its final month. Read Full Review
With this era of "Superman" coming to a close, it's a shame that these issues are caught up in a big line-wide crossover. James Robinson's writing has been up and down over the past couple of years on the title, but when it's been good it's a pleasure to read. Writing the middle chapter of a crossover, though, doesn't play to his strengths. Hopefully "Superman" #700 will give us one last good Robinson story. Read Full Review